(/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/graph/covariancematrix.h has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/graph/covariancematrix.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <utility> // for swap /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/graph/covariancematrix.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QtGlobal> // lines 21-21 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/graph/covariancematrix.cpp: #include "covariancematrix.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <utility> // for swap --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/graph/elementtype.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_GADGET #include <QString> // for QString /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/graph/elementtype.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/graph/elementtype.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_GADGET #include <QString> // for QString #include "shared/utils/qmlenum.h" // for DEFINE_QML_ENUM --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/graph/elementtype.cpp has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/biopaxfileparser.h should add these lines: class QUrl; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/biopaxfileparser.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/biopaxfileparser.h: #include "shared/loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "shared/loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserNodeData class IGraphModel; // lines 25-25 class QUrl; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/biopaxfileparser.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s, opera... #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QStringView> // for QStringView, operator!= #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QXmlStreamAttributes> // for QXmlStreamAttributes #include <algorithm> // for copy #include <compare> // for operator< #include <tuple> // for tie, operator<=>, tuple #include <utility> // for pair #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserElementData /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/biopaxfileparser.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/biopaxfileparser.cpp: #include "biopaxfileparser.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s, opera... #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QStringView> // for QStringView, operator!= #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QXmlStreamAttributes> // for QXmlStreamAttributes #include <QXmlStreamReader> // for QXmlStreamReader #include <algorithm> // for copy #include <compare> // for operator< #include <map> // for map, operator==, _Rb_tree_it... #include <stack> // for stack #include <tuple> // for tie, operator<=>, tuple #include <utility> // for pair #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserElementData #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel, IUserNodeData #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" // for IMutableGraph --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/matlabfileparser.h should add these lines: #include <matio_pubconf_unix.h> // for mat_uint32_t #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QString> // for QString class IGraphModel; class QUrl; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/matlabfileparser.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/matlabfileparser.h: #include <matio.h> // for matio_classes, mat_sparse_t #include <matio_pubconf_unix.h> // for mat_uint32_t #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QString> // for QString #include "shared/loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "shared/loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData class IGraphModel; class QUrl; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/matlabfileparser.cpp should add these lines: #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray class IGraphModel; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/matlabfileparser.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/matlabfileparser.cpp: #include "matlabfileparser.h" #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include "shared/utils/source_location.h" // for CURRENT_SOURCE_LOCATION class IGraphModel; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/cxparser.h should add these lines: class IGraphModel; class QUrl; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/cxparser.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/cxparser.h: #include "json_helper.h" // for json #include "shared/loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserEdgeData, IUserNod... #include "shared/loading/jsonparser.h" // for JsonParser class IGraphModel; class QUrl; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/cxparser.cpp should add these lines: #include <json_helper.h> // for json #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s #include <algorithm> // for any_of #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, iter_impl, itera... #include <string> // for string, operator<=>, char_tr... #include "loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserElementData /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/cxparser.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <type_traits> // lines 28-28 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/cxparser.cpp: #include "cxparser.h" #include <json_helper.h> // for json #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s #include <algorithm> // for any_of #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, iter_impl, itera... #include <map> // for map, operator==, allocator #include <string> // for string, operator<=>, char_tr... #include "loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserElementData #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel, IUserEdgeData #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" // for IMutableGraph #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/adjacencymatrixfileparser.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_OBJECT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <utility> // for move, declval #include "loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData, CsvFil... #include "utils/string.h" // for formatNumberScientific class EdgeId; class IGraphModel; class MatLabFileParser; class NodeId; class QPoint; class QUrl; class XlsxTabularDataParser; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/adjacencymatrixfileparser.h should remove these lines: - #include <QPoint> // lines 31-31 - #include <type_traits> // lines 33-33 - #include "shared/loading/matlabfileparser.h" // lines 26-26 - #include "shared/loading/xlsxtabulardataparser.h" // lines 25-25 - #include "shared/utils/is_detected.h" // lines 28-28 - class TabularData; // lines 35-35 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/adjacencymatrixfileparser.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_OBJECT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap #include <utility> // for move, declval #include "loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData, CsvFil... #include "shared/loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "shared/loading/qmltabulardataparser.h" // for QmlTabularDataParser #include "utils/string.h" // for formatNumberScientific class EdgeId; class IGraphModel; class MatLabFileParser; class NodeId; class QPoint; class QUrl; class XlsxTabularDataParser; template <typename> class IUserElementData; // lines 37-37 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/adjacencymatrixfileparser.cpp should add these lines: #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QTypeInfo> // for QTypeInfo<>::isValueIn... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include <algorithm> // for min #include <cmath> // for isfinite, isnan #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId, ElementId #include "graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel #include "graph/imutablegraph.h" // for IMutableGraph #include "loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserEdgeData, IUserNo... #include "loading/qmltabulardataparser.h" // for QmlTabularDataParser #include "utils/container.h" // for contains /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/adjacencymatrixfileparser.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QQmlEngine> // lines 31-31 - #include "shared/loading/userelementdata.h" // lines 25-25 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/adjacencymatrixfileparser.cpp: #include "adjacencymatrixfileparser.h" #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QString> // for QString, operator< #include <QTypeInfo> // for QTypeInfo<>::isValueIn... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include <algorithm> // for min #include <cmath> // for isfinite, isnan #include <map> // for map, operator== #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId, ElementId #include "graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel #include "graph/imutablegraph.h" // for IMutableGraph #include "loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserEdgeData, IUserNo... #include "loading/qmltabulardataparser.h" // for QmlTabularDataParser #include "shared/graph/edgelist.h" // for EdgeListEdge, EdgeList #include "shared/loading/graphsizeestimate.h" // for graphSizeEstimateThres... #include "shared/loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for static_block #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for isNumeric, isInteger #include "utils/container.h" // for contains --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/graphmlparser.h should add these lines: class QUrl; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/graphmlparser.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/graphmlparser.h: #include "shared/loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "shared/loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserEdgeData, IUserNod... class IGraphModel; // lines 25-25 class QUrl; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/graphmlparser.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s, opera... #include <QStringView> // for operator==, QStringView, ope... #include <QXmlStreamAttributes> // for QXmlStreamAttributes #include <algorithm> // for copy #include "graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserElementData /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/graphmlparser.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "shared/graph/elementid_debug.h" // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/graphmlparser.cpp: #include "graphmlparser.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s, opera... #include <QStringView> // for operator==, QStringView, ope... #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QXmlStreamAttributes> // for QXmlStreamAttributes #include <QXmlStreamReader> // for QXmlStreamReader #include <algorithm> // for copy #include <map> // for map, operator== #include <stack> // for stack #include "graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserElementData #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel, IUserEdgeData #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" // for IMutableGraph #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/graphsizeestimate.h should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/graphsizeestimate.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/graphsizeestimate.h: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include "shared/graph/edgelist.h" // for EdgeList --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/graphsizeestimate.cpp should add these lines: #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <qtypes.h> // for qsizetype #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QString> // for operator""_s, QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isReloca... #include <utility> // for pair #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/edgelist.h" // for EdgeListEdge, EdgeList #include "graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, ElementId /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/graphsizeestimate.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/graphsizeestimate.cpp: #include "graphsizeestimate.h" #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <qtypes.h> // for qsizetype #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QString> // for operator""_s, QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVector> // for QVector #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isReloca... #include <algorithm> // for min, reverse, sort #include <cmath> // for ceil #include <cstdlib> // for size_t, abs #include <set> // for set, operator==, _Rb_... #include <utility> // for pair #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/edgelist.h" // for EdgeListEdge, EdgeList #include "graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, ElementId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdMap, NodeIdSet #include "shared/graph/undirectededge.h" // for UndirectedEdge #include "shared/utils/utils.h" // for evenDivisionOf --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/gmlfileparser.h should add these lines: class IGraphModel; class QUrl; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/gmlfileparser.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/gmlfileparser.h: #include "shared/loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "shared/loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserEdgeData, IUserNod... class IGraphModel; class QUrl; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/gmlfileparser.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> #include <qtypes.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <QLatin1Char> #include <QObject> #include <QString> #include <algorithm> #include <boost/core/swap.hpp> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/adapt_struct.hpp> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/detail/adapt_auto.hpp> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/detail/preprocessor/is_seq.hpp> #include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/aux_/preprocessor/is_seq.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/dec.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/inc.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/comparison/not_equal.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/detail/while.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/expr_iif.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/iif.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/while.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/detail/auto_rec.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/detail/is_binary.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/facilities/detail/is_empty.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/list/fold_left.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/bitand.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/bool.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/compl.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/punctuation/detail/is_begin_parens.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/detail/for.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/for.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/seq/elem.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/seq/size.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/elem.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/to_seq.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/variadic/elem.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/char_encoding/ascii.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/char_encoding/standard.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/multi_pass_wrapper.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_class.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_class_tags.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_parser.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_set.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/literal_char.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/negated_char_parser.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/core/parse.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/directive/lexeme.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/nonterminal/rule.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/numeric/int.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/numeric/real.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/numeric/real_policies.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/alternative.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/kleene.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/sequence.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/unused.hpp> #include <boost/variant/recursive_wrapper.hpp> #include <vector> #include "loading/iuserelementdata.h" /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/gmlfileparser.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <boost/boost_spirit_qstring_adapter.h> // lines 24-24 - #include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp> // lines 22-22 - #include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp> // lines 21-21 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/gmlfileparser.cpp: #include "gmlfileparser.h" #include <qassert.h> #include <qtypes.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <QFileInfo> #include <QLatin1Char> #include <QObject> #include <QString> #include <QTextDocumentFragment> #include <QUrl> #include <algorithm> #include <boost/core/swap.hpp> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/adapt_struct.hpp> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/detail/adapt_auto.hpp> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/detail/preprocessor/is_seq.hpp> #include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/aux_/preprocessor/is_seq.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/dec.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/inc.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/comparison/not_equal.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/detail/while.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/expr_iif.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/iif.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/while.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/detail/auto_rec.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/detail/is_binary.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/facilities/detail/is_empty.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/list/fold_left.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/bitand.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/bool.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/compl.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/punctuation/detail/is_begin_parens.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/detail/for.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/for.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/seq/elem.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/seq/size.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/elem.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/to_seq.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/variadic/elem.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/char_encoding/ascii.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/char_encoding/standard.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/iterators/istream_iterator.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/multi_pass_wrapper.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_class.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_class_tags.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_parser.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_set.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/literal_char.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/negated_char_parser.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/core/parse.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/directive/lexeme.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/nonterminal/rule.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/numeric/int.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/numeric/real.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/numeric/real_policies.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/alternative.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/kleene.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/sequence.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/unused.hpp> #include <boost/variant/recursive_wrapper.hpp> #include <fstream> #include <map> #include <variant> #include <vector> #include "loading/iuserelementdata.h" #include "progress_iterator.h" #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" #include "shared/utils/container.h" namespace SpiritGmlParser { struct KeyValue; } // lines 48-48 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/jsonparser.h should add these lines: class QUrl; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/jsonparser.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/jsonparser.h: #include "json_helper.h" // for json #include "shared/loading/iparser.h" // for IParser class IGraphModel; // lines 25-25 class QUrl; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/jsonparser.cpp should add these lines: #include <json_helper.h> // for parseJsonFrom #include <qtypes.h> // for qint64 #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/jsonparser.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/jsonparser.cpp: #include "jsonparser.h" #include <json_helper.h> // for parseJsonFrom #include <qtypes.h> // for qint64 #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QDataStream> // for QDataStream #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/utils/source_location.h" // for CURRENT_SOURCE_LOCATION --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/qmltabulardataparser.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_INVOKABLE, Q_PROPERTY #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QModelIndex> // for QModelIndex #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QHash, ItemDataRole #include "utils/qmlenum.h" // for DEFINE_QML_ENUM class TabularData; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/qmltabulardataparser.h should remove these lines: - #include <QVariantMap> // lines 32-32 - #include "shared/loading/tabulardata.h" // lines 25-25 - class QAbstractTableModel; // lines 39-39 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/qmltabulardataparser.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_INVOKABLE, Q_PROPERTY #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QAbstractListModel> // for QAbstractListModel #include <QFutureWatcher> // for QFutureWatcher #include <QModelIndex> // for QModelIndex #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QHash, ItemDataRole #include <atomic> // for atomic #include <memory> // for shared_ptr, __shared_pt... #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/loading/tabulardatamodel.h" // for TabularDataModel #include "shared/utils/cancellable.h" // for Cancellable #include "shared/utils/progressable.h" // for Progressable #include "shared/utils/typeidentity.h" // for TypeIdentity #include "utils/qmlenum.h" // for DEFINE_QML_ENUM class QmlTabularDataParser; // lines 38-38 class TabularData; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/qmltabulardataparser.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QAbstractItemModel> // for QAbstractItemModel #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, QTypeI... #include <QList> // for QList #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterInterface #include <functional> // for function #include <utility> // for move #include "attributes/valuetype.h" // for operator&, ValueType #include "loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData, CsvFi... #include "loading/tabulardatamodel.h" // for TabularDataModel #include "utils/cancellable.h" // for Cancellable #include "utils/typeidentity.h" // for TypeIdentity /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/qmltabulardataparser.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QQmlEngine> // lines 31-31 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/qmltabulardataparser.cpp: #include "qmltabulardataparser.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QAbstractItemModel> // for QAbstractItemModel #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, QTypeI... #include <QFileInfo> // for QFileInfo #include <QFuture> // for QFuture #include <QList> // for QList #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QtConcurrentRun> // for run #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterInterface #include <functional> // for function #include <map> // for map, operator== #include <utility> // for move #include "attributes/valuetype.h" // for operator&, ValueType #include "loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData, CsvFi... #include "loading/tabulardatamodel.h" // for TabularDataModel #include "shared/loading/matlabfileparser.h" // for MatLabFileParser #include "shared/loading/xlsxtabulardataparser.h" // for XlsxTabularDataParser #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains, indexOf #include "shared/utils/scope_exit.h" // for make_scope_exit #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for static_block #include "utils/cancellable.h" // for Cancellable #include "utils/typeidentity.h" // for TypeIdentity --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/jsongraphparser.h should add these lines: class IGraphModel; class IParser; class QUrl; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/jsongraphparser.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/jsongraphparser.h: #include "json_helper.h" // for json #include "shared/loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserEdgeData, IUserNod... #include "shared/loading/jsonparser.h" // for JsonParser class IGraphModel; class IParser; class QUrl; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/jsongraphparser.cpp should add these lines: #include <json_helper.h> // for json #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, iter_impl #include <map> // for map, operator== #include <string> // for operator<=>, string, stoi #include "graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserElementData /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/jsongraphparser.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/jsongraphparser.cpp: #include "jsongraphparser.h" #include <json_helper.h> // for json #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, iter_impl #include <map> // for map, operator== #include <string> // for operator<=>, string, stoi #include "graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserElementData #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel, IUserEdgeData #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" // for IMutableGraph #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for isNumeric --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/xlsxtabulardataparser.h should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t class IGraphModel; class QUrl; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/xlsxtabulardataparser.h should remove these lines: - #include <QUrl> // lines 25-25 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/xlsxtabulardataparser.h: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include "shared/loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "shared/loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData class IGraphModel; class QUrl; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/xlsxtabulardataparser.cpp should add these lines: #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include "loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData class IGraphModel; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/xlsxtabulardataparser.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/xlsxtabulardataparser.cpp: #include "xlsxtabulardataparser.h" #include <xlsxio/include/xlsxio_read.h> // for xlsxioread_close, xlsxiore... #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include "loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData #include "shared/utils/source_location.h" // for CURRENT_SOURCE_LOCATION class IGraphModel; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/dotfileparser.h should add these lines: class IGraphModel; class QUrl; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/dotfileparser.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/dotfileparser.h: #include "shared/loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "shared/loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserEdgeData, IUserNod... class IGraphModel; class QUrl; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/dotfileparser.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> #include <qtypes.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <QObject> #include <QString> #include <boost/core/swap.hpp> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/adapt_struct.hpp> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/detail/adapt_auto.hpp> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/detail/preprocessor/is_seq.hpp> #include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/aux_/preprocessor/is_seq.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/dec.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/inc.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/comparison/not_equal.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/detail/while.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/expr_iif.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/iif.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/while.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/detail/auto_rec.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/detail/is_binary.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/facilities/detail/is_empty.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/list/fold_left.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/bitand.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/bool.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/compl.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/punctuation/detail/is_begin_parens.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/detail/for.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/for.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/seq/elem.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/seq/size.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/elem.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/to_seq.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/variadic/elem.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/char_encoding/ascii.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/char_encoding/standard.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/multi_pass_wrapper.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/auxiliary/eol.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/any_char.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_class.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_parser.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_set.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/literal_char.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/negated_char_parser.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/core/parse.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/directive/lexeme.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/nonterminal/rule.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/numeric/real.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/numeric/real_policies.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/alternative.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/difference.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/kleene.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/optional.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/plus.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/sequence.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/string/literal_string.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/unused.hpp> #include <boost/variant/recursive_wrapper.hpp> #include <string> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include "loading/iuserelementdata.h" /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/dotfileparser.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <boost/boost_spirit_qstring_adapter.h> // lines 6-6 - #include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp> // lines 4-4 - #include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp> // lines 3-3 - #include <type_traits> // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/dotfileparser.cpp: #include "dotfileparser.h" #include <qassert.h> #include <qtypes.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <QFileInfo> #include <QObject> #include <QString> #include <QUrl> #include <boost/core/swap.hpp> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/adapt_struct.hpp> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/detail/adapt_auto.hpp> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/detail/preprocessor/is_seq.hpp> #include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/aux_/preprocessor/is_seq.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/dec.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/inc.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/comparison/not_equal.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/detail/while.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/expr_iif.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/iif.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/while.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/detail/auto_rec.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/detail/is_binary.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/facilities/detail/is_empty.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/list/fold_left.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/bitand.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/bool.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/compl.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/punctuation/detail/is_begin_parens.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/detail/for.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/for.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/seq/elem.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/seq/size.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/elem.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/to_seq.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/variadic/elem.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/char_encoding/ascii.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/char_encoding/standard.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/iterators/istream_iterator.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/multi_pass_wrapper.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/auxiliary/eol.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/any_char.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_class.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_parser.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_set.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/literal_char.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/negated_char_parser.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/core/parse.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/directive/lexeme.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/nonterminal/rule.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/numeric/real.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/numeric/real_policies.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/alternative.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/difference.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/kleene.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/optional.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/plus.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/sequence.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/string/literal_string.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/unused.hpp> #include <boost/variant/recursive_wrapper.hpp> #include <fstream> #include <functional> #include <map> #include <string> #include <utility> #include <variant> #include <vector> #include "loading/iuserelementdata.h" #include "progress_iterator.h" #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" #include "shared/utils/container.h" #include "shared/utils/visitor.h" namespace SpiritDotParser { struct DotSubGraph; } // lines 30-30 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/tabulardatamodel.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_INVOKABLE, Q_OBJECT #include <QHashNode> // for QHash #include <QVariant> // for QVariant class QByteArray; class TabularData; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/tabulardatamodel.h should remove these lines: - #include <QObject> // lines 22-22 - #include "shared/loading/tabulardata.h" // lines 25-25 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/tabulardatamodel.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_INVOKABLE, Q_OBJECT #include <QAbstractTableModel> // for QAbstractTableModel #include <QHashNode> // for QHash #include <QVariant> // for QVariant class QByteArray; class TabularData; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/tabulardatamodel.cpp should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, QTypeInfo<>::isRe... #include <QModelIndex> // for QModelIndex #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isRelocatable #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include "loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData #include "utils/typeidentity.h" // for TypeIdentity /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/tabulardatamodel.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/tabulardatamodel.cpp: #include "tabulardatamodel.h" #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, QTypeInfo<>::isRe... #include <QModelIndex> // for QModelIndex #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isRelocatable #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include "loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for static_block #include "utils/typeidentity.h" // for TypeIdentity --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/tabulardata.h should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <stdint.h> // for uint32_t #include <utf8/checked.h> // for next, replace_invalid #include <utf8/unchecked.h> // for append #include <QMetaType> // for checkTypeIsSuitableForMeta... #include <algorithm> // for max, min #include <compare> // for operator<, __synth3way_t #include <iterator> // for back_inserter, back_insert... #include <memory> // for shared_ptr class IGraphModel; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/tabulardata.h should remove these lines: - #include <utf8.h> // lines 29-29 - #include <iostream> // lines 37-37 - #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // lines 22-22 - #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/tabulardata.h: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <stdint.h> // for uint32_t #include <utf8/checked.h> // for next, replace_invalid #include <utf8/unchecked.h> // for append #include <QMetaType> // for checkTypeIsSuitableForMeta... #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <algorithm> // for max, min #include <compare> // for operator<, __synth3way_t #include <fstream> // for basic_istream::seekg, basi... #include <iterator> // for back_inserter, back_insert... #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <memory> // for shared_ptr #include <string> // for basic_string, string #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "shared/utils/source_location.h" // for CURRENT_SOURCE_LOCATION #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for getline #include "shared/utils/typeidentity.h" // for TypeIdentity class IGraphModel; class Progressable; // lines 42-42 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/tabulardata.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QList> // for QList #include <map> // for map #include <utility> // for move, pair #include "utils/string.h" // for getline #include "utils/typeidentity.h" // for TypeIdentity /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/tabulardata.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/tabulardata.cpp: #include "tabulardata.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QList> // for QList #include <algorithm> // for max, set_intersection, max_el... #include <map> // for map #include <set> // for set, operator==, _Rb_tree_ite... #include <utility> // for move, pair #include "shared/utils/progressable.h" // for Progressable #include "utils/string.h" // for getline #include "utils/typeidentity.h" // for TypeIdentity #include "xlsxtabulardataparser.h" // for XlsxTabularDataParser --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/urltypes.h should add these lines: #include <QList> // for QList /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/urltypes.h should remove these lines: - #include <utility> // lines 28-28 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/urltypes.h: #include <QList> // for QList #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <map> // for map #include "iurltypes.h" // for IUrlTypes class QUrl; // lines 30-30 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/urltypes.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <Qt> // for CaseSensitivity #include <utility> // for pair /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/urltypes.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/urltypes.cpp: #include "urltypes.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QFileInfo> // for QFileInfo #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <Qt> // for CaseSensitivity #include <utility> // for pair #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/userdata.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals #include <stddef.h> // for size_t class Progressable; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/userdata.h should remove these lines: - #include <QSet> // lines 31-31 - #include "shared/utils/pair_iterator.h" // lines 25-25 - #include "shared/utils/progressable.h" // lines 26-26 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/userdata.h: #include <json_helper.h> // for json #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <map> // for map #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/loading/iuserdata.h" // for IUserData #include "shared/loading/userdatavector.h" // for UserDataVector class Progressable; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/userdata.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <algorithm> // for find_if, max #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, iter_impl #include <string> // for operator<=>, string #include <utility> // for pair, move #include "loading/userdatavector.h" // for UserDataVector #include "utils/progressable.h" // for Progressable /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/userdata.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/userdata.cpp: #include "userdata.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <algorithm> // for find_if, max #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, iter_impl #include <string> // for operator<=>, string #include <utility> // for pair, move #include "loading/userdatavector.h" // for UserDataVector #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains, removeByValue #include "utils/progressable.h" // for Progressable --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/baseplugin.h should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for emit, Q_INVOKABLE, Q_OBJECT #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QList> // for QList #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for SIGNAL, ConnectionType, SLOT #include "graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId, NodeId class IApplication; class ICommandManager; class IMutableGraph; class IParser; class Progressable; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/baseplugin.h should remove these lines: - #include "shared/commands/icommandmanager.h" // lines 27-27 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/baseplugin.h: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for emit, Q_INVOKABLE, Q_OBJECT #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for SIGNAL, ConnectionType, SLOT #include <memory> // for unique_ptr, make_unique #include "graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId, NodeId #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IGraph #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel #include "shared/loading/iparserthread.h" // for IParserThread #include "shared/loading/urltypes.h" // for UrlTypes #include "shared/plugins/iplugin.h" // for IPlugin, IPluginInstance #include "shared/ui/idocument.h" // for IDocument #include "shared/ui/iselectionmanager.h" // for ISelectionManager class Graph; // lines 37-37 class IApplication; class ICommandManager; class IMutableGraph; class IParser; class Progressable; class SelectionManager; // lines 38-38 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/baseplugin.cpp should add these lines: #include "iapplication.h" // for IApplication /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/baseplugin.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/baseplugin.cpp: #include "baseplugin.h" #include "iapplication.h" // for IApplication --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/userdatavector.h should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/userdatavector.h should remove these lines: - #include <limits> // lines 29-29 - #include <utility> // lines 30-30 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/userdatavector.h: #include <json_helper.h> // for json #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/utils/typeidentity.h" // for TypeIdentity --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/userdatavector.cpp should add these lines: #include <QList> // for QList #include <algorithm> // for sort, unique #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, iter_impl /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/userdatavector.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "shared/utils/container.h" // lines 21-21 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/loading/userdatavector.cpp: #include "userdatavector.h" #include <QList> // for QList #include <algorithm> // for sort, unique #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, iter_impl --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/nodeattributetablemodel.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_INVOKABLE, slots, Q_O... #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, QTypeInfo<>... #include <QList> // for QList #include <QModelIndex> // for QModelIndex #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isRelocatable class IDocument; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/nodeattributetablemodel.h should remove these lines: - #include <QHash> // lines 28-28 - #include <QObject> // lines 29-29 - #include <deque> // lines 33-33 - #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // lines 22-22 - #include "shared/ui/idocument.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/nodeattributetablemodel.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_INVOKABLE, slots, Q_O... #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QAbstractTableModel> // for QAbstractTableModel #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, QTypeInfo<>... #include <QList> // for QList #include <QModelIndex> // for QModelIndex #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isRelocatable #include <mutex> // for recursive_mutex #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserNodeData class Graph; // lines 35-35 class IDocument; class IGraph; // lines 36-36 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/nodeattributetablemodel.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QMetaObject> // for QMetaObject, SIGNAL, SLOT #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <algorithm> // for sort, transform, remove_if #include <functional> // for less, greater #include <iterator> // for back_inserter #include <map> // for operator==, _Rb_tree_co... #include <utility> // for as_const #include "graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdSet #include "graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserElementData #include "ui/idocument.h" // for IDocument /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/nodeattributetablemodel.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QtGlobal> // lines 32-32 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/nodeattributetablemodel.cpp: #include "nodeattributetablemodel.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QMetaObject> // for QMetaObject, SIGNAL, SLOT #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QSet> // for QSet #include <algorithm> // for sort, transform, remove_if #include <functional> // for less, greater #include <iterator> // for back_inserter #include <map> // for operator==, _Rb_tree_co... #include <utility> // for as_const #include "graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdSet #include "graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserElementData #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for IAttribute #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for operator&, ValueType #include "shared/commands/icommandmanager.h" // for ICommandManager #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IGraph #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel, IUserNodeData #include "shared/ui/iselectionmanager.h" // for ISelectionManager #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains, hasUniqueValues #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for toQStringList, toQStrin... #include "ui/idocument.h" // for IDocument --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/basegenericplugin.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_OB... #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant class IDocument; class IGraphModel; class IParser; class IParserThread; class IPlugin; class ISelectionManager; class QAbstractTableModel; class QUrl; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/basegenericplugin.h should remove these lines: - #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // lines 30-30 - #include "shared/loading/userelementdata.h" // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/basegenericplugin.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_OB... #include <QList> // for QList #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "baseplugin.h" // for BasePlugin, Base... #include "shared/loading/pairwisecolumntype.h" // for PairwiseColumnsC... #include "shared/loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData #include "shared/plugins/nodeattributetablemodel.h" // for NodeAttributeTab... class IDocument; class IGraphModel; class IParser; class IParserThread; class IPlugin; class ISelectionManager; class QAbstractTableModel; class QUrl; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/basegenericplugin.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMap> // for QMap, operator!= #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStringPri... #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVector> // for QVector #include <QtCore> // for SIGNAL, SLOT #include <map> // for operator== #include <utility> // for move #include "graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdSet #include "graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel #include "loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserElementData #include "loading/pairwisecolumntype.h" // for PairwiseColumn... #include "loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData #include "plugins/baseplugin.h" // for BasePluginInst... #include "plugins/nodeattributetablemodel.h" // for NodeAttributeT... #include "ui/idocument.h" // for IDocument #include "ui/iselectionmanager.h" // for ISelectionManager #include "utils/string.h" // for isInteger class IParserThread; class IPlugin; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/basegenericplugin.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <json_helper.h> // lines 34-34 - #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // lines 30-30 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/basegenericplugin.cpp: #include "basegenericplugin.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMap> // for QMap, operator!= #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStringPri... #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVector> // for QVector #include <QtCore> // for SIGNAL, SLOT #include <map> // for operator== #include <utility> // for move #include "graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdSet #include "graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel #include "loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserElementData #include "loading/pairwisecolumntype.h" // for PairwiseColumn... #include "loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData #include "plugins/baseplugin.h" // for BasePluginInst... #include "plugins/nodeattributetablemodel.h" // for NodeAttributeT... #include "shared/loading/adjacencymatrixfileparser.h" // for AdjacencyMatri... #include "shared/loading/biopaxfileparser.h" // for BiopaxFileParser #include "shared/loading/cxparser.h" // for CxParser #include "shared/loading/dotfileparser.h" // for DotFileParser #include "shared/loading/gmlfileparser.h" // for GmlFileParser #include "shared/loading/graphmlparser.h" // for GraphMLParser #include "shared/loading/jsongraphparser.h" // for JsonGraphParser #include "shared/loading/pairwisefileparser.h" // for PairwiseFilePa... #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "ui/idocument.h" // for IDocument #include "ui/iselectionmanager.h" // for ISelectionManager #include "utils/string.h" // for isInteger class IParserThread; class IPlugin; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/tableproxymodel.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_INVOKABLE, Q_PROPERTY, Q_OB... #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QAbstractItemModel> // for QAbstractItemModel #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, QTypeInfo<>::isRe... #include <QItemSelection> // for QItemSelection #include <QList> // for QList #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isRelocatable #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/tableproxymodel.h should remove these lines: - #include <QQmlEngine> // lines 24-24 - #include <QTimer> // lines 26-26 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/tableproxymodel.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_INVOKABLE, Q_PROPERTY, Q_OB... #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QAbstractItemModel> // for QAbstractItemModel #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, QTypeInfo<>::isRe... #include <QCollator> // for QCollator #include <QItemSelection> // for QItemSelection #include <QItemSelectionRange> // for QItemSelectionRange #include <QList> // for QList #include <QSortFilterProxyModel> // for QSortFilterProxyModel #include <QStandardItemModel> // for QStandardItemModel #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isRelocatable #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include <deque> // for deque #include <map> // for map #include <unordered_set> // for unordered_set #include <utility> // for pair #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for static_block --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/tableproxymodel.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtypes.h> // for qsizetype #include <QAbstractProxyModel> // for QAbstractProxyModel #include <QMetaType> // for QMetaType #include <QModelIndex> // for QModelIndex #include <QPersistentModelIndex> // for QPersistentModelIndex, operator<< #include <QStandardItem> // for QStandardItem #include <algorithm> // for max, copy, find_if, remove_if /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/tableproxymodel.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/plugins/tableproxymodel.cpp: #include "tableproxymodel.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtypes.h> // for qsizetype #include <QAbstractProxyModel> // for QAbstractProxyModel #include <QMetaType> // for QMetaType #include <QModelIndex> // for QModelIndex #include <QPersistentModelIndex> // for QPersistentModelIndex, operator<< #include <QStandardItem> // for QStandardItem #include <algorithm> // for max, copy, find_if, remove_if #include "nodeattributetablemodel.h" // for NodeAttributeTableModel #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains, setIntersection #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for toQStringList --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/ui/iconitem.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QTypeInfo> // for QTypeInfo<>::isValueInitializ... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType class QPainter; class QQuickItem; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/ui/iconitem.h should remove these lines: - #include <QQmlEngine> // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/ui/iconitem.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QIcon> // for QIcon #include <QQuickPaintedItem> // for QQuickPaintedItem #include <QString> // for QString #include <QTypeInfo> // for QTypeInfo<>::isValueInitializ... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for static_block class QPainter; class QQuickItem; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/ui/iconitem.cpp should add these lines: #include <QtCore/qobjectdefs.h> // for FunctionPointer<>::ArgumentCount #include <QPixmap> // for QPixmap #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include <QSize> // for QSize #include <QSizeF> // for QSizeF class QQuickItem; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/ui/iconitem.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/ui/iconitem.cpp: #include "iconitem.h" #include <QtCore/qobjectdefs.h> // for FunctionPointer<>::ArgumentCount #include <QPainter> // for QPainter #include <QPixmap> // for QPixmap #include <QQuickWindow> // for QQuickWindow #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include <QSize> // for QSize #include <QSizeF> // for QSizeF class QQuickItem; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/ui/outline.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_OBJECT, sig... #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isValueIniti... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType class QPainter; class QQuickItem; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/ui/outline.h should remove these lines: - #include <QQmlEngine> // lines 25-25 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/ui/outline.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_OBJECT, sig... #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QQuickPaintedItem> // for QQuickPaintedItem #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isValueIniti... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include "shared/utils/qmlcontrolcolors.h" // for QmlControlColors #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for static_block class QPainter; class QQuickItem; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/ui/outline.cpp should add these lines: #include <qtypes.h> // for qreal #include <QPen> // for QPen #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include <Qt> // for PenCapStyle, PenJoinStyle, PenStyle #include "utils/qmlcontrolcolors.h" // for QmlControlColors class QQuickItem; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/ui/outline.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QQuickWindow> // lines 22-22 - #include <QtGlobal> // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/ui/outline.cpp: #include "outline.h" #include <qtypes.h> // for qreal #include <QPainter> // for QPainter #include <QPen> // for QPen #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include <Qt> // for PenCapStyle, PenJoinStyle, PenStyle #include "utils/qmlcontrolcolors.h" // for QmlControlColors class QQuickItem; --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/updates/updates.h has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/updates/updates.cpp should add these lines: #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QtCore> // for operator|, StringLiterals #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, iter_impl, json_ref #include <string> // for allocator, string, basic_string /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/updates/updates.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QStringList> // lines 32-32 - #include "shared/utils/checksum.h" // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/updates/updates.cpp: #include "updates.h" #include <json_helper.h> // for json #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QCollator> // for QCollator #include <QDir> // for QDir #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QFileInfo> // for QFileInfo #include <QStandardPaths> // for QStandardPaths #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s, operator+ #include <QSysInfo> // for QSysInfo #include <QtCore> // for operator|, StringLiterals #include <algorithm> // for remove_if, sort #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, iter_impl, json_ref #include <regex> // for regex_match, regex #include <string> // for allocator, string, basic_string #include "build_defines.h" // for VERSION #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/crypto.h" // for rsaVerifySignature #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for hexToString, isHex #include "shared/utils/utils.h" // for exclusiveOr --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/ui/visualisations/colorgradient.h has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/ui/visualisations/colorgradient.cpp should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <json.hpp> // for iter_impl, iteration_proxy_value #include <string> // for stod /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/ui/visualisations/colorgradient.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/ui/visualisations/colorgradient.cpp: #include "colorgradient.h" #include <json_helper.h> // for parseJsonFrom #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <algorithm> // for sort #include <json.hpp> // for iter_impl, iteration_proxy_value #include <string> // for stod #include "shared/utils/utils.h" // for normalise --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/console.h should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/console.h should remove these lines: - #include <QtGlobal> // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/console.h: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/console.cpp should add these lines: #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/console.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QtGlobal> // lines 21-21 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/console.cpp: #include "console.h" #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED #include <sys/ioctl.h> // for ioctl, winsize, TIOCGWINSZ #include <unistd.h> // for isatty #include <cstdio> // for fileno, size_t, stderr, stdout --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/color.h has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/color.cpp should add these lines: #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QtCore> // for QCryptographicHash, GlobalColor /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/color.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QCryptographicHash> // lines 23-23 - #include <cmath> // lines 21-21 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/color.cpp: #include "color.h" #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QtCore> // for QCryptographicHash, GlobalColor --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/apppathname.h has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/apppathname.cpp should add these lines: #include <qtenvironmentvariables.h> // for qEnvironmentVariableIsSet, qgetenv #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QtCore> // for Q_OS_LINUX /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/apppathname.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QDir> // lines 23-23 - #include <QtGlobal> // lines 21-21 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/apppathname.cpp: #include "apppathname.h" #include <qtenvironmentvariables.h> // for qEnvironmentVariableIsSet, qgetenv #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QFileInfo> // for QFileInfo #include <QtCore> // for Q_OS_LINUX --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/ui/visualisations/colorpalette.h has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/ui/visualisations/colorpalette.cpp should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QChar> // for QChar, StringLiterals #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QRegularExpressionMatchIterator> // for QRegularExpressionMatchIt... #include <json.hpp> // for iter_impl, basic_json #include <utility> // for as_const /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/ui/visualisations/colorpalette.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <algorithm> // lines 30-30 - #include "shared/utils/utils.h" // lines 21-21 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/ui/visualisations/colorpalette.cpp: #include "colorpalette.h" #include <json_helper.h> // for parseJsonFrom #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QChar> // for QChar, StringLiterals #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QRegularExpression> // for QRegularExpressionMatch #include <QRegularExpressionMatchIterator> // for QRegularExpressionMatchIt... #include <json.hpp> // for iter_impl, basic_json #include <utility> // for as_const #include "shared/utils/color.h" // for colorForString #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/consolecapture.h should add these lines: #include <memory> // for shared_ptr #include <vector> // for vector /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/consolecapture.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/consolecapture.h: #include <QString> // for QString #include <cstdio> // for FILE #include <fstream> // for ostream, ofstream, streambuf #include <memory> // for shared_ptr #include <vector> // for vector --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/consolecapture.cpp should add these lines: #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/consolecapture.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "odsconsolecapture.h" // lines 20-20 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/consolecapture.cpp: #include "consolecapture.h" #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <iostream> // for cerr, cout #include "console.h" // for isRunningInConsole #include "debugger.h" // for isDebuggerPresent --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/crypto.h has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/crypto.cpp should add these lines: #include <cryptopp/config_int.h> // for byte #include <cryptopp/filters.h> // for SignatureVerificationFilter, Stri... #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice #include <QString> // for QString #include <exception> // for exception /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/crypto.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/crypto.cpp: #include "crypto.h" #include <cryptopp/aes.h> // for AES #include <cryptopp/config_int.h> // for byte #include <cryptopp/filters.h> // for SignatureVerificationFilter, Stri... #include <cryptopp/modes.h> // for CFB_Mode #include <cryptopp/osrng.h> // for AutoSeededRandomPool #include <cryptopp/rsa.h> // for RSA, RSAFunction, InvertibleRSAFu... #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice #include <QString> // for QString #include <exception> // for exception #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for bytesToHex --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/deferredexecutor.h should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/deferredexecutor.h should remove these lines: - #include <atomic> // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/deferredexecutor.h: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QString> // for QString #include <condition_variable> // for condition_variable_any #include <deque> // for deque #include <functional> // for function #include <map> // for map #include <mutex> // for recursive_mutex #include <thread> // for thread --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/deferredexecutor.cpp should add these lines: #include <qtenvironmentvariables.h> // for qEnvironmentVariableIntValue #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <algorithm> // for min #include <utility> // for move, pair /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/deferredexecutor.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QtGlobal> // lines 25-25 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/deferredexecutor.cpp: #include "deferredexecutor.h" #include <qtenvironmentvariables.h> // for qEnvironmentVariableIntValue #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <algorithm> // for min #include <utility> // for move, pair #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/thread.h" // for currentThreadName --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/downloadqueue.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals class QTemporaryFile; class QUrl; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/downloadqueue.h should remove these lines: - #include <QTemporaryFile> // lines 29-29 - #include <QUrl> // lines 27-27 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/downloadqueue.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QNetworkAccessManager> // for QNetworkAccessManager #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QTimer> // for QTimer #include <map> // for map #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include <queue> // for queue class QNetworkReply; // lines 33-33 class QTemporaryFile; class QUrl; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/downloadqueue.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtypes.h> // for qint64 #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QDir> // for QDir #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QNetworkRequest> // for QNetworkRequest #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStringPrivate, QStringLiteral #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <utility> // for pair /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/downloadqueue.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <cstdio> // lines 29-29 - #include <iostream> // lines 28-28 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/downloadqueue.cpp: #include "downloadqueue.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtypes.h> // for qint64 #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QDir> // for QDir #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QFileInfo> // for QFileInfo #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QNetworkReply> // for QNetworkReply #include <QNetworkRequest> // for QNetworkRequest #include <QRegularExpression> // for QRegularExpression #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStringPrivate, QStringLiteral #include <QTemporaryDir> // for QTemporaryDir #include <QTemporaryFile> // for QTemporaryFile #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <algorithm> // for any_of #include <utility> // for pair --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/failurereason.h has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/failurereason.cpp should add these lines: #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStringPrivate, QStringLiteral /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/failurereason.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/failurereason.cpp: #include "failurereason.h" #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStringPrivate, QStringLiteral #include "build_defines.h" // for GIT_SHA #include "source_location.h" // for source_location --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/performancecounter.h should add these lines: #include <bits/chrono.h> // for time_point, high_resolution_clock, seconds #include <utility> // for move /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/performancecounter.h should remove these lines: - #include <chrono> // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/performancecounter.h: #include <bits/chrono.h> // for time_point, high_resolution_clock, seconds #include <deque> // for deque #include <functional> // for function #include <utility> // for move --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/performancecounter.cpp should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <algorithm> // for copy, max #include <compare> // for operator>, strong_ordering /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/performancecounter.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/performancecounter.cpp: #include "performancecounter.h" #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <algorithm> // for copy, max #include <compare> // for operator>, strong_ordering --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/modelcompleter.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QModelIndex> // for QModelIndex #include <QTypeInfo> // for QTypeInfo<>::isValueInitializ... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/modelcompleter.h should remove these lines: - #include <QAbstractItemModel> // lines 26-26 - #include <QQmlEngine> // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/modelcompleter.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QList> // for QList #include <QModelIndex> // for QModelIndex #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QTypeInfo> // for QTypeInfo<>::isValueInitializ... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for static_block --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/modelcompleter.cpp should add these lines: #include <QAbstractItemModel> // for QAbstractItemModel #include <QChar> // for QChar, operator!= #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVector> // for QVector #include <Qt> // for CaseSensitivity #include <algorithm> // for min /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/modelcompleter.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/modelcompleter.cpp: #include "modelcompleter.h" #include <QAbstractItemModel> // for QAbstractItemModel #include <QChar> // for QChar, operator!= #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVector> // for QVector #include <Qt> // for CaseSensitivity #include <algorithm> // for min #include <limits> // for numeric_limits --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/macosfileopeneventfilter.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QString> // for QString /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/macosfileopeneventfilter.h should remove these lines: - class QString; // lines 25-25 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/macosfileopeneventfilter.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString class QEvent; // lines 24-24 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/macosfileopeneventfilter.cpp should add these lines: #include <QUrl> // for QUrl /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/macosfileopeneventfilter.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/macosfileopeneventfilter.cpp: #include "macosfileopeneventfilter.h" #include <QEvent> // for QEvent #include <QFileOpenEvent> // for QFileOpenEvent #include <QString> // for QString #include <QUrl> // for QUrl --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/qmlcontrolcolors.h should add these lines: #include <qtclasshelpermacros.h> // for Q_DISABLE_COPY #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QTypeInfo> // for QTypeInfo<>::isValueInitializ... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterSingletonType class QEvent; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/qmlcontrolcolors.h should remove these lines: - #include <QGuiApplication> // lines 25-25 - #include <QQmlEngine> // lines 24-24 - class QJSEngine; // lines 31-31 - class QQmlEngine; // lines 30-30 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/qmlcontrolcolors.h: #include <qtclasshelpermacros.h> // for Q_DISABLE_COPY #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QPalette> // for QPalette #include <QTypeInfo> // for QTypeInfo<>::isValueInitializ... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterSingletonType #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for static_block class QEvent; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/qmlcontrolcolors.cpp should add these lines: #include <QCoreApplication> // for QCoreApplication #include <QEvent> // for QEvent #include <QGuiApplication> // for QGuiApplication #include <QtCore> // for operator<<, ColorScheme /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/qmlcontrolcolors.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/qmlcontrolcolors.cpp: #include "qmlcontrolcolors.h" #include <QCoreApplication> // for QCoreApplication #include <QEvent> // for QEvent #include <QGuiApplication> // for QGuiApplication #include <QStyleHints> // for QStyleHints #include <QtCore> // for operator<<, ColorScheme --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/random.h should add these lines: class QVector2D; class QVector3D; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/random.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/random.h: #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QVector2D> // for QVector2D #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D class QVector2D; class QVector3D; --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/random.cpp has correct #includes/fwd-decls) (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/static_block.h has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/static_block.cpp should add these lines: #include <utility> // for pair /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/static_block.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/static_block.cpp: #include "static_block.h" #include <algorithm> // for sort #include <utility> // for pair #include <vector> // for vector --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/scopetimer.h should add these lines: #include <qtypes.h> // for qint64 #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QStringLiteral> // for QStringLiteral /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/scopetimer.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/scopetimer.h: #include <qtypes.h> // for qint64 #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QElapsedTimer> // for QElapsedTimer #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringLiteral> // for QStringLiteral #include <deque> // for deque #include <map> // for map #include <mutex> // for mutex #include "shared/utils/singleton.h" // for Singleton --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/scopetimer.cpp should add these lines: #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <utility> // for pair /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/scopetimer.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "shared/utils/container.h" // lines 21-21 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/scopetimer.cpp: #include "scopetimer.h" #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <algorithm> // for minmax_element #include <cmath> // for sqrt #include <numeric> // for accumulate #include <utility> // for pair --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/showinfolder.h has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/showinfolder.cpp should add these lines: #include <qtconfigmacros.h> // for QT_CONFIG #include <qtcore-config.h> // for QT_FEATURE_process #include <QtCore> // for Q_OS_UNIX, StringLiterals /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/showinfolder.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QDebug> // lines 26-26 - #include <QDir> // lines 23-23 - #include <QtGlobal> // lines 21-21 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/showinfolder.cpp: #include "showinfolder.h" #include <qtconfigmacros.h> // for QT_CONFIG #include <qtcore-config.h> // for QT_FEATURE_process #include <QFileInfo> // for QFileInfo #include <QProcess> // for QProcess #include <QtCore> // for Q_OS_UNIX, StringLiterals --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/signalhandling.h has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/signalhandling.cpp should add these lines: #include <initializer_list> // for initializer_list /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/signalhandling.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <unistd.h> // lines 30-30 - #include <QtGlobal> // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/signalhandling.cpp: #include "signalhandling.h" #include <QCoreApplication> // for QCoreApplication #include <csignal> // for sigaction, sigaddset, sigemptyset, SIGHUP #include <initializer_list> // for initializer_list #include <iostream> // for char_traits, operator<<, basic_ostream::... --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/utils.h should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/utils.h should remove these lines: - #include <QString> // lines 25-25 - #include <cmath> // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/utils.h: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <vector> // for vector --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/utils.cpp should add these lines: #include <qtresource.h> // for Q_INIT_RESOURCE #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/utils.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/utils.cpp: #include "utils.h" #include <qtresource.h> // for Q_INIT_RESOURCE #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <numbers> // for pi_v #include "static_block.h" // for static_block --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/string.h should add these lines: #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/string.h should remove these lines: - #include <sstream> // lines 31-31 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/string.h: #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QRegularExpression> // for QRegularExpressionMatch, QRegula... #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <cstddef> // for byte, size_t #include <iomanip> // for operator<<, setfill, setw #include <istream> // for basic_ostream, basic_ostream::op... #include <string> // for char_traits, string #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/string.cpp should add these lines: #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED #include <stdio.h> // for EOF #include <QChar> // for QChar, operator==, StringLiterals #include <QList> // for QList #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStringPrivate, QStringLiteral #include <algorithm> // for copy, max #include <cstdlib> // for strtol #include <iterator> // for back_insert_iterator, back_inserter /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/string.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <sstream> // lines 27-27 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/string.cpp: #include "string.h" #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED #include <stdio.h> // for EOF #include <QChar> // for QChar, operator==, StringLiterals #include <QList> // for QList #include <QLocale> // for QLocale #include <QRegularExpression> // for QRegularExpression, QRegularExpre... #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStringPrivate, QStringLiteral #include <algorithm> // for copy, max #include <cmath> // for pow, isfinite #include <cstdlib> // for strtol #include <iterator> // for back_insert_iterator, back_inserter #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <vector> // for vector --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/threadpool.h should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <iterator> // for distance, forward_iterator_tag class void_callable_wrapper; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/threadpool.h should remove these lines: - #include <algorithm> // lines 30-30 - #include <atomic> // lines 31-31 - #include <memory> // lines 34-34 - #include "is_detected.h" // lines 25-25 - #include "is_std_container.h" // lines 24-24 - #include "void_callable_wrapper.h" // lines 26-26 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/threadpool.h: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QString> // for operator""_s, QString #include <condition_variable> // for condition_variable #include <future> // for future, packaged_task #include <iterator> // for distance, forward_iterator_tag #include <mutex> // for mutex, unique_lock #include <queue> // for queue #include <thread> // for thread #include <type_traits> // for enable_if_t, invoke_result_t #include <utility> // for forward, exchange, declval #include <vector> // for vector #include "function_traits.h" // for function_traits #include "singleton.h" // for Singleton class void_callable_wrapper; template <typename ResultsVectorOrVoid, bool = std::is_void_v<ResultsVectorOrVoid>> class ThreadPool::ResultMember; // lines 84-85 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/threadpool.cpp should add these lines: #include "utils/void_callable_wrapper.h" // for void_callable_wrapper /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/threadpool.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/threadpool.cpp: #include "threadpool.h" #include "shared/utils/thread.h" // for setCurrentThreadName #include "utils/void_callable_wrapper.h" // for void_callable_wrapper --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/typeidentity.h should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/typeidentity.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/typeidentity.h: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <array> // for array #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType class QString; // lines 26-26 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/typeidentity.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED #include "attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/typeidentity.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/shared/utils/typeidentity.cpp: #include "typeidentity.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED #include <QString> // for QString #include "attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/openglfunctions.h should add these lines: #include <QtGui/qopengl.h> // for APIENTRY, APIENTRYP, GL_ARB_sam... #include <QSurfaceFormat> // for QSurfaceFormat /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/openglfunctions.h should remove these lines: - #include <memory> // lines 30-30 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/openglfunctions.h: #include <QtGui/qopengl.h> // for APIENTRY, APIENTRYP, GL_ARB_sam... #include <QOpenGLFunctions_3_3_Core> // for QOpenGLFunctions_3_3_Core #include <QString> // for QString #include <QSurfaceFormat> // for QSurfaceFormat --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/openglfunctions.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug, qFatal #include <QtCore> // for QByteArrayLiteral, StringLiterals #include <compare> // for operator< #include <utility> // for operator<=>, pair /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/openglfunctions.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/openglfunctions.cpp: #include "openglfunctions.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug, qFatal #include <QOffscreenSurface> // for QOffscreenSurface #include <QOpenGLContext> // for QOpenGLContext #include <QOpenGLExtraFunctions> // for QOpenGLExtraFunctions #include <QSurfaceFormat> // for QSurfaceFormat #include <QtCore> // for QByteArrayLiteral, StringLiterals #include <compare> // for operator< #include <utility> // for operator<=>, pair --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/messagebox/main.cpp should add these lines: #include <QCommandLineOption> // for QCommandLineOption #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s, QTypeInfo<>::is... #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStringPrivate, QStringLiteral #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isRelocatable, QHash, Str... /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/messagebox/main.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QAbstractButton> // lines 24-24 - #include <QHash> // lines 28-28 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/messagebox/main.cpp: #include <QApplication> // for QApplication #include <QCommandLineOption> // for QCommandLineOption #include <QCommandLineParser> // for QCommandLineParser #include <QCoreApplication> // for QCoreApplication #include <QIcon> // for QIcon #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMessageBox> // for QMessageBox #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s, QTypeInfo<>::is... #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStringPrivate, QStringLiteral #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isRelocatable, QHash, Str... #include "build_defines.h" // for VERSION --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/crashreporter/main.cpp should add these lines: #include <bits/chrono.h> // for operator""min #include <google_breakpad/processor/code_module.h> // for CodeModule #include <google_breakpad/processor/process_result.h> // for ProcessResult #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qquickstyle.h> // for QQuickStyle #include <qtresource.h> // for Q_INIT_RES... #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QCommandLineOption> // for QCommandLi... #include <QCoreApplication> // for QCoreAppli... #include <QEventLoop> // for QEventLoop #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QHttpPart> // for QHttpPart #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMetaObject> // for QMetaObject #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStrin... #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegiste... #include <algorithm> // for any_of #include <utility> // for pair #include <vector> // for vector /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/crashreporter/main.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QCryptographicHash> // lines 33-33 - #include <QDebug> // lines 34-34 - #include <QQuickStyle> // lines 38-38 - #include <chrono> // lines 44-44 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/crashreporter/main.cpp: #include <bits/chrono.h> // for operator""min #include <google_breakpad/processor/call_stack.h> // for CallStack #include <google_breakpad/processor/code_module.h> // for CodeModule #include <google_breakpad/processor/minidump.h> // for Minidump #include <google_breakpad/processor/minidump_processor.h> // for MinidumpPr... #include <google_breakpad/processor/process_result.h> // for ProcessResult #include <google_breakpad/processor/process_state.h> // for ProcessState #include <google_breakpad/processor/stack_frame.h> // for StackFrame #include <processor/pathname_stripper.h> // for PathnameSt... #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qquickstyle.h> // for QQuickStyle #include <qtresource.h> // for Q_INIT_RES... #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QApplication> // for QApplication #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QCommandLineOption> // for QCommandLi... #include <QCommandLineParser> // for QCommandLi... #include <QCoreApplication> // for QCoreAppli... #include <QDirIterator> // for QDirIterator #include <QEventLoop> // for QEventLoop #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QFileInfo> // for QFileInfo #include <QHttpMultiPart> // for QHttpMulti... #include <QHttpPart> // for QHttpPart #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice #include <QIcon> // for QIcon #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMessageBox> // for QMessageBox #include <QMetaObject> // for QMetaObject #include <QNetworkAccessManager> // for QNetworkAc... #include <QNetworkReply> // for QNetworkReply #include <QNetworkRequest> // for QNetworkRe... #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QQmlApplicationEngine> // for QQmlApplic... #include <QQmlContext> // for QQmlContext #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStrin... #include <QSysInfo> // for QSysInfo #include <QTimer> // for QTimer #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegiste... #include <algorithm> // for any_of #include <iostream> // for operator<< #include <map> // for map, opera... #include <regex> // for regex_match #include <string> // for allocator #include <utility> // for pair #include <vector> // for vector #include "app/rendering/openglfunctions.h" // for OpenGLFunc... #include "build_defines.h" // for VERSION #include "report.h" // for Report #include "shared/utils/preferences.h" // for getPref #include "shared/utils/qmlcontrolcolors.h" // for QmlControl... --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/updater/installer.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_INVOKABLE, Q_OBJECT, signals /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/updater/installer.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/updater/installer.h: #include <json_helper.h> // for json #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_INVOKABLE, Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QProcess> // for QProcess #include <QString> // for QString --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/updater/installer.cpp should add these lines: #include <qoverload.h> // for QOverload #include <QByteArray> // for operator+, QByteArray #include <QList> // for QList #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QtCore> // for operator<<, Q_OS_UNIX, StringL... /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/updater/installer.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QFutureWatcher> // lines 29-29 - #include <iostream> // lines 31-31 - #include "shared/utils/scope_exit.h" // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/updater/installer.cpp: #include "installer.h" #include <qoverload.h> // for QOverload #include <QByteArray> // for operator+, QByteArray #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QList> // for QList #include <QString> // for QString, operator!=, operator""_s #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QtCore> // for operator<<, Q_OS_UNIX, StringL... #include "shared/updates/updates.h" // for fullyQualifiedInstallerFileName #include "shared/utils/checksum.h" // for sha256ChecksumMatchesFile #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/doasyncthen.h" // for doAsync, _Then --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/columnannotation.h should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/columnannotation.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/columnannotation.h: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QString> // for QString #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <map> // for map #include <vector> // for vector --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/columnannotation.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <algorithm> // for max, min #include <utility> // for pair /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/columnannotation.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/columnannotation.cpp: #include "columnannotation.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <algorithm> // for max, min #include <utility> // for pair #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for toNumber, isNumeric --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/updater/main.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qquickstyle.h> // for QQuickStyle #include <qtenvironmentvariables.h> // for qEnvironmentVar... #include <qtresource.h> // for Q_INIT_RESOURCE #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for operator""_s #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStringPrivate #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::is... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterSing... #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, ite... #include <string> // for operator<< /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/updater/main.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QDebug> // lines 41-41 - #include <QQuickStyle> // lines 38-38 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/updater/main.cpp: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qquickstyle.h> // for QQuickStyle #include <qtenvironmentvariables.h> // for qEnvironmentVar... #include <qtresource.h> // for Q_INIT_RESOURCE #include <qtsingleapplication/qtsingleapplication.h> // for QtSingleApplica... #include <QApplication> // for QApplication #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QDir> // for QDir #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QFileInfo> // for QFileInfo #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice #include <QIcon> // for QIcon #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QProcess> // for QProcess #include <QQmlApplicationEngine> // for QQmlApplication... #include <QQmlContext> // for QQmlContext #include <QRegularExpression> // for QRegularExpression #include <QStandardPaths> // for QStandardPaths #include <QString> // for operator""_s #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStringPrivate #include <QTemporaryDir> // for QTemporaryDir #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::is... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterSing... #include <iostream> // for char_traits #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, ite... #include <string> // for operator<< #include "build_defines.h" // for VERSION #include "installer.h" // for Installer #include "shared/updates/updates.h" // for latestUpdateJson #include "shared/utils/consolecapture.h" // for captureConsoleO... #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/preferences.h" // for getPref #include "shared/utils/qmlcontrolcolors.h" // for QmlControlColors --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/updater/editor/main.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qquickstyle.h> // for QQuickStyle #include <qtresource.h> // for Q_INIT_RESOURCE #include <QCoreApplication> // for QCoreApplication #include <QList> // for QList #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStringPrivate, QStringLi... #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isValueInitializ... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterSingletonType /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/updater/editor/main.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <json_helper.h> // lines 33-33 - #include <QQuickStyle> // lines 31-31 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/updater/editor/main.cpp: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qquickstyle.h> // for QQuickStyle #include <qtresource.h> // for Q_INIT_RESOURCE #include <QApplication> // for QApplication #include <QCoreApplication> // for QCoreApplication #include <QIcon> // for QIcon #include <QList> // for QList #include <QQmlApplicationEngine> // for QQmlApplicationEngine #include <QSettings> // for QSettings #include <QString> // for operator""_s #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStringPrivate, QStringLi... #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isValueInitializ... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterSingletonType #include "build_defines.h" // for VERSION #include "shared/utils/preferences.h" // for getPref #include "shared/utils/qmlutils.h" // for QmlUtils #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for execute_static_blocks --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationdatavector.h should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationdatavector.h should remove these lines: - #include <iterator> // lines 28-28 - #include <limits> // lines 27-27 - #include <type_traits> // lines 31-31 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationdatavector.h: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QString> // for QString #include <map> // for map #include <memory> // for shared_ptr #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/statistics.h" // for Statistics --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationdatavector.cpp should add these lines: /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationdatavector.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <algorithm> // lines 23-23 - #include <cmath> // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationdatavector.cpp: #include "correlationdatavector.h" #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for rankingOf --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlation.h should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <algorithm> // for transform, max #include <atomic> // for atomic, __atomic_base #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include <utility> // for declval, move #include <variant> // for monostate #include "shared/utils/qmlenum.h" // for normaliseQmlEnum /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlation.h should remove these lines: - #include "shared/utils/is_detected.h" // lines 30-30 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlation.h: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap #include <algorithm> // for transform, max #include <atomic> // for atomic, __atomic_base #include <cmath> // for isfinite #include <iterator> // for back_inserter, distance #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include <utility> // for declval, move #include <variant> // for monostate #include <vector> // for vector #include "correlationdatavector.h" // for DiscreteDataVector, Conti... #include "correlationtype.h" // for CorrelationPolarity, corr... #include "knnprotograph.h" // for KnnProtoGraph #include "shared/graph/covariancematrix.h" // for CovarianceMatrix #include "shared/graph/edgelist.h" // for EdgeList, EdgeListEdge #include "shared/utils/cancellable.h" // for Cancellable #include "shared/utils/progressable.h" // for Progressable #include "shared/utils/qmlenum.h" // for normaliseQmlEnum #include "shared/utils/redirects.h" // for redirectLink #include "shared/utils/threadpool.h" // for ThreadPool --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlation.cpp should add these lines: #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <numeric> // for inner_product #include "shared/utils/statistics.h" // for medianOf /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlation.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlation.cpp: #include "correlation.h" #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <numeric> // for inner_product #include "shared/utils/statistics.h" // for medianOf --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationnodeattributetablemodel.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationnodeattributetablemodel.h should remove these lines: - #include <QObject> // lines 25-25 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationnodeattributetablemodel.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <map> // for map #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/plugins/nodeattributetablemodel.h" // for NodeAttributeTab... --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationnodeattributetablemodel.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QList> // for QList /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationnodeattributetablemodel.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationnodeattributetablemodel.cpp: #include "correlationnodeattributetablemodel.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QList> // for QList #include <algorithm> // for transform #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplotitem_discrete.cpp should add these lines: #include <qcustomplot.h> // for QCPAxis, QCPBars #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMetaObject> // for argument, Q_ARG #include <QPen> // for QPen #include <QSharedPointer> // for QSharedPointer #include <QString> // for QString, opera... #include <QtCore> // for ConnectionType #include <algorithm> // for max_element #include <utility> // for as_const #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for keysFor /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplotitem_discrete.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "shared/utils/color.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplotitem_discrete.cpp: #include <qcustomplot.h> // for QCPAxis, QCPBars #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMetaObject> // for argument, Q_ARG #include <QPen> // for QPen #include <QSharedPointer> // for QSharedPointer #include <QString> // for QString, opera... #include <QtCore> // for ConnectionType #include <algorithm> // for max_element #include <map> // for map, operator== #include <utility> // for as_const #include <vector> // for vector #include "correlationplotitem.h" // for CorrelationPlo... #include "correlationplugin.h" // for CorrelationPlu... #include "shared/ui/visualisations/colorpalette.h" // for ColorPalette #include "shared/ui/visualisations/defaultpalettes.h" // for PALETTE #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for keysFor --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplotitem.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_INVOKABLE, Q_GADGET #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QFont> // for QFont #include <QFontMetrics> // for QFontMetrics #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QPointF> // for QPointF #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <thread> // for thread #include <utility> // for pair class CorrelationPluginInstance; class QEvent; class QOffscreenSurface; class QPainter; class QQuickItem; class QUrl; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplotitem.h should remove these lines: - #include <QOffscreenSurface> // lines 41-41 - #include <QVariantList> // lines 36-36 - #include "columnannotation.h" // lines 24-24 - #include "correlationplugin.h" // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplotitem.h: #include <qcustomplot.h> // for QCPAxis (ptr only), QCPAxisRec... #include <qcustomplotcolorprovider.h> // for QCustomPlotColorProvider #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_INVOKABLE, Q_GADGET #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QElapsedTimer> // for QElapsedTimer #include <QFont> // for QFont #include <QFontMetrics> // for QFontMetrics #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QPixmap> // for QPixmap #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QPointF> // for QPointF #include <QQuickPaintedItem> // for QQuickPaintedItem #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QThread> // for QThread #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap #include <QVector> // for QVector #include <atomic> // for atomic_bool #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <map> // for map #include <mutex> // for recursive_mutex #include <set> // for set #include <thread> // for thread #include <utility> // for pair #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/utils/qmlenum.h" // for DEFINE_QML_ENUM class CorrelationPluginInstance; class QCPColumnAnnotations; // lines 49-49 class QEvent; class QOffscreenSurface; class QPainter; class QQuickItem; class QUrl; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplotitem.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtenvironmentvariables.h> // for qEnvironmentVariableInt... #include <QEvent> // for QEvent #include <QFileInfo> // for QFileInfo #include <QHoverEvent> // for QHoverEvent #include <QImage> // for QImage #include <QMargins> // for QMargins #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QMetaObject> // for argument, Q_ARG, QMetaO... #include <QMouseEvent> // for QMouseEvent #include <QOffscreenSurface> // for QOffscreenSurface #include <QPainter> // for QPainter #include <QPen> // for QPen #include <QQuickItem> // for QQuickItem #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include <QRegularExpression> // for QRegularExpression #include <QRgb> // for qAlpha, qGray, QRgb #include <QSharedPointer> // for QSharedPointer #include <QSize> // for QSize #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStringPrivate, QSt... #include <QSurfaceFormat> // for QSurfaceFormat #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QWheelEvent> // for QWheelEvent #include <QtCore> // for SortOrder, ConnectionType #include <QtGui> // for QBrush #include <iterator> // for back_insert_iterator #include <memory> // for make_unique, unique_ptr #include "columnannotation.h" // for ColumnAnnotation #include "shared/commands/icommandmanager.h" // for ExecutePolicy, ICommand... #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for VisualChangeFlags #include "shared/utils/statistics.h" // for medianOf /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplotitem.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QDesktopServices> // lines 36-36 - #include <QSet> // lines 37-37 - #include "qcpcolumnannotations.h" // lines 24-24 - #include "shared/utils/color.h" // lines 30-30 - #include "shared/utils/random.h" // lines 29-29 - #include "shared/utils/utils.h" // lines 28-28 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplotitem.cpp: #include "correlationplotitem.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtenvironmentvariables.h> // for qEnvironmentVariableInt... #include <QCollator> // for QCollator #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QEvent> // for QEvent #include <QFileInfo> // for QFileInfo #include <QHoverEvent> // for QHoverEvent #include <QImage> // for QImage #include <QMargins> // for QMargins #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QMetaObject> // for argument, Q_ARG, QMetaO... #include <QMouseEvent> // for QMouseEvent #include <QOffscreenSurface> // for QOffscreenSurface #include <QPainter> // for QPainter #include <QPen> // for QPen #include <QQuickItem> // for QQuickItem #include <QQuickWindow> // for QQuickWindow #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include <QRegularExpression> // for QRegularExpression #include <QRgb> // for qAlpha, qGray, QRgb #include <QSharedPointer> // for QSharedPointer #include <QSize> // for QSize #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStringPrivate, QSt... #include <QSurfaceFormat> // for QSurfaceFormat #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QWheelEvent> // for QWheelEvent #include <QtCore> // for SortOrder, ConnectionType #include <QtGui> // for QBrush #include <algorithm> // for max, min, any_of, clamp #include <cmath> // for round #include <iterator> // for back_insert_iterator #include <map> // for operator==, map, _Rb_tr... #include <memory> // for make_unique, unique_ptr #include <numeric> // for iota #include <vector> // for vector, operator==, all... #include "columnannotation.h" // for ColumnAnnotation #include "correlationplotsaveimagecommand.h" // for CorrelationPlotSaveImag... #include "correlationplugin.h" // for CorrelationPluginInstance #include "shared/commands/icommandmanager.h" // for ExecutePolicy, ICommand... #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for VisualChangeFlags #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for containsAllOf #include "shared/utils/fatalerror.h" // for FATAL_ERROR #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // for Flags #include "shared/utils/scope_exit.h" // for make_scope_exit #include "shared/utils/statistics.h" // for medianOf #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for toNumber, formatNumberS... #include "shared/utils/thread.h" // for setCurrentThreadName --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplotitem_continuous.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qcustomplot.h> // for QCPGraph, QCPAxis #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for emit #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QApplication> // for QApplication #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QMetaObject> // for argument, Q_ARG #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QPalette> // for QPalette #include <QPen> // for QPen #include <QSharedPointer> // for QSharedPointer #include <QString> // for QString, operator!= #include <QVector> // for QVector #include <QtCore> // for PenStyle, Connectio... #include <QtGui> // for QBrush #include <algorithm> // for max, min, nth_element #include <cmath> // for sqrt, exp, log, isf... #include <iterator> // for back_insert_iterator #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <numeric> // for iota, accumulate #include <set> // for set #include <utility> // for as_const, pair, move #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/utils/qmlenum.h" // for normaliseQmlEnum #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for toNumber /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplotitem_continuous.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "qcpcolumnannotations.h" // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplotitem_continuous.cpp: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qcustomplot.h> // for QCPGraph, QCPAxis #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for emit #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QApplication> // for QApplication #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QMetaObject> // for argument, Q_ARG #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QPalette> // for QPalette #include <QPen> // for QPen #include <QSharedPointer> // for QSharedPointer #include <QString> // for QString, operator!= #include <QVector> // for QVector #include <QtCore> // for PenStyle, Connectio... #include <QtGui> // for QBrush #include <algorithm> // for max, min, nth_element #include <cmath> // for sqrt, exp, log, isf... #include <iterator> // for back_insert_iterator #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <numeric> // for iota, accumulate #include <set> // for set #include <utility> // for as_const, pair, move #include <vector> // for vector #include "correlationplotitem.h" // for CorrelationPlotItem #include "correlationplugin.h" // for CorrelationPluginIn... #include "shared/utils/container_randomsample.h" // for randomSample #include "shared/utils/qmlenum.h" // for normaliseQmlEnum #include "shared/utils/statistics.h" // for medianOf #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for toNumber --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplotitem_columnannotations.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qcustomplot.h> // for QCPAxisRect, operator|, QCPAxis #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for emit #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QFlags> // for QFlags #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QMargins> // for QMargins #include <QMouseEvent> // for QMouseEvent #include <QPen> // for QPen #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QPointF> // for operator-, QPointF #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QSharedPointer> // for QSharedPointer #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s, operator< #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVector> // for QVector #include <QWidget> // for QWIDGETSIZE_MAX #include <QtCore> // for GlobalColor, SortOrder, Keyboard... #include <algorithm> // for equal, all_of, max, min, remove_if #include <functional> // for less #include <iterator> // for back_insert_iterator, back_inserter #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <set> // for set, operator==, _Rb_tree_const_... #include <utility> // for as_const, move, pair #include <vector> // for vector, allocator #include "columnannotation.h" // for ColumnAnnotation #include "shared/utils/qmlenum.h" // for normaliseQmlEnum /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplotitem_columnannotations.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplotitem_columnannotations.cpp: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qcustomplot.h> // for QCPAxisRect, operator|, QCPAxis #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for emit #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QFlags> // for QFlags #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QMargins> // for QMargins #include <QMouseEvent> // for QMouseEvent #include <QPen> // for QPen #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QPointF> // for operator-, QPointF #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QSharedPointer> // for QSharedPointer #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s, operator< #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVector> // for QVector #include <QWidget> // for QWIDGETSIZE_MAX #include <QtCore> // for GlobalColor, SortOrder, Keyboard... #include <algorithm> // for equal, all_of, max, min, remove_if #include <functional> // for less #include <iterator> // for back_insert_iterator, back_inserter #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <set> // for set, operator==, _Rb_tree_const_... #include <utility> // for as_const, move, pair #include <vector> // for vector, allocator #include "columnannotation.h" // for ColumnAnnotation #include "correlationplotitem.h" // for CorrelationPlotItem, PlotMode #include "correlationplugin.h" // for CorrelationPluginInstance #include "qcpcolumnannotations.h" // for QCPColumnAnnotations #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/qmlenum.h" // for normaliseQmlEnum --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/featurescaling.h should add these lines: #include "correlationdatavector.h" // for ContinuousDataVectors class IParser; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/featurescaling.h should remove these lines: - #include <vector> // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/featurescaling.h: #include "correlationdatavector.h" // for ContinuousDataVectors #include "normaliser.h" // for Normaliser class IParser; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/featurescaling.cpp should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <vector> // for vector /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/featurescaling.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "shared/utils/cancellable.h" // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/featurescaling.cpp: #include "featurescaling.h" #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <algorithm> // for max, min #include <cmath> // for sqrt #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/loading/iparser.h" // for IParser --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationtype.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_GADGET /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationtype.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationtype.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_GADGET #include "shared/utils/qmlenum.h" // for DEFINE_QML_ENUM --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationtype.cpp should add these lines: #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationtype.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <cmath> // lines 21-21 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationtype.cpp: #include "correlationtype.h" #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplotsaveimagecommand.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals, slots #include <QVector> // for QVector /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplotsaveimagecommand.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplotsaveimagecommand.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals, slots #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVector> // for QVector #include <condition_variable> // for condition_variable #include <deque> // for deque #include <mutex> // for mutex #include "correlationplotitem.h" // for CorrelationPlotItem #include "shared/commands/icommand.h" // for ICommand #include "shared/utils/deferredexecutor.h" // for DeferredExecutor --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplotsaveimagecommand.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QDir> // for QDir #include <QtCore> // for CaseSensitivity, StringLiterals #include <algorithm> // for copy #include <iostream> // for operator<<, cerr /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplotsaveimagecommand.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplotsaveimagecommand.cpp: #include "correlationplotsaveimagecommand.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QDesktopServices> // for QDesktopServices #include <QDir> // for QDir #include <QFileInfo> // for QFileInfo #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QtCore> // for CaseSensitivity, StringLiterals #include <algorithm> // for copy #include <iostream> // for operator<<, cerr --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/hierarchicalclusteringcommand.h should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QString> // for QString #include <vector> // for vector /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/hierarchicalclusteringcommand.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/hierarchicalclusteringcommand.h: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/commands/icommand.h" // for ICommand class CorrelationPluginInstance; // lines 26-26 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/hierarchicalclusteringcommand.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <algorithm> // for min, sort #include <cmath> // for sqrt #include <numeric> // for iota #include "shared/graph/covariancematrix.h" // for CovarianceMatrix /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/hierarchicalclusteringcommand.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/hierarchicalclusteringcommand.cpp: #include "hierarchicalclusteringcommand.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <algorithm> // for min, sort #include <cmath> // for sqrt #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <numeric> // for iota #include <vector> // for vector #include "correlation.h" // for CovarianceCorrelation #include "correlationdatavector.h" // for ContinuousDataVector, Con... #include "correlationplugin.h" // for CorrelationPluginInstance #include "shared/graph/covariancematrix.h" // for CovarianceMatrix --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/graphsizeestimateplotitem.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap class QCPItemStraightLine; class QMouseEvent; class QQuickItem; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/graphsizeestimateplotitem.h should remove these lines: - #include <QObject> // lines 24-24 - #include <QQuickPaintedItem> // lines 25-25 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/graphsizeestimateplotitem.h: #include <qcustomplotquickitem.h> // for QCustomPlotQuickItem #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap #include <QVector> // for QVector class QCPItemStraightLine; class QMouseEvent; class QQuickItem; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/graphsizeestimateplotitem.cpp should add these lines: #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <qcustomplot.h> // for QCustomPlot, QCPAxis, QCP... #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMouseEvent> // for QMouseEvent #include <QPen> // for QPen #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QSharedPointer> // for QSharedPointer #include <QStyleHints> // for QStyleHints #include <QtCore> // for MouseButton, operator| #include <QtGui> // for QBrush #include <cmath> // for round #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <utility> // for as_const class QQuickItem; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/graphsizeestimateplotitem.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "shared/utils/utils.h" // lines 21-21 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/graphsizeestimateplotitem.cpp: #include "graphsizeestimateplotitem.h" #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <qcustomplot.h> // for QCustomPlot, QCPAxis, QCP... #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QGuiApplication> // for QGuiApplication #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMouseEvent> // for QMouseEvent #include <QPen> // for QPen #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QSharedPointer> // for QSharedPointer #include <QStyleHints> // for QStyleHints #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap #include <QVector> // for QVector #include <QtCore> // for MouseButton, operator| #include <QtGui> // for QBrush #include <algorithm> // for clamp, minmax #include <cmath> // for round #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <utility> // for as_const #include "shared/rendering/multisamples.h" // for multisamples #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for formatNumberSIPostfix class QQuickItem; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplugin.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_INVOKABLE #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for qobject_iid_cast #include <cmath> // for nextafter #include <memory> // for unique_ptr, shared_ptr #include "correlationtype.h" // for CorrelationType, Cor... #include "shared/plugins/iplugin.h" // for IPluginIID, IPlugin ... class IDocument; class IGraphModel; class IMutableGraph; class IParser; class IParserThread; class ISelectionManager; class NodeId; class Progressable; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplugin.h should remove these lines: - #include <QVariantList> // lines 46-46 - #include <algorithm> // lines 40-40 - #include <functional> // lines 39-39 - #include <utility> // lines 41-41 - #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // lines 23-23 - #include "shared/loading/iparser.h" // lines 27-27 - #include "shared/loading/userelementdata.h" // lines 29-29 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplugin.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_INVOKABLE #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QList> // for QList #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap #include <QtCore> // for qobject_iid_cast #include <cmath> // for nextafter #include <map> // for map #include <memory> // for unique_ptr, shared_ptr #include <vector> // for vector #include "columnannotation.h" // for ColumnAnnotation #include "correlationdatavector.h" // for ContinuousDataVector... #include "correlationnodeattributetablemodel.h" // for CorrelationNodeAttri... #include "correlationtype.h" // for CorrelationType, Cor... #include "loading/correlationfileparser.h" // for NormaliseType, Clipp... #include "shared/graph/edgelist.h" // for EdgeList #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for EdgeArray #include "shared/loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData #include "shared/loading/userdata.h" // for UserData #include "shared/plugins/baseplugin.h" // for BasePlugin, BasePlug... #include "shared/plugins/iplugin.h" // for IPluginIID, IPlugin ... class IDocument; class IGraphModel; class IMutableGraph; class IParser; class IParserThread; class ISelectionManager; class NodeId; class Progressable; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplugin.cpp should add these lines: #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qcustomplotcolorprovider.h> // for QCustomPlotColo... #include <qtresource.h> // for Q_INIT_RESOURCE #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <sys/types.h> // for size_t, uint #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStringPrivate #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVector> // for QVector #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include <algorithm> // for copy, sort, tra... #include <iterator> // for back_insert_ite... #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, ite... #include <set> // for set #include <utility> // for move #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for operator&, Valu... #include "shared/commands/icommandmanager.h" // for ExecutePolicy #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdSet #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IGraph #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" // for IMutableGraph #include "shared/loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "shared/loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserElementData #include "shared/loading/userdatavector.h" // for UserDataVector #include "shared/ui/idocument.h" // for IDocument #include "shared/utils/progressable.h" // for Progressable #include "shared/utils/qmlenum.h" // for normaliseQmlEnum class IParserThread; class ISelectionManager; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplugin.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QDir> // lines 48-48 - #include "shared/loading/xlsxtabulardataparser.h" // lines 44-44 - #include "shared/utils/iterator_range.h" // lines 33-33 - #include "shared/utils/random.h" // lines 35-35 - #include "shared/utils/threadpool.h" // lines 32-32 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/correlationplugin.cpp: #include "correlationplugin.h" #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <json_helper.h> // for json, jsonArray... #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qcustomplotcolorprovider.h> // for QCustomPlotColo... #include <qtresource.h> // for Q_INIT_RESOURCE #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <sys/types.h> // for size_t, uint #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStringPrivate #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVector> // for QVector #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include <algorithm> // for copy, sort, tra... #include <iterator> // for back_insert_ite... #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, ite... #include <map> // for map, operator== #include <set> // for set #include <utility> // for move #include "correlation.h" // for ContinuousCorre... #include "correlationplotitem.h" // for CorrelationPlot... #include "graphsizeestimateplotitem.h" // for GraphSizeEstima... #include "hierarchicalclusteringcommand.h" // for HierarchicalClu... #include "importannotationscommand.h" // for ImportAnnotatio... #include "importannotationskeydetection.h" // for ImportAnnotatio... #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for IAttribute, Att... #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for operator&, Valu... #include "shared/commands/icommandmanager.h" // for ExecutePolicy #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdSet #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/graph/grapharray_json.h" // for forEachJsonGrap... #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IGraph #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" // for IMutableGraph #include "shared/loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "shared/loading/iuserelementdata.h" // for IUserElementData #include "shared/loading/userdatavector.h" // for UserDataVector #include "shared/ui/idocument.h" // for IDocument #include "shared/ui/visualisations/ielementvisual.h" // for IElementVisual #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains, conta... #include "shared/utils/progressable.h" // for Progressable #include "shared/utils/qmlenum.h" // for normaliseQmlEnum #include "shared/utils/redirects.h" // for redirectLink #include "shared/utils/source_location.h" // for CURRENT_SOURCE_... #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for toQStringList class IParserThread; class ISelectionManager; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/importannotationscommand.h should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/importannotationscommand.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/importannotationscommand.h: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QString> // for QString #include <set> // for set #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/commands/icommand.h" // for ICommand #include "shared/loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData #include "shared/loading/userdatavector.h" // for UserDataVector class CorrelationPluginInstance; // lines 32-32 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/importannotationscommand.cpp should add these lines: #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <map> // for map #include <utility> // for move #include "shared/loading/userdata.h" // for UserData #include "shared/utils/typeidentity.h" // for TypeIdentity /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/importannotationscommand.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "../crashhandler.h" // lines 26-26 - #include "shared/loading/userelementdata.h" // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/importannotationscommand.cpp: #include "importannotationscommand.h" #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <map> // for map #include <utility> // for move #include "correlationplugin.h" // for CorrelationPluginInstance #include "shared/loading/userdata.h" // for UserData #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for findUniqueName #include "shared/utils/typeidentity.h" // for TypeIdentity --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/quantilenormaliser.h should add these lines: #include "correlationdatavector.h" // for ContinuousDataVectors class IParser; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/quantilenormaliser.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/quantilenormaliser.h: #include "correlationdatavector.h" // for ContinuousDataVectors #include "normaliser.h" // for Normaliser class IParser; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/quantilenormaliser.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <iterator> // for back_insert_iterator, back_inserter #include <vector> // for vector /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/quantilenormaliser.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QtGlobal> // lines 27-27 - #include <set> // lines 24-24 - #include "shared/utils/cancellable.h" // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/quantilenormaliser.cpp: #include "quantilenormaliser.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <algorithm> // for sort, transform, unique #include <iterator> // for back_insert_iterator, back_inserter #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/loading/iparser.h" // for IParser --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/importannotationskeydetection.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_INVOKABLE, Q_OBJECT #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <memory> // for shared_ptr class TabularData; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/importannotationskeydetection.h should remove these lines: - #include "shared/loading/tabulardata.h" // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/importannotationskeydetection.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_INVOKABLE, Q_OBJECT #include <QFutureWatcher> // for QFutureWatcher #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap #include <memory> // for shared_ptr #include "shared/utils/cancellable.h" // for Cancellable class CorrelationPluginInstance; // lines 29-29 class TabularData; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/importannotationskeydetection.cpp should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QList> // for QList #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData #include "shared/utils/typeidentity.h" // for TypeIdentity /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/importannotationskeydetection.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QQmlEngine> // lines 25-25 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/importannotationskeydetection.cpp: #include "importannotationskeydetection.h" #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QFuture> // for QFuture #include <QList> // for QList #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QtConcurrentRun> // for run #include <vector> // for vector #include "correlationplugin.h" // for CorrelationPluginInstance #include "shared/loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData #include "shared/utils/typeidentity.h" // for TypeIdentity --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/loading/correlationfileparser.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <cmath> // for nextafter #include <utility> // for pair #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/utils/progressable.h" // for Progressable class IGraphModel; class QAbstractTableModel; class QUrl; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/loading/correlationfileparser.h should remove these lines: - #include <QtConcurrentRun> // lines 37-37 - #include "plugins/correlation/correlationtype.h" // lines 31-31 - #include "shared/graph/edgelist.h" // lines 29-29 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/loading/correlationfileparser.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QFutureWatcher> // for QFutureWatcher #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap #include <atomic> // for atomic #include <cmath> // for nextafter #include <memory> // for shared_ptr #include <utility> // for pair #include <vector> // for vector #include "plugins/correlation/correlationdatavector.h" // for ContinuousDat... #include "shared/loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "shared/loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData #include "shared/loading/tabulardatamodel.h" // for TabularDataModel #include "shared/utils/cancellable.h" // for Cancellable #include "shared/utils/progressable.h" // for Progressable #include "shared/utils/qmlenum.h" // for DEFINE_QML_ENUM class CorrelationPluginInstance; // lines 76-76 class IGraphModel; class QAbstractTableModel; class QUrl; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/loading/correlationfileparser.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QFuture> // for QFuture #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QtConcurrentRun> // for run #include <algorithm> // for min, copy, max, sort #include <numeric> // for iota #include "correlationdatavector.h" // for ContinuousDataVector #include "correlationtype.h" // for CorrelationDataType #include "shared/graph/edgelist.h" // for EdgeList #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, ElementId class IGraphModel; class QAbstractTableModel; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/loading/correlationfileparser.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // lines 26-26 - #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" // lines 27-27 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/loading/correlationfileparser.cpp: #include "correlationfileparser.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QFuture> // for QFuture #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QtConcurrentRun> // for run #include <algorithm> // for min, copy, max, sort #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <numeric> // for iota #include <set> // for set #include <span> // for span #include <stack> // for stack #include <utility> // for move, pair #include <vector> // for vector #include "correlation.h" // for ContinuousCorrelation #include "correlationdatavector.h" // for ContinuousDataVector #include "correlationplugin.h" // for CorrelationPluginI... #include "correlationtype.h" // for CorrelationDataType #include "featurescaling.h" // for MeanNormaliser #include "quantilenormaliser.h" // for QuantileNormaliser #include "shared/graph/edgelist.h" // for EdgeList #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, ElementId #include "shared/loading/graphsizeestimate.h" // for graphSizeEstimateKnn #include "shared/loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData, CsvFi... #include "shared/loading/xlsxtabulardataparser.h" // for XlsxTabularDataParser #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for sortedIndicesOf #include "shared/utils/container_randomsample.h" // for randomSample #include "shared/utils/scope_exit.h" // for make_scope_exit #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for isNumeric, isInteger class IGraphModel; class QAbstractTableModel; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/qcpcolumnannotations.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QPointF> // for QPointF #include <QRectF> // for QRectF class ColumnAnnotation; class QVariant; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/qcpcolumnannotations.h should remove these lines: - #include <QRect> // lines 30-30 - #include "columnannotation.h" // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/qcpcolumnannotations.h: #include <qcustomplot.h> // for SignDomain, QCPP... #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QPointF> // for QPointF #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include <QString> // for QString #include <map> // for map #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/ui/visualisations/colorgradient.h" // for ColorGradient #include "shared/ui/visualisations/colorpalette.h" // for ColorPalette class ColumnAnnotation; class QVariant; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/qcpcolumnannotations.cpp should add these lines: #include <qtypes.h> // for qreal #include <QFlags> // for QFlags #include <QFont> // for QFont #include <QFontMetrics> // for QFontMetrics #include <QPointer> // for QPointer #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <Qt> // for operator| #include <algorithm> // for max #include <utility> // for move #include "columnannotation.h" // for ColumnAnnotation class QVariant; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/qcpcolumnannotations.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/correlation/qcpcolumnannotations.cpp: #include "qcpcolumnannotations.h" #include <qtypes.h> // for qreal #include <QFlags> // for QFlags #include <QFont> // for QFont #include <QFontMetrics> // for QFontMetrics #include <QPointer> // for QPointer #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <Qt> // for operator| #include <algorithm> // for max #include <utility> // for move #include "columnannotation.h" // for ColumnAnnotation #include "shared/ui/visualisations/defaultgradients.h" // for GRADIENT #include "shared/ui/visualisations/defaultpalettes.h" // for PALETTE #include "shared/utils/color.h" // for contrastingColor #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains class QVariant; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/websearch/websearchplugin.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, Q_PLUGIN_MET... #include <QString> // for operator""_s, QString #include <QtCore> // for qobject_iid_cast, Q_DE... #include "shared/plugins/baseplugin.h" // for PluginInstanceProvider #include "shared/plugins/iplugin.h" // for IPluginIID /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/websearch/websearchplugin.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/websearch/websearchplugin.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, Q_PLUGIN_MET... #include <QString> // for operator""_s, QString #include <QtCore> // for qobject_iid_cast, Q_DE... #include "shared/plugins/basegenericplugin.h" // for BaseGenericPlugin, Bas... #include "shared/plugins/baseplugin.h" // for PluginInstanceProvider #include "shared/plugins/iplugin.h" // for IPluginIID --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/websearch/websearchplugin.cpp should add these lines: #include <qtresource.h> // for Q_INIT_RESOURCE /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/websearch/websearchplugin.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QDir> // lines 21-21 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/websearch/websearchplugin.cpp: #include "websearchplugin.h" #include <qtresource.h> // for Q_INIT_RESOURCE --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/generic/genericplugin.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, Q_PLUGIN_MET... #include <QString> // for operator""_s, QString #include <QtCore> // for qobject_iid_cast, Q_DE... #include "shared/plugins/baseplugin.h" // for PluginInstanceProvider #include "shared/plugins/iplugin.h" // for IPluginIID /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/generic/genericplugin.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/generic/genericplugin.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, Q_PLUGIN_MET... #include <QString> // for operator""_s, QString #include <QtCore> // for qobject_iid_cast, Q_DE... #include "shared/plugins/basegenericplugin.h" // for BaseGenericPlugin, Bas... #include "shared/plugins/baseplugin.h" // for PluginInstanceProvider #include "shared/plugins/iplugin.h" // for IPluginIID --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/generic/genericplugin.cpp should add these lines: #include <qtresource.h> // for Q_INIT_RESOURCE /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/generic/genericplugin.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QDir> // lines 21-21 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/plugins/generic/genericplugin.cpp: #include "genericplugin.h" #include <qtresource.h> // for Q_INIT_RESOURCE --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/attribute.h should add these lines: #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QMessageLogger> // for qFatal #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap #include <algorithm> // for copy #include <iterator> // for back_inserter #include <type_traits> // for remove_reference #include <utility> // for move #include <variant> // for variant, visit #include "shared/attributes/iattributerange.h" // for IAttributeRange class IGraph; class IGraphComponent; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/attribute.h should remove these lines: - #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // lines 25-25 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/attribute.h: #include <QCollator> // for QCollator #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QMessageLogger> // for qFatal #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap #include <algorithm> // for copy #include <functional> // for function #include <iterator> // for back_inserter #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <map> // for map #include <tuple> // for get, tuple #include <type_traits> // for remove_reference #include <utility> // for move #include <variant> // for variant, visit #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag, IAttri... #include "shared/attributes/iattributerange.h" // for IAttributeRange #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId, NodeId #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // for Flags #include "shared/utils/statistics.h" // for Statistics, findStati... class Attribute; // lines 40-40 class IGraph; class IGraphComponent; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/attribute.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qlatin1stringview.h> // for operator""_L1 #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge, IGraph class IGraphComponent; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/attribute.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/attribute.cpp: #include "attribute.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qlatin1stringview.h> // for operator""_L1 #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QRegularExpression> // for QRegularExpression #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge, IGraph #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains, indexOf class IGraphComponent; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/application.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_INVOKABLE, Q_PROPERTY, Q_O... #include <QList> // for QList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVariantList> // for QVariantList #include <QtCore> // for QHash, ItemDataRole #include <utility> // for move #include "loading/isaver.h" // for ISaverFactory class QImage; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/application.h should remove these lines: - #include <QColor> // lines 33-33 - #include <QImage> // lines 36-36 - #include <QRect> // lines 32-32 - #include <QUrl> // lines 31-31 - class GraphModel; // lines 54-54 - class IParser; // lines 55-55 - class ISaverFactory; // lines 56-56 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/application.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_INVOKABLE, Q_PROPERTY, Q_O... #include <QAbstractListModel> // for QAbstractListModel #include <QCoreApplication> // for QCoreApplication #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QPluginLoader> // for QPluginLoader #include <QProcessEnvironment> // for QProcessEnvironment #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QStringListModel> // for QStringListModel #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVariantList> // for QVariantList #include <QtCore> // for QHash, ItemDataRole #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include <utility> // for move #include <vector> // for vector #include "loading/isaver.h" // for ISaverFactory #include "shared/iapplication.h" // for IApplication #include "shared/utils/downloadqueue.h" // for DownloadQueue #include "shared/utils/qmlenum.h" // for DEFINE_QML_ENUM #include "updates/updater.h" // for Updater class IPlugin; // lines 57-57 class QImage; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/application.cpp should add these lines: #include <bits/chrono.h> // for operator""s #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED #include <stdio.h> // for fflush, fpr... #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QChar> // for operator!= #include <QFileInfo> // for QFileInfo #include <QLibrary> // for QLibrary #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug, qCr... #include <QModelIndex> // for QModelIndex #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeString... #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegister... #include <string> // for operator<< #include "loading/saverfactory.h" // for SaverFactory #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains class QImage; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/application.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QQmlEngine> // lines 55-55 - #include <chrono> // lines 62-62 - #include <cmath> // lines 57-57 - #include "preferences.h" // lines 25-25 - #include "tracking.h" // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/application.cpp: #include "application.h" #include <bits/chrono.h> // for operator""s #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED #include <stdio.h> // for fflush, fpr... #include <QApplication> // for QApplication #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QChar> // for operator!= #include <QClipboard> // for QClipboard #include <QDebug> // for QDebug, ope... #include <QDir> // for QDir #include <QFileInfo> // for QFileInfo #include <QLibrary> // for QLibrary #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QMessageBox> // for QMessageBox #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug, qCr... #include <QModelIndex> // for QModelIndex #include <QStandardPaths> // for QStandardPaths #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeString... #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegister... #include <algorithm> // for any_of, max #include <iostream> // for operator<< #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include <mutex> // for mutex, uniq... #include <string> // for operator<< #include <thread> // for sleep_for #include "../crashhandler.h" // for CrashHandler #include "build_defines.h" // for COPYRIGHT #include "crashtype.h" // for CrashType #include "loading/gmlsaver.h" // for GMLSaverFac... #include "loading/graphmlsaver.h" // for GraphMLSave... #include "loading/jsongraphsaver.h" // for JSONGraphSa... #include "loading/nativeloader.h" // for Loader #include "loading/nativesaver.h" // for NativeSaver... #include "loading/pairwisesaver.h" // for PairwiseSav... #include "loading/saverfactory.h" // for SaverFactory #include "rendering/openglfunctions.h" // for OpenGLFunct... #include "shared/plugins/iplugin.h" // for IPlugin #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/container_combine.h" // for combine #include "shared/utils/fatalerror.h" // for FATAL_ERROR #include "shared/utils/msvcwarningsuppress.h" // for MSVC_WARNIN... #include "shared/utils/scopetimer.h" // for ScopeTimerM... #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for execute_sta... #include "shared/utils/thread.h" // for setCurrentT... #include "transform/graphtransformconfigparser.h" // for GraphTransf... #include "ui/visualisations/visualisationconfigparser.h" // for Visualisati... class QImage; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/availableattributesmodel.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_INVOKABLE, Q_OBJECT #include <QModelIndex> // for QModelIndex #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QtCore> // for ItemDataRole, QHash, ItemF... /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/availableattributesmodel.h should remove these lines: - class Attribute; // lines 33-33 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/availableattributesmodel.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_INVOKABLE, Q_OBJECT #include <QAbstractItemModel> // for QAbstractItemModel #include <QList> // for QList #include <QModelIndex> // for QModelIndex #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for ItemDataRole, QHash, ItemF... #include <set> // for set #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType class GraphModel; // lines 32-32 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/availableattributesmodel.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, QTypeInfo<>::isRe... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterInterface #include <utility> // for as_const #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // for Flags /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/availableattributesmodel.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "../crashhandler.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/availableattributesmodel.cpp: #include "availableattributesmodel.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, QTypeInfo<>::isRe... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterInterface #include <utility> // for as_const #include <vector> // for vector #include "application.h" // for Application #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for elementTypeAsString, ElementType #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // for Flags #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for static_block --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/enrichmentcalculator.h should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/enrichmentcalculator.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/enrichmentcalculator.h: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <vector> // for vector #include "enrichmenttablemodel.h" // for EnrichmentTableModel class ICommand; // lines 27-27 class IGraphModel; // lines 26-26 class QString; // lines 25-25 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/enrichmentcalculator.cpp should add these lines: #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QString> // for QString, operator< #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <algorithm> // for min #include "attributes/enrichmenttablemodel.h" // for EnrichmentTableModel #include "shared/commands/icommand.h" // for ICommand #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/enrichmentcalculator.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <set> // lines 22-22 - #include "shared/commands/icommandmanager.h" // lines 30-30 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/enrichmentcalculator.cpp: #include "enrichmentcalculator.h" #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QString> // for QString, operator< #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <algorithm> // for min #include <array> // for array #include <cmath> // for lgamma, sqrt, exp #include <map> // for map, operator== #include <random> // for random_device, uniform... #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/enrichmenttablemodel.h" // for EnrichmentTableModel #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for IAttribute #include "shared/commands/icommand.h" // for ICommand #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IGraph #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for keysFor #include "shared/utils/msvcwarningsuppress.h" // for MSVC_WARNING_SUPPRESS_... --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/editattributetablemodel.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_INVOKABLE #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, QTypeInfo... #include <QModelIndex> // for QModelIndex #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isReloca... #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for EdgeIdMap, NodeIdMap class Document; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/editattributetablemodel.h should remove these lines: - #include <QObject> // lines 27-27 - #include <map> // lines 32-32 - #include "ui/document.h" // lines 24-24 - class SelectionManager; // lines 35-35 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/editattributetablemodel.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_INVOKABLE #include <QAbstractTableModel> // for QAbstractTableModel #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, QTypeInfo... #include <QModelIndex> // for QModelIndex #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isReloca... #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributeedits.h" // for AttributeEdits #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for EdgeIdMap, NodeIdMap class Document; class IAttribute; // lines 34-34 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/editattributetablemodel.cpp should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <Qt> // for ItemDataRole #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include <algorithm> // for sort #include <map> // for operator== #include <type_traits> // for remove_reference_t #include "attributes/attributeedits.h" // for AttributeEdits #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IGraph #include "shared/ui/iselectionmanager.h" // for ISelectionManager #include "ui/document.h" // for Document /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/editattributetablemodel.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QQmlEngine> // lines 29-29 - #include "ui/selectionmanager.h" // lines 21-21 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/editattributetablemodel.cpp: #include "editattributetablemodel.h" #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <Qt> // for ItemDataRole #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include <algorithm> // for sort #include <map> // for operator== #include <type_traits> // for remove_reference_t #include "attributes/attributeedits.h" // for AttributeEdits #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for IAttribute #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IGraph #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel #include "shared/ui/iselectionmanager.h" // for ISelectionManager #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for static_block #include "ui/document.h" // for Document --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/enrichmenttablemodel.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_ENUM, Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, QTypeInfo<>::isRelocatable #include <QModelIndex> // for QModelIndex #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QHash, ItemDataRole, QTypeInfo<>::isR... #include <vector> // for vector /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/enrichmenttablemodel.h should remove these lines: - #include <QObject> // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/enrichmenttablemodel.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_ENUM, Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QAbstractTableModel> // for QAbstractTableModel #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, QTypeInfo<>::isRelocatable #include <QModelIndex> // for QModelIndex #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QHash, ItemDataRole, QTypeInfo<>::isR... #include <vector> // for vector --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/enrichmenttablemodel.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <utility> // for move /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/enrichmenttablemodel.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QDebug> // lines 23-23 - #include <QQmlEngine> // lines 22-22 - #include "enrichmentcalculator.h" // lines 20-20 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/enrichmenttablemodel.cpp: #include "enrichmenttablemodel.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <utility> // for move --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/conditionfncreator.h should add these lines: #include <QMessageLogger> // for qFatal #include <QString> // for QString, ope... #include <boost/variant/detail/apply_visitor_unary.hpp> // for apply_visitor #include <functional> // for operator== #include <utility> // for move #include <variant> // for visit, opera... #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType class EdgeId; class IGraphComponent; class NodeId; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/conditionfncreator.h should remove these lines: - #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // lines 24-24 - #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // lines 25-25 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/conditionfncreator.h: #include <QMessageLogger> // for qFatal #include <QRegularExpression> // for QRegularExpr... #include <QString> // for QString, ope... #include <algorithm> // for any_of #include <boost/variant/detail/apply_visitor_unary.hpp> // for apply_visitor #include <boost/variant/static_visitor.hpp> // for static_visitor #include <functional> // for operator== #include <utility> // for move #include <variant> // for visit, opera... #include "attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "condtionfnops.h" // for String, Nume... #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for ElementCondi... #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformconfigparser.h" // for GraphTransfo... class EdgeId; class IGraphComponent; class NodeId; --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/attributes/conditionfncreator.cpp has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/commandmanager.h should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, emit, slots #include <utility> // for move, forward #include "shared/commands/icommand.h" // for ICommandPtr, ICommand class QTimerEvent; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/commandmanager.h should remove these lines: - #include <QtGlobal> // lines 25-25 - #include <functional> // lines 29-29 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/commandmanager.h: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, emit, slots #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <atomic> // for atomic_bool #include <deque> // for deque #include <memory> // for operator==, default_delete #include <mutex> // for recursive_mutex #include <thread> // for thread #include <utility> // for move, forward #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/commands/icommand.h" // for ICommandPtr, ICommand #include "shared/commands/icommandmanager.h" // for ICommandManager, Execut... #include "shared/utils/fatalerror.h" // for FATAL_ERROR class Graph; // lines 37-37 class QTimerEvent; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/commandmanager.cpp should add these lines: #include <qtenvironmentvariables.h> // for qEnvironmentVariableIntValue #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <algorithm> // for copy #include <type_traits> // for remove_reference class QTimerEvent; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/commandmanager.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/commandmanager.cpp: #include "commandmanager.h" #include <qtenvironmentvariables.h> // for qEnvironmentVariableIntValue #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <algorithm> // for copy #include <thread> // for thread #include <type_traits> // for remove_reference #include "app/preferences.h" // for pref #include "shared/utils/thread.h" // for setCurrentThreadName class QTimerEvent; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/applytransformscommand.h should add these lines: #include <QList> // for QList #include <QString> // for QString /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/applytransformscommand.h should remove these lines: - #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // lines 24-24 - #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // lines 25-25 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/applytransformscommand.h: #include <QList> // for QList #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include "shared/commands/icommand.h" // for ICommand class Document; // lines 30-30 class GraphModel; // lines 29-29 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/applytransformscommand.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/applytransformscommand.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/applytransformscommand.cpp: #include "applytransformscommand.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QSet> // for QSet #include <algorithm> // for all_of #include <utility> // for move, as_const #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "ui/document.h" // for Document --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/applyvisualisationscommand.h should add these lines: #include <QList> // for QList #include <QString> // for QString /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/applyvisualisationscommand.h should remove these lines: - #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/applyvisualisationscommand.h: #include <QList> // for QList #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include "shared/commands/icommand.h" // for ICommand class Document; // lines 29-29 class GraphModel; // lines 28-28 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/applyvisualisationscommand.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <vector> // for vector #include "ui/visualisations/visualisationconfig.h" // for Visualisati... /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/applyvisualisationscommand.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/applyvisualisationscommand.cpp: #include "applyvisualisationscommand.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QRegularExpression> // for QRegularExp... #include <QSet> // for QSet #include <utility> // for move, as_const #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "ui/document.h" // for Document #include "ui/visualisations/visualisationconfig.h" // for Visualisati... #include "ui/visualisations/visualisationconfigparser.h" // for Visualisati... --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/cloneattributecommand.h has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/cloneattributecommand.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <type_traits> // for remove_reference_t #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType class EdgeId; class NodeId; template <typename E> class UserElementData; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/cloneattributecommand.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "shared/loading/userdatavector.h" // lines 27-27 - #include "shared/loading/userelementdata.h" // lines 26-26 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/cloneattributecommand.cpp: #include "cloneattributecommand.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <type_traits> // for remove_reference_t #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/graph.h" // for Graph #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel, AttributeChangesTr... #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for findUniqueName class EdgeId; class NodeId; template <typename E> class UserElementData; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/deletenodescommand.h should add these lines: #include <QString> // for QString #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdSet /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/deletenodescommand.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/deletenodescommand.h: #include <QString> // for QString #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/graph.h" // for Edge #include "shared/commands/icommand.h" // for ICommand #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdSet class GraphModel; // lines 28-28 class SelectionManager; // lines 29-29 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/deletenodescommand.cpp should add these lines: #include <map> // for operator== #include <utility> // for move #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" // for IMutableGraph /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/deletenodescommand.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/deletenodescommand.cpp: #include "deletenodescommand.h" #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <map> // for operator== #include <utility> // for move #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" // for IMutableGraph #include "ui/selectionmanager.h" // for SelectionManager --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/importattributescommand.h should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/importattributescommand.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/importattributescommand.h: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QString> // for QString #include <set> // for set #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/commands/icommand.h" // for ICommand #include "shared/loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData #include "shared/loading/userdatavector.h" // for UserDataVector class GraphModel; // lines 32-32 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/importattributescommand.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <map> // for map #include <type_traits> // for remove_reference_t #include <utility> // for move #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/utils/typeidentity.h" // for TypeIdentity class EdgeId; class NodeId; template <typename E> class UserElementData; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/importattributescommand.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "shared/loading/userelementdata.h" // lines 25-25 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/importattributescommand.cpp: #include "importattributescommand.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <map> // for map #include <type_traits> // for remove_reference_t #include <utility> // for move #include "../crashhandler.h" // for CrashHandler #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel, AttributeChangesT... #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for findUniqueName #include "shared/utils/typeidentity.h" // for TypeIdentity class EdgeId; class NodeId; template <typename E> class UserElementData; --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/editattributecommand.h has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/editattributecommand.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <map> // for operator== #include <type_traits> // for enable_if #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "attributes/attributeedits.h" // for AttributeEdits #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId, NodeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for EdgeIdMap, NodeIdMap #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/loading/userdatavector.h" // for UserDataVector /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/editattributecommand.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/editattributecommand.cpp: #include "editattributecommand.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <map> // for operator== #include <type_traits> // for enable_if #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "attributes/attributeedits.h" // for AttributeEdits #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel, Attribute... #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId, NodeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for EdgeIdMap, NodeIdMap #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/loading/userdatavector.h" // for UserDataVector --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/componentmanager.h should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals, slots #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <map> // for operator== #include <unordered_set> // for unordered_set #include "graph/graphcomponent.h" // for GraphComponent #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for ComponentId, NodeId class IGraphArray; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/componentmanager.h should remove these lines: - #include <QtGlobal> // lines 35-35 - #include <functional> // lines 30-30 - class GraphComponent; // lines 38-38 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/componentmanager.h: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals, slots #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <algorithm> // for any_of #include <map> // for operator== #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include <mutex> // for mutex, recursive_mutex #include <queue> // for queue #include <unordered_set> // for unordered_set #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/graphcomponent.h" // for GraphComponent #include "graphfilter.h" // for GraphFilter #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for ComponentId, NodeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for ComponentIdSet, EdgeC... #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for EdgeArray, NodeArray class Graph; // lines 37-37 class IGraphArray; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/componentmanager.cpp should add these lines: #include <bits/chrono.h> // for system_clock, dura... #include <qtenvironmentvariables.h> // for qEnvironmentVariab... #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug, qWarning #include <Qt> // for ConnectionType #include <compare> // for operator<, strong_... #include <iterator> // for insert_iterator #include <set> // for set, erase_if #include <utility> // for pair, move #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for MultiElementType #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge #include "shared/graph/igrapharray.h" // for IGraphArray /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/componentmanager.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <chrono> // lines 525-525 - #include "shared/utils/container.h" // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/componentmanager.cpp: #include "componentmanager.h" #include <bits/chrono.h> // for system_clock, dura... #include <qtenvironmentvariables.h> // for qEnvironmentVariab... #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug, qWarning #include <Qt> // for ConnectionType #include <compare> // for operator<, strong_... #include <iterator> // for insert_iterator #include <map> // for operator==, _Rb_tr... #include <queue> // for queue #include <set> // for set, erase_if #include <utility> // for pair, move #include "graph.h" // for Graph #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for MultiElementType #include "graphcomponent.h" // for GraphComponent #include "shared/graph/elementid_debug.h" // for operator<< #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge #include "shared/graph/igrapharray.h" // for IGraphArray #include "shared/utils/thread.h" // for currentThreadName --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/removeattributescommand.h should add these lines: #include <QList> // for QList /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/removeattributescommand.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/removeattributescommand.h: #include <QList> // for QList #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <map> // for map #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/commands/icommand.h" // for ICommand #include "shared/loading/userdatavector.h" // for UserDataVector class GraphModel; // lines 33-33 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/removeattributescommand.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <utility> // for move, as_const #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/removeattributescommand.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "shared/loading/userelementdata.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/commands/removeattributescommand.cpp: #include "removeattributescommand.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <algorithm> // for transform #include <iterator> // for back_insert_iterator, back_ins... #include <utility> // for move, as_const #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel, AttributeChangesTr... #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/graphconsistencychecker.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, slots /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/graphconsistencychecker.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/graphconsistencychecker.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, slots #include <QObject> // for QObject class Graph; // lines 24-24 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/graphconsistencychecker.cpp should add these lines: #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <Qt> // for ConnectionType #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for ComponentId #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/graphconsistencychecker.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "componentmanager.h" // lines 22-22 - #include "graphcomponent.h" // lines 21-21 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/graphconsistencychecker.cpp: #include "graphconsistencychecker.h" #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <Qt> // for ConnectionType #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph.h" // for Graph #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for ComponentId #include "shared/graph/elementid_debug.h" // for operator<< #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/graph.h should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <iterator> // for back_inserter class IGraphArray; class IGraphComponent; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/graph.h should remove these lines: - #include <algorithm> // lines 34-34 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/graph.h: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <iterator> // for back_inserter #include <memory> // for operator==, unique_ptr #include <mutex> // for mutex #include <unordered_set> // for unordered_set #include <vector> // for vector #include "elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for EdgeIdDistinctSet #include "graphconsistencychecker.h" // for GraphConsistencyChecker #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId, Compo... #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for EdgeIdSet, NodeIdSet #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge, IGraph, INode class ComponentManager; // lines 36-36 class ComponentMergeSet; // lines 38-38 class ComponentSplitSet; // lines 37-37 class IGraphArray; class IGraphComponent; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/graph.cpp should add these lines: #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug, qFatal #include <Qt> // for ConnectionType #include <algorithm> // for copy #include <compare> // for operator<, strong_... #include <set> // for operator<=>, opera... class IGraphComponent; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/graph.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QtGlobal> // lines 28-28 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/graph.cpp: #include "graph.h" #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug, qFatal #include <QMetaType> // for qRegisterMetaType #include <Qt> // for ConnectionType #include <algorithm> // for copy #include <compare> // for operator<, strong_... #include <set> // for operator<=>, opera... #include "componentmanager.h" // for ComponentManager #include "elementiddistinctsetcollection_debug.h" // for operator<< #include "graphcomponent.h" // for GraphComponent #include "shared/graph/elementid_debug.h" // for operator<< #include "shared/graph/igrapharray.h" // for IGraphArray #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains class IGraphComponent; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/mutablegraph.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals #include <cstddef> // for size_t #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for EdgeIdDistinctSets #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for EdgeIdSet class IEdge; class INode; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/mutablegraph.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/mutablegraph.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals #include <cstddef> // for size_t #include <deque> // for deque #include <map> // for map #include <mutex> // for mutex, unique_lock #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph.h" // for Edge, Node, Graph #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for EdgeIdDistinctSets #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for EdgeIdSet #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" // for IMutableGraph #include "shared/graph/undirectededge.h" // for UndirectedEdge class IEdge; class INode; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/mutablegraph.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <algorithm> // for copy, min_element, fill, max #include <compare> // for operator<, strong_ordering, oper... #include <iterator> // for back_insert_iterator, back_inserter #include <utility> // for pair #include "graph/graph.h" // for Node, Edge, Graph #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge, INode /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/mutablegraph.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/mutablegraph.cpp: #include "mutablegraph.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <algorithm> // for copy, min_element, fill, max #include <compare> // for operator<, strong_ordering, oper... #include <iterator> // for back_insert_iterator, back_inserter #include <utility> // for pair #include "componentmanager.h" // for ComponentManager #include "graph/graph.h" // for Node, Edge, Graph #include "graphcomponent.h" // for GraphComponent #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge, INode #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/centreinglayout.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT class IGraphComponent; class NodeLayoutPositions; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/centreinglayout.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/centreinglayout.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT #include "layout.h" // for Layout class IGraphComponent; class NodeLayoutPositions; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/centreinglayout.cpp should add these lines: #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator- #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <vector> // for vector #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodeLayoutPositions #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/centreinglayout.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/centreinglayout.cpp: #include "centreinglayout.h" #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator- #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <vector> // for vector #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodeLayoutPositions #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/circlepackcomponentlayout.h should add these lines: #include <vector> // for vector class ComponentId; class Graph; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/circlepackcomponentlayout.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/circlepackcomponentlayout.h: #include <vector> // for vector #include "componentlayout.h" // for ComponentLayout, ComponentLayoutData class ComponentId; class Graph; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/circlepackcomponentlayout.cpp should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QtCore> // for operator""_s, StringLiterals #include <compare> // for operator<, strong_ordering #include "layout/componentlayout.h" // for ComponentLayoutData #include "maths/circle.h" // for Circle #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for ComponentId, ElementId #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for GenericGraphArray, Compone... #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/circlepackcomponentlayout.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "graph/componentmanager.h" // lines 37-37 - #include "graph/graphcomponent.h" // lines 36-36 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/circlepackcomponentlayout.cpp: #include "circlepackcomponentlayout.h" #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for operator""_s, StringLiterals #include <algorithm> // for max, stable_sort #include <cmath> // for sqrt #include <compare> // for operator<, strong_ordering #include "app/preferences.h" // for pref #include "graph/graph.h" // for Graph #include "layout/componentlayout.h" // for ComponentLayoutData #include "maths/circle.h" // for Circle #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for ComponentId, ElementId #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for GenericGraphArray, Compone... #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/headless.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals, slots #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/headless.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/headless.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals, slots #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <memory> // for unique_ptr struct HeadlessState; // lines 27-27 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/headless.cpp should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <iostream> // for operator<<, basic_ostream, cerr #include <json.hpp> // for iter_impl, iteration_proxy_value #include <string> // for char_traits, operator<<, string /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/headless.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/headless.cpp: #include "headless.h" #include <json_helper.h> // for from_json, parseJsonFrom #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QDir> // for QDir #include <QFileInfo> // for QFileInfo #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap #include <algorithm> // for clamp, max #include <iostream> // for operator<<, basic_ostream, cerr #include <json.hpp> // for iter_impl, iteration_proxy_value #include <string> // for char_traits, operator<<, string #include "app/ui/document.h" // for Document #include "application.h" // for Application #include "shared/utils/console.h" // for consoleWidth, isRunningInConsole #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains, containsAllOf --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/componentlayout.h should add these lines: #include <vector> // for vector class ComponentId; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/componentlayout.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/componentlayout.h: #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include <vector> // for vector #include "maths/circle.h" // for Circle #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for ComponentArray class ComponentId; class Graph; // lines 29-29 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/componentlayout.cpp should add these lines: #include <QPointF> // for operator-, QPointF #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for ComponentId /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/componentlayout.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "graph/graph.h" // lines 21-21 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/componentlayout.cpp: #include "componentlayout.h" #include <QPointF> // for operator-, QPointF #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for ComponentId --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/graphmodel.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for slots, Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for ComponentId, NodeId #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "ui/visualisations/textvisual.h" // for TextVisual class IGraph; class IMutableGraph; class Progressable; struct IElementVisual; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/graphmodel.h should remove these lines: - class AttributeChangesTracker; // lines 62-62 - class ICommand; // lines 50-50 - struct TextVisual; // lines 54-54 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/graphmodel.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for slots, Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QSet> // for QSet #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap #include <atomic> // for atomic_bool #include <map> // for map #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include <vector> // for vector #include "app/preferenceswatcher.h" // for PreferencesWatcher #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for ComponentId, NodeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdSet #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for NodeArray #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for VisualChangeFlags (pt... #include "shared/loading/userelementdata.h" // for UserEdgeData, UserNod... #include "ui/visualisations/textvisual.h" // for TextVisual class Graph; // lines 43-43 class GraphModelImpl; // lines 42-42 class GraphTransformFactory; // lines 60-60 class IGraph; class IMutableGraph; class IPlugin; // lines 51-51 class MutableGraph; // lines 44-44 class NodePositions; // lines 45-45 class Progressable; class SearchManager; // lines 48-48 class SelectionManager; // lines 47-47 class TransformInfo; // lines 57-57 class VisualisationInfo; // lines 58-58 struct ElementVisual; // lines 53-53 struct IElementVisual; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/graphmodel.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <QCollator> #include <QColor> #include <QDebug> #include <QMap> #include <QMessageLogger> #include <QtCore> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <iterator> #include <mutex> #include "attributes/condtionfnops.h" #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" #include "graph/graph.h" #include "preferenceswatcher.h" #include "shared/attributes/iattributerange.h" #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" #include "shared/loading/userdata.h" #include "shared/ui/visualisations/ielementvisual.h" #include "shared/utils/container.h" #include "transform/graphtransform.h" #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" #include "ui/alert.h" #include "ui/visualisations/visualisationchannel.h" #include "ui/visualisations/visualisationconfig.h" class IMutableGraph; class Progressable; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/graphmodel.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "shared/commands/icommand.h" // lines 72-72 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/graph/graphmodel.cpp: #include "graphmodel.h" #include <qassert.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <QCollator> #include <QColor> #include <QDebug> #include <QMap> #include <QMessageLogger> #include <QMetaType> #include <QRegularExpression> #include <QSet> #include <QtCore> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <iterator> #include <map> #include <mutex> #include <set> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include "attributes/attribute.h" #include "attributes/condtionfnops.h" #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" #include "graph/graph.h" #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" #include "layout/nodepositions.h" #include "limitconstants.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "preferenceswatcher.h" #include "shared/attributes/iattributerange.h" #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" #include "shared/loading/userdata.h" #include "shared/loading/userelementdata.h" #include "shared/plugins/iplugin.h" #include "shared/ui/visualisations/ielementvisual.h" #include "shared/utils/container.h" #include "shared/utils/container_combine.h" #include "shared/utils/flags.h" #include "shared/utils/pair_iterator.h" #include "shared/utils/scopetimer.h" #include "shared/utils/string.h" #include "shared/utils/utils.h" #include "transform/graphtransform.h" #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" #include "transform/graphtransformconfigparser.h" #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" #include "transform/transforminfo.h" #include "transform/transforms/attributesynthesistransform.h" #include "transform/transforms/averageattributetransform.h" #include "transform/transforms/betweennesstransform.h" #include "transform/transforms/combineattributestransform.h" #include "transform/transforms/conditionalattributetransform.h" #include "transform/transforms/contractbyattributetransform.h" #include "transform/transforms/eccentricitytransform.h" #include "transform/transforms/edgecontractiontransform.h" #include "transform/transforms/edgereductiontransform.h" #include "transform/transforms/filtertransform.h" #include "transform/transforms/forwardmultielementattributetransform.h" #include "transform/transforms/knntransform.h" #include "transform/transforms/louvaintransform.h" #include "transform/transforms/mcltransform.h" #include "transform/transforms/pageranktransform.h" #include "transform/transforms/percentnntransform.h" #include "transform/transforms/removeleavestransform.h" #include "transform/transforms/separatebyattributetransform.h" #include "transform/transforms/spanningtreetransform.h" #include "transform/transforms/typecasttransform.h" #include "ui/alert.h" #include "ui/document.h" #include "ui/searchmanager.h" #include "ui/selectionmanager.h" #include "ui/visualisations/colorvisualisationchannel.h" #include "ui/visualisations/elementvisual.h" #include "ui/visualisations/sharedtextvisualisationchannel.h" #include "ui/visualisations/sizevisualisationchannel.h" #include "ui/visualisations/textcolorvisualisationchannel.h" #include "ui/visualisations/textsizevisualisationchannel.h" #include "ui/visualisations/textvisual.h" #include "ui/visualisations/textvisualisationchannel.h" #include "ui/visualisations/visualisationbuilder.h" #include "ui/visualisations/visualisationchannel.h" #include "ui/visualisations/visualisationconfig.h" #include "ui/visualisations/visualisationconfigparser.h" #include "ui/visualisations/visualisationinfo.h" class IMutableGraph; class Progressable; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/collision.h should add these lines: class QVector3D; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/collision.h should remove these lines: - #include <memory> // lines 28-28 - #include "layout.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/collision.h: #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, ComponentId class GraphModel; // lines 30-30 class QVector3D; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/collision.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qvectornd.h> // for QVector3D (ptr ... #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodePositions #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent #include "shared/ui/visualisations/ielementvisual.h" // for VisualFlags #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // for Flags /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/collision.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "maths/ray.h" // lines 25-25 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/collision.cpp: #include "collision.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qvectornd.h> // for QVector3D (ptr ... #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include "graph/graph.h" // for Graph #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodePositions #include "maths/plane.h" // for Plane #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent #include "shared/ui/visualisations/ielementvisual.h" // for VisualFlags #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // for Flags #include "ui/visualisations/elementvisual.h" // for ElementVisual --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/fastinitiallayout.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT #include <QMatrix4x4> // for QMatrix4x4 #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for NodeArray class IGraphComponent; class NodeId; class NodeLayoutPositions; class QVector3D; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/fastinitiallayout.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/fastinitiallayout.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT #include <QMatrix4x4> // for QMatrix4x4 #include "layout.h" // for Layout #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for NodeArray class IGraphComponent; class NodeId; class NodeLayoutPositions; class QVector3D; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/fastinitiallayout.cpp should add these lines: #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator*, QVector3D (ptr ... #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <algorithm> // for copy #include <queue> // for queue #include <vector> // for vector #include "layout/layout.h" // for Layout #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodeLayoutPositions #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId, ElementId #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IGraph, IEdge, INode #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/fastinitiallayout.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/fastinitiallayout.cpp: #include "fastinitiallayout.h" #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator*, QVector3D (ptr ... #include <QMatrix4x4> // for QMatrix4x4, operator* #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <QVector4D> // for QVector4D #include <algorithm> // for copy #include <cmath> // for sin, acos, cos, fmod, sqrt #include <numbers> // for pi_v #include <queue> // for queue #include <vector> // for vector #include "layout/layout.h" // for Layout #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodeLayoutPositions #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId, ElementId #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IGraph, IEdge, INode #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/layoutsettings.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/layoutsettings.h should remove these lines: - #include <algorithm> // lines 29-29 - #include <utility> // lines 28-28 - #include "shared/utils/utils.h" // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/layoutsettings.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <vector> // for vector --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/layoutsettings.cpp should add these lines: #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <algorithm> // for clamp, find_if /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/layoutsettings.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/layoutsettings.cpp: #include "layoutsettings.h" #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <algorithm> // for clamp, find_if #include <cmath> // for log10, pow --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/nodepositions.h should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId class QVector3D; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/nodepositions.h should remove these lines: - #include <array> // lines 27-27 - #include "maths/boundingsphere.h" // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/nodepositions.h: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <mutex> // for recursive_mutex #include <thread> // for thread #include <vector> // for vector #include "maths/boundingbox.h" // for BoundingBox3D #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for NodeArray #include "shared/utils/circularbuffer.h" // for CircularBuffer class QVector3D; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/nodepositions.cpp should add these lines: #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator*, QVector3D (ptr only), operator+ #include <algorithm> // for max /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/nodepositions.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/nodepositions.cpp: #include "nodepositions.h" #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator*, QVector3D (ptr only), operator+ #include <algorithm> // for max #include <cmath> // for isnan #include <numeric> // for accumulate --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/forcedirectedlayout.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s #include <atomic> // for atomic #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for EdgeArray, NodeArray class ComponentId; class GraphModel; class IGraphComponent; class LayoutSettings; class NodeLayoutPositions; class QVector3D; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/forcedirectedlayout.h should remove these lines: - #include <vector> // lines 28-28 - #include "graph/componentmanager.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/forcedirectedlayout.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <atomic> // for atomic #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "layout.h" // for Layout, LayoutFactory #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for EdgeArray, NodeArray #include "shared/utils/circularbuffer.h" // for CircularBuffer class ComponentId; class GraphModel; class IGraphComponent; class LayoutSettings; class NodeLayoutPositions; class QVector3D; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/forcedirectedlayout.cpp should add these lines: #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator*, operator/, oper... #include <QtCore> // for qMakeStringPrivate, qFuzzy... #include <vector> // for vector #include "layout/layout.h" // for Layout, LayoutFactory #include "layout/layoutsettings.h" // for LayoutSettings, LayoutSett... #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodeLayoutPositions #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId, ComponentId #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge, IGraph #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/forcedirectedlayout.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "app/preferences.h" // lines 26-26 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/forcedirectedlayout.cpp: #include "forcedirectedlayout.h" #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator*, operator/, oper... #include <QtCore> // for qMakeStringPrivate, qFuzzy... #include <cmath> // for sqrt #include <vector> // for vector #include "barneshuttree.h" // for AbstractBarnesHutTree, Bar... #include "fastinitiallayout.h" // for FastInitialLayout #include "graph/graph.h" // for Graph #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "layout/layout.h" // for Layout, LayoutFactory #include "layout/layoutsettings.h" // for LayoutSettings, LayoutSett... #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodeLayoutPositions #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId, ComponentId #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge, IGraph #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent #include "shared/utils/scopetimer.h" // for SCOPE_TIMER_MULTISAMPLES #include "shared/utils/threadpool.h" // for parallel_for, ThreadPool --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/layout.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QMessageLogger> // for qFatal #include <QString> // for QString #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for ComponentArray class ComponentId; class ComponentSplitSet; class EdgeId; class Graph; class NodeId; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/layout.h should remove these lines: - #include <QVector2D> // lines 33-33 - #include <QVector3D> // lines 34-34 - #include <algorithm> // lines 43-43 - #include <atomic> // lines 41-41 - #include <cstdint> // lines 45-45 - #include <limits> // lines 44-44 - #include <map> // lines 47-47 - #include <set> // lines 46-46 - #include "graph/componentmanager.h" // lines 24-24 - #include "shared/utils/enumbitmask.h" // lines 29-29 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/layout.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QMessageLogger> // for qFatal #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <condition_variable> // for condition_variable #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include <mutex> // for mutex #include <thread> // for thread #include <vector> // for vector #include "layoutsettings.h" // for LayoutSettings #include "nodepositions.h" // for ExactNodePositions #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for ComponentIdMap #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for ComponentArray #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent #include "shared/utils/cancellable.h" // for Cancellable #include "shared/utils/performancecounter.h" // for PerformanceCounter class ComponentId; class ComponentSplitSet; class EdgeId; class Graph; class GraphModel; // lines 125-125 class NodeId; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/layout.cpp should add these lines: #include <bits/chrono.h> // for seconds #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtenvironmentvariables.h> // for qEnvironmentVariableIntValue #include <QtCore> // for ConnectionType, StringLiterals #include <algorithm> // for any_of, all_of, count_if #include <map> // for operator==, _Rb_tree_iterator #include <utility> // for pair, move #include "layout/layoutsettings.h" // for LayoutSettings, LayoutSetting ... #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodePositions, NodeLayoutPosit... #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for ComponentId #include "shared/utils/enumbitmask.h" // for operator&, operator&& /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/layout.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/layout.cpp: #include "layout.h" #include <bits/chrono.h> // for seconds #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtenvironmentvariables.h> // for qEnvironmentVariableIntValue #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QtCore> // for ConnectionType, StringLiterals #include <algorithm> // for any_of, all_of, count_if #include <map> // for operator==, _Rb_tree_iterator #include <utility> // for pair, move #include "graph/componentmanager.h" // for ComponentSplitSet #include "graph/graph.h" // for Graph #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "layout/layoutsettings.h" // for LayoutSettings, LayoutSetting ... #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodePositions, NodeLayoutPosit... #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for ComponentId #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/enumbitmask.h" // for operator&, operator&& #include "shared/utils/thread.h" // for setCurrentThreadName --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/powerof2gridcomponentlayout.h should add these lines: #include <vector> // for vector class ComponentId; class Graph; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/powerof2gridcomponentlayout.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/powerof2gridcomponentlayout.h: #include <vector> // for vector #include "componentlayout.h" // for ComponentLayout, ComponentLayoutData class ComponentId; class Graph; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/powerof2gridcomponentlayout.cpp should add these lines: #include <qtypes.h> // for qreal #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include "layout/componentlayout.h" // for ComponentLayoutData #include "maths/circle.h" // for Circle #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for ComponentId #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for ComponentArray, GenericGra... #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/powerof2gridcomponentlayout.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "graph/componentmanager.h" // lines 23-23 - #include "graph/graphcomponent.h" // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/powerof2gridcomponentlayout.cpp: #include "powerof2gridcomponentlayout.h" #include <qtypes.h> // for qreal #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QPointF> // for QPointF #include <algorithm> // for copy, max, stable_sort #include <stack> // for stack #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/graph.h" // for Graph #include "layout/componentlayout.h" // for ComponentLayoutData #include "maths/circle.h" // for Circle #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for ComponentId #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for ComponentArray, GenericGra... #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent #include "shared/utils/utils.h" // for smallestPowerOf2GreaterThan --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/randomlayout.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT class IGraphComponent; class NodeLayoutPositions; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/randomlayout.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/randomlayout.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT #include "layout.h" // for Layout class IGraphComponent; class NodeLayoutPositions; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/randomlayout.cpp should add these lines: #include <vector> // for vector #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodeLayoutPositions #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/randomlayout.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/randomlayout.cpp: #include "randomlayout.h" #include <vector> // for vector #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodeLayoutPositions #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "shared/utils/random.h" // for randQVector3D --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/scalinglayout.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT class IGraphComponent; class NodeLayoutPositions; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/scalinglayout.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/scalinglayout.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT #include "layout.h" // for Layout class IGraphComponent; class NodeLayoutPositions; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/scalinglayout.cpp should add these lines: #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator* #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <vector> // for vector #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodeLayoutPositions #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/scalinglayout.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/layout/scalinglayout.cpp: #include "scalinglayout.h" #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator* #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <vector> // for vector #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodeLayoutPositions #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/limitconstants.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_OBJECT /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/limitconstants.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/limitconstants.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_OBJECT #include <QObject> // for QObject --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/limitconstants.cpp should add these lines: #include <QTypeInfo> // for QTypeInfo<>::isValueInitializ... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/limitconstants.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QQmlEngine> // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/limitconstants.cpp: #include "limitconstants.h" #include <QTypeInfo> // for QTypeInfo<>::isValueInitializ... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for static_block --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/gmlsaver.h should add these lines: #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QString> // for operator""_s, QString #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include "loading/isaver.h" // for ISaver class IGraphModel; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/gmlsaver.h should remove these lines: - #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/gmlsaver.h: #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QString> // for operator""_s, QString #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include "loading/isaver.h" // for ISaver #include "loading/saverfactory.h" // for SaverFactory class IGraphModel; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/gmlsaver.cpp should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QChar> // for QChar #include <QFlags> // for QFlags #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice, operator| #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <cmath> // for isnan #include <map> // for map, operator== #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for IAttribute #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for operator&, ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IGraph, IEdge #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/gmlsaver.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" // lines 21-21 - #include "ui/document.h" // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/gmlsaver.cpp: #include "gmlsaver.h" #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QChar> // for QChar #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QFlags> // for QFlags #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice, operator| #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QRegularExpression> // for QRegularExpression #include <QTextStream> // for QTextStream #include <cmath> // for isnan #include <map> // for map, operator== #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for IAttribute #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for operator&, ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IGraph, IEdge #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/importattributeskeydetection.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_INVOKABLE, Q_OBJECT #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <memory> // for shared_ptr class Document; class TabularData; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/importattributeskeydetection.h should remove these lines: - #include "shared/loading/tabulardata.h" // lines 23-23 - #include "ui/document.h" // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/importattributeskeydetection.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_INVOKABLE, Q_OBJECT #include <QFutureWatcher> // for QFutureWatcher #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap #include <memory> // for shared_ptr #include "shared/utils/cancellable.h" // for Cancellable class Document; class TabularData; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/importattributeskeydetection.cpp should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QList> // for QList #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData #include "shared/utils/typeidentity.h" // for TypeIdentity #include "ui/document.h" // for Document /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/importattributeskeydetection.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QQmlEngine> // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/importattributeskeydetection.cpp: #include "importattributeskeydetection.h" #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QFuture> // for QFuture #include <QList> // for QList #include <QtConcurrentRun> // for run #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/loading/tabulardata.h" // for TabularData #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for static_block #include "shared/utils/typeidentity.h" // for TypeIdentity #include "ui/document.h" // for Document --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/graphmlsaver.h should add these lines: #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include "loading/isaver.h" // for ISaver class IGraphModel; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/graphmlsaver.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/graphmlsaver.h: #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QString> // for operator""_s, QString #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include "loading/isaver.h" // for ISaver #include "loading/saverfactory.h" // for SaverFactory class IGraphModel; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/graphmlsaver.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QFlags> // for QFlags #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice, operator| #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <map> // for map #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IGraph, IEdge #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/graphmlsaver.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "graph/graph.h" // lines 21-21 - #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" // lines 25-25 - #include "ui/document.h" // lines 26-26 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/graphmlsaver.cpp: #include "graphmlsaver.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QFlags> // for QFlags #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice, operator| #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for operator""_s, QAnyStringVi... #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <QXmlStreamWriter> // for QXmlStreamWriter #include <map> // for map #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodePositions #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for IAttribute #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IGraph, IEdge #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/jsongraphsaver.h should add these lines: #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include "loading/isaver.h" // for ISaver class IGraphModel; class Progressable; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/jsongraphsaver.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/jsongraphsaver.h: #include <json_helper.h> // for json #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QString> // for operator""_s, QString #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include "loading/isaver.h" // for ISaver #include "saverfactory.h" // for SaverFactory class IGraph; // lines 30-30 class IGraphModel; class Progressable; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/jsongraphsaver.cpp should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QFlags> // for QFlags #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice, operator| #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, iter_impl #include <string> // for to_string, stoi, string #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/utils/progressable.h" // for Progressable /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/jsongraphsaver.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QDebug> // lines 30-30 - #include "nativesaver.h" // lines 21-21 - #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" // lines 25-25 - #include "ui/document.h" // lines 26-26 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/jsongraphsaver.cpp: #include "jsongraphsaver.h" #include <json_helper.h> // for json #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QFlags> // for QFlags #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice, operator| #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, iter_impl #include <string> // for to_string, stoi, string #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for IAttribute #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IGraph, IEdge #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel #include "shared/utils/progressable.h" // for Progressable --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/pairwisesaver.h should add these lines: #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include "loading/isaver.h" // for ISaver class IGraphModel; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/pairwisesaver.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/pairwisesaver.h: #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QString> // for operator""_s, QString #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include "loading/isaver.h" // for ISaver #include "loading/saverfactory.h" // for SaverFactory class IGraphModel; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/pairwisesaver.cpp should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QFlags> // for QFlags #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice, operator| #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QtCore> // for CaseSensitivity, StringLit... #include <algorithm> // for remove_if, sort #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for operator&, ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/pairwisesaver.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QRegularExpression> // lines 28-28 - #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" // lines 24-24 - #include "ui/document.h" // lines 25-25 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/pairwisesaver.cpp: #include "pairwisesaver.h" #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QFlags> // for QFlags #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice, operator| #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s, ope... #include <QTextStream> // for QTextStream #include <QtCore> // for CaseSensitivity, StringLit... #include <algorithm> // for remove_if, sort #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for IAttribute #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for operator&, ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge, IGraph #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/parserthread.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr class IParser; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/parserthread.h should remove these lines: - #include "shared/loading/iparser.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/parserthread.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include <thread> // for thread #include "shared/loading/iparserthread.h" // for IParserThread #include "shared/utils/failurereason.h" // for FailureReason class GraphModel; // lines 31-31 class IParser; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/parserthread.cpp should add these lines: #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <utility> // for move #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" // for IMutableGraph #include "shared/loading/iparser.h" // for IParser /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/parserthread.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <atomic> // lines 26-26 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/parserthread.cpp: #include "parserthread.h" #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <utility> // for move #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" // for IMutableGraph #include "shared/loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "shared/utils/thread.h" // for setCurrentThreadName --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/nativeloader.h should add these lines: #include <QList> // for QList #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <vector> // for vector class IGraphModel; class IPluginInstance; class QUrl; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/nativeloader.h should remove these lines: - #include "shared/plugins/iplugin.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/nativeloader.h: #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QList> // for QList #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <map> // for map #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/enrichmenttablemodel.h" // for EnrichmentTableModel #include "layout/layout.h" // for LayoutSettingKeyValue #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for ExactNodePositions #include "rendering/projection.h" // for Projection #include "rendering/shading.h" // for Shading #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdSet #include "shared/loading/iparser.h" // for IParser class IGraphModel; class IPluginInstance; class QUrl; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/nativeloader.cpp should add these lines: #include <bits/chrono.h> // for operator""ms, chrono_lit... #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <zconf.h> // for Bytef, MAX_WBITS, uInt #include <QChar> // for QChar #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <algorithm> // for all_of #include <cmath> // for double_t #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, iter_impl #include <set> // for set #include <string> // for string #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, ElementId #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for NodeArray /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/nativeloader.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <chrono> // lines 44-44 - #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" // lines 25-25 - #include "shared/loading/progress_iterator.h" // lines 35-35 - #include "shared/loading/userelementdata.h" // lines 34-34 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/nativeloader.cpp: #include "nativeloader.h" #include <bits/chrono.h> // for operator""ms, chrono_lit... #include <json_helper.h> // for json, parseJsonFrom #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <zconf.h> // for Bytef, MAX_WBITS, uInt #include <zlib.h> // for inflate, inflateEnd, z_s... #include <QChar> // for QChar #include <QDataStream> // for QDataStream #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QRegularExpression> // for QRegularExpression #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <algorithm> // for all_of #include <cmath> // for double_t #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, iter_impl #include <set> // for set #include <string> // for string #include <thread> // for sleep_for #include <vector> // for vector #include "application.h" // for Application #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "nativesaver.h" // for NativeSaver #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, ElementId #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for NodeArray #include "shared/graph/grapharray_json.h" // for forEachJsonGraphArray #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel #include "shared/loading/jsongraphparser.h" // for JsonGraphParser #include "shared/plugins/iplugin.h" // for IPluginInstance, IPlugin #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/scope_exit.h" // for make_scope_exit #include "shared/utils/source_location.h" // for CURRENT_SOURCE_LOCATION --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/nativesaver.h should add these lines: #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "application.h" // for Application /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/nativesaver.h should remove these lines: - #include <json_helper.h> // lines 31-31 - #include <QStringList> // lines 35-35 - #include <utility> // lines 22-22 - #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // lines 27-27 - #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // lines 28-28 - #include "shared/utils/progressable.h" // lines 25-25 - #include "ui/document.h" // lines 29-29 - class IGraph; // lines 39-39 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/nativesaver.h: #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QString> // for QString #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "application.h" // for Application #include "isaver.h" // for ISaver, ISaverFactory class Document; // lines 38-38 class IPluginInstance; // lines 40-40 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/nativesaver.cpp should add these lines: #include <json_helper.h> // for json #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <zconf.h> // for Bytef, MAX_WBITS, uInt #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMetaType> // for QMetaType #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <algorithm> // for copy #include <iterator> // for back_insert_iterator #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json #include <map> // for operator== #include <string> // for basic_string #include "attributes/enrichmenttablemodel.h" // for EnrichmentTableModel #include "build_defines.h" // for VERSION #include "layout/layoutsettings.h" // for LayoutSetting #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodePositions #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel #include "shared/utils/progressable.h" // for Progressable class ISaver; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/nativesaver.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QStringList> // lines 37-37 - #include "shared/loading/userelementdata.h" // lines 28-28 - #include "shared/utils/iterator_range.h" // lines 25-25 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/nativesaver.cpp: #include "nativesaver.h" #include <json_helper.h> // for json #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <zconf.h> // for Bytef, MAX_WBITS, uInt #include <zlib.h> // for deflate, deflateEnd #include <QDataStream> // for QDataStream #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMetaType> // for QMetaType #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <algorithm> // for copy #include <iterator> // for back_insert_iterator #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json #include <map> // for operator== #include <string> // for basic_string #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/enrichmenttablemodel.h" // for EnrichmentTableModel #include "build_defines.h" // for VERSION #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "jsongraphsaver.h" // for JSONGraphSaver #include "layout/layoutsettings.h" // for LayoutSetting #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodePositions #include "shared/graph/grapharray_json.h" // for graphArrayAsJson #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel #include "shared/plugins/iplugin.h" // for IPluginInstance #include "shared/utils/progressable.h" // for Progressable #include "shared/utils/scope_exit.h" // for make_scope_exit #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for toQStringVector #include "ui/document.h" // for Document, LayoutPauseState class ISaver; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/boundingbox.h should add these lines: #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator*, operator+, QVector2D (ptr only) #include <QtCore> // for Q_REQUIRED_RESULT /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/boundingbox.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/boundingbox.h: #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator*, operator+, QVector2D (ptr only) #include <QVector2D> // for QVector2D #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <QtCore> // for Q_REQUIRED_RESULT #include <vector> // for vector #include "line.h" // for Line2D, Line3D class Ray; // lines 67-67 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/boundingbox.cpp should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <array> // for array #include "maths/line.h" // for Line2D, Line3D /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/boundingbox.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/boundingbox.cpp: #include "boundingbox.h" #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <algorithm> // for max, min #include <array> // for array #include <cmath> // for isinf, isnan #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include "maths/line.h" // for Line2D, Line3D #include "ray.h" // for Ray --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/saverfactory.h should add these lines: #include <memory> // for unique_ptr, make_unique class IPluginInstance; class QByteArray; class QUrl; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/saverfactory.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/saverfactory.h: #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr, make_unique #include "isaver.h" // for ISaverFactory class Document; // lines 26-26 class IGraphModel; // lines 27-27 class IPluginInstance; class QByteArray; class QUrl; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/saverfactory.cpp should add these lines: /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/saverfactory.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/loading/saverfactory.cpp: #include "saverfactory.h" #include "ui/document.h" // for Document --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/boundingsphere.h should add these lines: #include <QtCore> // for Q_REQUIRED_RESULT class QVector3D; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/boundingsphere.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/boundingsphere.h: #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <QtCore> // for Q_REQUIRED_RESULT #include <numbers> // for pi_v #include <vector> // for vector #include "line.h" // for Line3D class QVector3D; class Ray; // lines 29-29 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/boundingsphere.cpp should add these lines: #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator-, operator+, operator*, QVector3D (... #include <algorithm> // for max #include "maths/line.h" // for Line3D /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/boundingsphere.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/boundingsphere.cpp: #include "boundingsphere.h" #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator-, operator+, operator*, QVector3D (... #include <algorithm> // for max #include <cmath> // for sqrt #include <numeric> // for accumulate #include <vector> // for vector #include "maths/line.h" // for Line3D #include "ray.h" // for Ray --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/conicalfrustum.h should add these lines: class QVector3D; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/conicalfrustum.h should remove these lines: - #include <QVector3D> // lines 26-26 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/conicalfrustum.h: #include "frustum.h" // for BaseFrustum #include "line.h" // for Line3D #include "plane.h" // for Plane class QVector3D; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/conicalfrustum.cpp should add these lines: #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator-, QVector3D (ptr only) #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include "maths/line.h" // for Line3D #include "maths/plane.h" // for Plane /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/conicalfrustum.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/conicalfrustum.cpp: #include "conicalfrustum.h" #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator-, QVector3D (ptr only) #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include "maths/line.h" // for Line3D #include "maths/plane.h" // for Plane #include "shared/utils/utils.h" // for interpolate --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/frustum.h should add these lines: class Plane; class QVector3D; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/frustum.h should remove these lines: - #include <QVector3D> // lines 25-25 - #include "plane.h" // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/frustum.h: #include <array> // for array #include "line.h" // for Line3D class Plane; class QVector3D; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/frustum.cpp should add these lines: #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator*, operator+, QVector3D (ptr only) #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include "maths/line.h" // for Line3D #include "maths/plane.h" // for Plane /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/frustum.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/frustum.cpp: #include "frustum.h" #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator*, operator+, QVector3D (ptr only) #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <algorithm> // for all_of #include "maths/line.h" // for Line3D #include "maths/plane.h" // for Plane --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/plane.h should add these lines: class QVector3D; class Ray; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/plane.h should remove these lines: - #include "maths/ray.h" // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/plane.h: #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D class QVector3D; class Ray; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/plane.cpp should add these lines: #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator-, QVector3D (ptr only), operator* #include "maths/ray.h" // for Ray /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/plane.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <utility> // lines 21-21 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/plane.cpp: #include "plane.h" #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator-, QVector3D (ptr only), operator* #include "maths/ray.h" // for Ray --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/ray.h should add these lines: class QVector3D; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/ray.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/ray.h: #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <array> // for array #include "line.h" // for Line3D class QVector3D; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/ray.cpp should add these lines: #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator*, operator+, operator-, QVector3D (p... /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/ray.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/maths/ray.cpp: #include "ray.h" #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator*, operator+, operator-, QVector3D (p... --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/main.cpp should add these lines: #include <bits/chrono.h> // for operator""s #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qbytearrayview.h> // for QByteArrayView #include <qquickstyle.h> // for QQuickStyle #include <qtconfigmacros.h> // for QT_CONFIG #include <qtcore-config.h> // for QT_FEATURE_pr... #include <qtenvironmentvariables.h> // for qEnvironmentV... #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED #include <qtresource.h> // for Q_INIT_RESOURCE #include <qtwebenginequickglobal.h> // for initialize #include <qtwebenginequickversion.h> // for QTWEBENGINEQU... #include <qtypes.h> // for quint16 #include <stdio.h> // for fprintf, size_t #include <QApplication> // for QApplication #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QCommandLineOption> // for QCommandLineO... #include <QCoreApplication> // for QCoreApplication #include <QFlags> // for QFlags #include <QFont> // for QFont #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMessageLogger> // for qInstallMessa... #include <QMetaObject> // for QMetaObject #include <QSGRendererInterface> // for QSGRendererIn... #include <QString> // for operator""_s #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStringPr... #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for argument, ope... #include <string> // for operator<< #include "rendering/projection.h" // for Projection /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/main.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <SortFilterProxyModel/register.h> // lines 81-81 - #include <breakpad/crashhandler.h> // lines 80-80 - #include <QQmlComponent> // lines 22-22 - #include <QQmlEngine> // lines 23-23 - #include <QQuickStyle> // lines 26-26 - #include <QScreen> // lines 34-34 - #include <QSettings> // lines 43-43 - #include <QWidget> // lines 32-32 - #include <QWindow> // lines 33-33 - #include <QtGlobal> // lines 27-27 - #include <QtWebEngineQuick> // lines 48-48 - #include <chrono> // lines 53-53 - #include <fstream> // lines 52-52 - #include <memory> // lines 54-54 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/main.cpp: #include <bits/chrono.h> // for operator""s #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qbytearrayview.h> // for QByteArrayView #include <qquickstyle.h> // for QQuickStyle #include <qtconfigmacros.h> // for QT_CONFIG #include <qtcore-config.h> // for QT_FEATURE_pr... #include <qtenvironmentvariables.h> // for qEnvironmentV... #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED #include <qtresource.h> // for Q_INIT_RESOURCE #include <qtsingleapplication/qtsingleapplication.h> // for QtSingleAppli... #include <qtwebenginequickglobal.h> // for initialize #include <qtwebenginequickversion.h> // for QTWEBENGINEQU... #include <qtypes.h> // for quint16 #include <stdio.h> // for fprintf, size_t #include <QApplication> // for QApplication #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QCommandLineOption> // for QCommandLineO... #include <QCommandLineParser> // for QCommandLineP... #include <QCoreApplication> // for QCoreApplication #include <QDir> // for QDir #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QFileDevice> // for QFileDevice #include <QFileInfo> // for QFileInfo #include <QFlags> // for QFlags #include <QFont> // for QFont #include <QGuiApplication> // for QGuiApplication #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice #include <QIcon> // for QIcon #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMessageBox> // for QMessageBox #include <QMessageLogger> // for qInstallMessa... #include <QMetaObject> // for QMetaObject #include <QNetworkProxy> // for QNetworkProxy #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QProcess> // for QProcess #include <QQmlApplicationEngine> // for QQmlApplicati... #include <QQmlFileSelector> // for QQmlFileSelector #include <QQuickWindow> // for QQuickWindow #include <QSGRendererInterface> // for QSGRendererIn... #include <QStandardPaths> // for QStandardPaths #include <QString> // for operator""_s #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QStringLiteral> // for qMakeStringPr... #include <QStyleHints> // for QStyleHints #include <QTimer> // for QTimer #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for argument, ope... #include <iostream> // for operator<< #include <string> // for operator<< #include "application.h" // for Application #include "build_defines.h" // for VERSION #include "headless.h" // for Headless #include "preferences.h" // for definePref, pref #include "preferenceswatcher.h" // for PreferencesWa... #include "rendering/graphrenderer.h" // for TextState #include "rendering/openglfunctions.h" // for OpenGLFunctions #include "rendering/projection.h" // for Projection #include "shared/ui/visualisations/defaultgradients.h" // for GRADIENT, GRA... #include "shared/ui/visualisations/defaultpalettes.h" // for PALETTE, PALE... #include "shared/utils/apppathname.h" // for appPathName #include "shared/utils/console.h" // for enableConsole... #include "shared/utils/consolecapture.h" // for captureConsol... #include "shared/utils/debugger.h" // for isDebuggerPre... #include "shared/utils/macosfileopeneventfilter.h" // for MacOsFileOpen... #include "shared/utils/scopetimer.h" // for ScopeTimerMan... #include "shared/utils/signalhandling.h" // for installSignal... #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for execute_stati... #include "shared/utils/thread.h" // for currentThread... #include "shared/utils/threadpool.h" // for ThreadPoolSin... #include "updates/updater.h" // for Updater #include "watchdog.h" // for Watchdog --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/preferenceswatcher.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/preferenceswatcher.h should remove these lines: - #include "preferences.h" // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/preferenceswatcher.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <mutex> // for recursive_mutex #include <set> // for set --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/preferenceswatcher.cpp has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/camera.h should add these lines: #include <QRectF> // for QRectF class QVector3D; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/camera.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/camera.h: #include <QMatrix4x4> // for QMatrix4x4 #include <QQuaternion> // for QQuaternion #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include <QSharedPointer> // for QSharedPointer #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include "maths/conicalfrustum.h" // for ConicalFrustum #include "maths/frustum.h" // for Frustum #include "maths/line.h" // for Line3D #include "maths/ray.h" // for Ray class QOpenGLShaderProgram; // lines 32-32 class QVector3D; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/camera.cpp should add these lines: #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator-, operator*, operator!=, QVector3D (... #include <QVector4D> // for QVector4D /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/camera.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QDebug> // lines 24-24 - #include <QOpenGLShaderProgram> // lines 23-23 - #include "maths/interpolation.h" // lines 21-21 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/camera.cpp: #include "camera.h" #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator-, operator*, operator!=, QVector3D (... #include <QVector4D> // for QVector4D --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/qmlpreferences.h should add these lines: #include <qtclasshelpermacros.h> // for Q_DISABLE_COPY #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_INTERFACES, Q_OBJECT, Q_PROPERTY /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/qmlpreferences.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/qmlpreferences.h: #include <qtclasshelpermacros.h> // for Q_DISABLE_COPY #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_INTERFACES, Q_OBJECT, Q_PROPERTY #include <QMetaProperty> // for QMetaProperty #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QQmlParserStatus> // for QQmlParserStatus #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include "app/preferenceswatcher.h" // for PreferencesWatcher --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/qmlpreferences.cpp should add these lines: #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, operator==, Strin... #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMetaMethod> // for QMetaMethod #include <QMetaObject> // for QMetaObject #include <QMetaType> // for QMetaType #include <QTypeInfo> // for QTypeInfo<>::isValueInitializ... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include "preferenceswatcher.h" // for PreferencesWatcher /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/qmlpreferences.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QQmlEngine> // lines 26-26 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/qmlpreferences.cpp: #include "qmlpreferences.h" #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, operator==, Strin... #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMetaMethod> // for QMetaMethod #include <QMetaObject> // for QMetaObject #include <QMetaType> // for QMetaType #include <QRegularExpression> // for QRegularExpression #include <QTypeInfo> // for QTypeInfo<>::isValueInitializ... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include "app/preferences.h" // for pref, setPref #include "preferenceswatcher.h" // for PreferencesWatcher #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for static_block --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/doublebufferedtexture.h should add these lines: #include <QtGui/qopengl.h> // for GLuint #include <stddef.h> // for size_t /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/doublebufferedtexture.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/doublebufferedtexture.h: #include <QtGui/qopengl.h> // for GLuint #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <array> // for array #include <condition_variable> // for condition_variable #include <mutex> // for mutex #include "openglfunctions.h" // for OpenGLFunctions --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/doublebufferedtexture.cpp has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/glyphmap.h should add these lines: #include <qtypes.h> // for quint32 #include <vector> // for vector class QFont; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/glyphmap.h should remove these lines: - #include <QFont> // lines 25-25 - #include <QFontMetrics> // lines 27-27 - #include <QGlyphRun> // lines 26-26 - #include <QVector2D> // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/glyphmap.h: #include <qtypes.h> // for quint32 #include <QImage> // for QImage #include <QString> // for QString #include <map> // for map #include <mutex> // for recursive_mutex #include <vector> // for vector class QFont; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/glyphmap.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QFont> // for QFont #include <QFontMetrics> // for QFontMetrics #include <QGlyphRun> // for QGlyphRun, QTypeInfo<>::isReloca... #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug, qWarning #include <QPointF> // for QPointF #include <QRawFont> // for QRawFont #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include <QTextLine> // for QTextLine #include <QTextOption> // for QTextOption #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for GlobalColor, FillRule, StringLit... #include <QtGui> // for QPainterPath, QBrush #include <utility> // for pair, move /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/glyphmap.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QPainterPath> // lines 29-29 - #include <memory> // lines 31-31 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/glyphmap.cpp: #include "glyphmap.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QDir> // for QDir #include <QFont> // for QFont #include <QFontMetrics> // for QFontMetrics #include <QGlyphRun> // for QGlyphRun, QTypeInfo<>::isReloca... #include <QGuiApplication> // for QGuiApplication #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug, qWarning #include <QPainter> // for QPainter #include <QPointF> // for QPointF #include <QRawFont> // for QRawFont #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include <QTextLayout> // for QTextLayout #include <QTextLine> // for QTextLine #include <QTextOption> // for QTextOption #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for GlobalColor, FillRule, StringLit... #include <QtGui> // for QPainterPath, QBrush #include <algorithm> // for max, any_of #include <utility> // for pair, move #include "app/preferences.h" // for pref #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphcomponentrenderer.h should add these lines: #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include <QVector4D> // for QVector4D #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, ComponentId class IEdge; class QVector3D; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphcomponentrenderer.h should remove these lines: - #include <QColor> // lines 36-36 - #include <QRect> // lines 37-37 - #include <memory> // lines 39-39 - #include "maths/boundingbox.h" // lines 26-26 - #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // lines 29-29 - #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // lines 28-28 - class Camera; // lines 45-45 - class Octree; // lines 46-46 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphcomponentrenderer.h: #include <QMatrix4x4> // for QMatrix4x4 #include <QQuaternion> // for QQuaternion #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <QVector4D> // for QVector4D #include <vector> // for vector #include "camera.h" // for Camera #include "limitconstants.h" // for LimitConstants #include "projection.h" // for Projection #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, ComponentId #include "transition.h" // for Transition class GraphModel; // lines 43-43 class GraphRenderer; // lines 42-42 class IEdge; class QVector3D; class SelectionManager; // lines 44-44 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphcomponentrenderer.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator-, operator+ #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug, qWarning #include <QPointF> // for QPointF #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QtCore> // for qFuzzyCompare, qDe... #include <iterator> // for back_insert_iterator #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for MultiElementType #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodePositions #include "maths/ray.h" // for Ray #include "rendering/projection.h" // for Projection #include "rendering/transition.h" // for Transition #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/utils.h" // for interpolate /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphcomponentrenderer.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QKeyEvent> // lines 43-43 - #include <QMouseEvent> // lines 44-44 - #include <QtMath> // lines 45-45 - #include <mutex> // lines 48-48 - #include "app/preferences.h" // lines 40-40 - #include "graph/componentmanager.h" // lines 26-26 - #include "layout/layout.h" // lines 28-28 - #include "maths/boundingsphere.h" // lines 31-31 - #include "maths/frustum.h" // lines 32-32 - #include "ui/graphquickitem.h" // lines 35-35 - #include "ui/selectionmanager.h" // lines 36-36 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphcomponentrenderer.cpp: #include "graphcomponentrenderer.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator-, operator+ #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug, qWarning #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QPointF> // for QPointF #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QtCore> // for qFuzzyCompare, qDe... #include <algorithm> // for max, min, clamp #include <cmath> // for sin #include <iterator> // for back_insert_iterator #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include "camera.h" // for Camera #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for MultiElementType #include "graph/graph.h" // for Graph #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "graphrenderer.h" // for GraphRenderer #include "layout/collision.h" // for Collision #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodePositions #include "maths/plane.h" // for Plane #include "maths/ray.h" // for Ray #include "rendering/projection.h" // for Projection #include "rendering/transition.h" // for Transition #include "shared/graph/elementid_debug.h" // for operator<< #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/utils.h" // for interpolate #include "ui/visualisations/elementvisual.h" // for ElementVisual --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphcomponentscene.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, slots #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include "rendering/projection.h" // for Projection #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, ComponentId class ComponentMergeSet; class ComponentSplitSet; class QPoint; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphcomponentscene.h should remove these lines: - #include "graph/componentmanager.h" // lines 24-24 - #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // lines 25-25 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphcomponentscene.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, slots #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include "rendering/projection.h" // for Projection #include "scene.h" // for Scene #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, ComponentId #include "transition.h" // for Transition class ComponentMergeSet; class ComponentSplitSet; class Graph; // lines 28-28 class GraphComponentRenderer; // lines 30-30 class GraphRenderer; // lines 29-29 class QPoint; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphcomponentscene.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator+, operator- #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <QtCore> // for operator""_s, ConnectionType #include <compare> // for operator<, strong_ordering #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/componentmanager.h" // for ComponentMergeSet, Compone... #include "maths/plane.h" // for Plane #include "rendering/camera.h" // for Camera #include "rendering/scene.h" // for Scene #include "rendering/transition.h" // for Transition #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for ComponentArray #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent #include "shared/utils/movablepointer.h" // for MovablePointer /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphcomponentscene.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "ui/graphquickitem.h" // lines 31-31 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphcomponentscene.cpp: #include "graphcomponentscene.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator+, operator- #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <QtCore> // for operator""_s, ConnectionType #include <compare> // for operator<, strong_ordering #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/componentmanager.h" // for ComponentMergeSet, Compone... #include "graph/graph.h" // for Graph #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "graphcomponentrenderer.h" // for GraphComponentRenderer #include "graphrenderer.h" // for GraphRenderer #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodePositions #include "maths/plane.h" // for Plane #include "rendering/camera.h" // for Camera #include "rendering/scene.h" // for Scene #include "rendering/transition.h" // for Transition #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for ComponentArray #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent #include "shared/utils/movablepointer.h" // for MovablePointer #include "shared/utils/scope_exit.h" // for make_scope_exit --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphoverviewscene.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, slots #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include <QSizeF> // for QSizeF #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include "maths/circle.h" // for Circle #include "rendering/projection.h" // for Projection #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for ComponentId enum class VisualChangeFlags; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphoverviewscene.h should remove these lines: - #include <QRect> // lines 38-38 - #include <mutex> // lines 34-34 - #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // lines 26-26 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphoverviewscene.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, slots #include <QPointF> // for QPointF #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include <QSizeF> // for QSizeF #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <atomic> // for atomic_bool #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include <vector> // for vector #include "app/preferenceswatcher.h" // for PreferencesWatcher #include "graph/componentmanager.h" // for ComponentMergeSet, ComponentSpl... #include "layout/componentlayout.h" // for ComponentLayoutData, ComponentL... #include "maths/circle.h" // for Circle #include "rendering/projection.h" // for Projection #include "scene.h" // for Scene #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for ComponentId #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for ComponentArray #include "transition.h" // for Transition class CommandManager; // lines 43-43 class Graph; // lines 41-41 class GraphModel; // lines 42-42 class GraphRenderer; // lines 44-44 enum class VisualChangeFlags; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphoverviewscene.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QQuaternion> // for QQuaternion #include <QtCore> // for ConnectionType, String... #include <iterator> // for insert_iterator, inserter #include <map> // for operator==, _Rb_tree_c... #include <type_traits> // for remove_reference #include <utility> // for move #include "preferenceswatcher.h" // for PreferencesWatcher #include "rendering/camera.h" // for Camera #include "rendering/scene.h" // for Scene #include "rendering/transition.h" // for Transition #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for VisualChangeFlags #include "shared/utils/movablepointer.h" // for MovablePointer class Command; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphoverviewscene.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QPoint> // lines 40-40 - #include <functional> // lines 44-44 - #include <stack> // lines 42-42 - #include "layout/powerof2gridcomponentlayout.h" // lines 27-27 - #include "ui/graphquickitem.h" // lines 32-32 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphoverviewscene.cpp: #include "graphoverviewscene.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QQuaternion> // for QQuaternion #include <QtCore> // for ConnectionType, String... #include <algorithm> // for max, min, copy, clamp #include <iterator> // for insert_iterator, inserter #include <map> // for operator==, _Rb_tree_c... #include <type_traits> // for remove_reference #include <utility> // for move #include <vector> // for vector #include "app/preferences.h" // for pref #include "commands/commandmanager.h" // for CommandManager #include "graph/graph.h" // for Graph #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "graphcomponentrenderer.h" // for GraphComponentRenderer #include "graphrenderer.h" // for GraphRenderer #include "layout/circlepackcomponentlayout.h" // for CirclePackComponentLayout #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodePositions #include "preferenceswatcher.h" // for PreferencesWatcher #include "rendering/camera.h" // for Camera #include "rendering/scene.h" // for Scene #include "rendering/transition.h" // for Transition #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for VisualChangeFlags #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // for Flags #include "shared/utils/movablepointer.h" // for MovablePointer #include "shared/utils/scope_exit.h" // for make_scope_exit #include "shared/utils/utils.h" // for interpolate class Command; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphrenderer.h should add these lines: #include <QtGui/qopengl.h> // for GLuint #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_GADGET, slots, Q_OB... #include <qtypes.h> // for qreal #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <mutex> // for mutex, recursive_mutex #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for ComponentId, NodeId class QEvent; class QImage; class QOpenGLFramebufferObject; class QVector3D; class ScreenshotRenderer; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphrenderer.h should remove these lines: - #include <QImage> // lines 50-50 - #include <QOpenGLBuffer> // lines 46-46 - #include <QOpenGLVertexArrayObject> // lines 47-47 - #include <QPainter> // lines 52-52 - #include <QPixmap> // lines 51-51 - #include <array> // lines 59-59 - #include "openglfunctions.h" // lines 23-23 - #include "shading.h" // lines 30-30 - class ICommand; // lines 77-77 - class QOpenGLDebugMessage; // lines 67-67 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphrenderer.h: #include <QtGui/qopengl.h> // for GLuint #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_GADGET, slots, Q_OB... #include <qtypes.h> // for qreal #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QElapsedTimer> // for QElapsedTimer #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QOpenGLShaderProgram> // for QOpenGLShaderProgram #include <QQuickFramebufferObject> // for QQuickFramebufferObject #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QSize> // for QSize #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <atomic> // for atomic_bool #include <functional> // for function #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include <mutex> // for mutex, recursive_mutex #include <queue> // for queue #include <vector> // for vector #include "app/preferenceswatcher.h" // for PreferencesWatcher #include "doublebufferedtexture.h" // for DoubleBufferedTexture #include "glyphmap.h" // for GlyphMap #include "graph/qmlelementid.h" // for QmlNodeId #include "graphcomponentrenderer.h" // for GraphComponentRenderer #include "graphrenderercore.h" // for GraphRendererCore #include "opengldebuglogger.h" // for OpenGLDebugLogger #include "projection.h" // for Projection #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for ComponentId, NodeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for ComponentIdSet #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for ComponentArray, Locki... #include "shared/utils/deferredexecutor.h" // for DeferredExecutor #include "shared/utils/movablepointer.h" // for MovablePointer #include "shared/utils/performancecounter.h" // for PerformanceCounter #include "shared/utils/qmlenum.h" // for DEFINE_QML_ENUM #include "transition.h" // for Transition class CommandManager; // lines 65-65 class Graph; // lines 62-62 class GraphComponentInteractor; // lines 75-75 class GraphComponentScene; // lines 71-71 class GraphModel; // lines 64-64 class GraphOverviewInteractor; // lines 74-74 class GraphOverviewScene; // lines 70-70 class GraphQuickItem; // lines 63-63 class Interactor; // lines 73-73 class QEvent; class QImage; class QOpenGLFramebufferObject; class QVector3D; class Scene; // lines 69-69 class ScreenshotRenderer; class SelectionManager; // lines 66-66 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphrenderer.cpp should add these lines: #include <bits/chrono.h> // for seconds #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qinputdevice.h> // for QInputDevice #include <qquickopenglutils.h> // for resetOpenGLState #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator-, QVec... #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qWarning #include <QMouseEvent> // for QMouseEvent #include <QOpenGLFramebufferObject> // for QOpenGLFramebuf... #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QPointF> // for operator*, QPointF #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <QWheelEvent> // for QWheelEvent #include <QtCore> // for ConnectionType #include <algorithm> // for remove_if, copy #include <array> // for array #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <map> // for operator==, map #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for MultiElementType #include "maths/boundingsphere.h" // for BoundingSphere #include "preferenceswatcher.h" // for PreferencesWatcher #include "rendering/camera.h" // for Camera #include "rendering/doublebufferedtexture.h" // for DoubleBufferedT... #include "rendering/graphcomponentrenderer.h" // for GraphComponentR... #include "rendering/graphrenderercore.h" // for GPUGraphData #include "rendering/projection.h" // for Projection #include "rendering/scene.h" // for Scene #include "rendering/transition.h" // for Transition #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent #include "shared/ui/visualisations/ielementvisual.h" // for VisualFlags #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // for Flags #include "ui/interactor.h" // for Interactor /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphrenderer.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QBuffer> // lines 54-54 - #include <QFutureWatcher> // lines 55-55 - #include <QOpenGLDebugLogger> // lines 48-48 - #include <QOpenGLFramebufferObjectFormat> // lines 46-46 - #include <QQuickOpenGLUtils> // lines 47-47 - #include <QTextLayout> // lines 53-53 - #include "ui/selectionmanager.h" // lines 37-37 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphrenderer.cpp: #include "graphrenderer.h" #include <bits/chrono.h> // for seconds #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qinputdevice.h> // for QInputDevice #include <qquickopenglutils.h> // for resetOpenGLState #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator-, QVec... #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QCoreApplication> // for QCoreApplication #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QEvent> // for QEvent #include <QMessageLogger> // for qWarning #include <QMouseEvent> // for QMouseEvent #include <QNativeGestureEvent> // for QNativeGestureE... #include <QObject> // for qobject_cast #include <QOpenGLFramebufferObject> // for QOpenGLFramebuf... #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QPointF> // for operator*, QPointF #include <QQuickWindow> // for QQuickWindow #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <QWheelEvent> // for QWheelEvent #include <QtCore> // for ConnectionType #include <algorithm> // for remove_if, copy #include <array> // for array #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <map> // for operator==, map #include <utility> // for move #include "app/layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodePositions #include "app/preferences.h" // for pref #include "glyphmap.h" // for GlyphMap #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for MultiElementType #include "graph/graph.h" // for Graph #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "graphcomponentscene.h" // for GraphComponentS... #include "graphoverviewscene.h" // for GraphOverviewScene #include "maths/boundingsphere.h" // for BoundingSphere #include "preferenceswatcher.h" // for PreferencesWatcher #include "rendering/camera.h" // for Camera #include "rendering/doublebufferedtexture.h" // for DoubleBufferedT... #include "rendering/graphcomponentrenderer.h" // for GraphComponentR... #include "rendering/graphrenderercore.h" // for GPUGraphData #include "rendering/projection.h" // for Projection #include "rendering/scene.h" // for Scene #include "rendering/transition.h" // for Transition #include "screenshotrenderer.h" // for ScreenshotRenderer #include "shadertools.h" // for loadShaderProgram #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent #include "shared/ui/visualisations/ielementvisual.h" // for VisualFlags #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for vectorFrom #include "shared/utils/doasyncthen.h" // for doAsync, _Then #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // for Flags #include "ui/graphcomponentinteractor.h" // for GraphComponentI... #include "ui/graphoverviewinteractor.h" // for GraphOverviewIn... #include "ui/graphquickitem.h" // for GraphQuickItem #include "ui/interactor.h" // for Interactor #include "ui/visualisations/elementvisual.h" // for ElementVisual #include "ui/visualisations/textvisual.h" // for TextVisual --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/opengldebuglogger.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, slots /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/opengldebuglogger.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/opengldebuglogger.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, slots #include <QObject> // for QObject class QOpenGLDebugLogger; // lines 24-24 class QOpenGLDebugMessage; // lines 25-25 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/opengldebuglogger.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtenvironmentvariables.h> // for qEnvironmentVariableIntValue #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QOpenGLDebugMessage> // for QOpenGLDebugMessage #include <QtCore> // for ConnectionType, QByteArrayLiteral /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/opengldebuglogger.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/opengldebuglogger.cpp: #include "opengldebuglogger.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtenvironmentvariables.h> // for qEnvironmentVariableIntValue #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QOpenGLContext> // for QOpenGLContext #include <QOpenGLDebugLogger> // for QOpenGLDebugLogger #include <QOpenGLDebugMessage> // for QOpenGLDebugMessage #include <QtCore> // for ConnectionType, QByteArrayLiteral --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphrenderercore.h should add these lines: #include <QtGui/qopengl.h> // for GLuint, GLint, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QSize> // for QSize class QRect; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphrenderercore.h should remove these lines: - #include <QRect> // lines 34-34 - class ScreenshotRenderer; // lines 40-40 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphrenderercore.h: #include <QtGui/qopengl.h> // for GLuint, GLint, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QMatrix4x4> // for QMatrix4x4 #include <QOpenGLBuffer> // for QOpenGLBuffer #include <QOpenGLShaderProgram> // for QOpenGLShaderProgram #include <QOpenGLVertexArrayObject> // for QOpenGLVertexArrayObject #include <QSize> // for QSize #include <array> // for array #include <vector> // for vector #include "openglfunctions.h" // for OpenGLFunctions #include "primitives/arrow.h" // for Arrow #include "primitives/rectangle.h" // for Rectangle #include "primitives/sphere.h" // for Sphere #include "shading.h" // for Shading #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // for Flags class GlyphMap; // lines 41-41 class QOpenGLContext; // lines 42-42 class QRect; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphrenderercore.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtypes.h> // for uchar #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QImage> // for QImage #include <QMessageLogger> // for qWarning #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QString> // for operator""_s, QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <QtCore> // for qFuzzyCompare, GlobalColor #include <algorithm> // for min, remove_if, sort #include <initializer_list> // for initializer_list #include "rendering/openglfunctions.h" // for OpenGLFunctions #include "rendering/primitives/arrow.h" // for Arrow #include "rendering/primitives/rectangle.h" // for Rectangle #include "rendering/primitives/sphere.h" // for Sphere #include "rendering/shading.h" // for Shading class QVector3D; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphrenderercore.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/graphrenderercore.cpp: #include "graphrenderercore.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtypes.h> // for uchar #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QColor> // for QColor, operator<<, oper... #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QDir> // for QDir #include <QImage> // for QImage #include <QMessageLogger> // for qWarning #include <QOpenGLContext> // for QOpenGLContext #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QString> // for operator""_s, QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <QtCore> // for qFuzzyCompare, GlobalColor #include <algorithm> // for min, remove_if, sort #include <initializer_list> // for initializer_list #include "app/preferences.h" // for pref #include "glyphmap.h" // for GlyphMap #include "rendering/openglfunctions.h" // for OpenGLFunctions #include "rendering/primitives/arrow.h" // for Arrow #include "rendering/primitives/rectangle.h" // for Rectangle #include "rendering/primitives/sphere.h" // for Sphere #include "rendering/shading.h" // for Shading #include "shadertools.h" // for loadShaderProgram #include "shared/rendering/multisamples.h" // for multisamples #include "ui/document.h" // for Document class QVector3D; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/openglfunctions.h should add these lines: #include <QtGui/qopengl.h> // for APIENTRY, APIENTRYP, GL_ARB_sam... #include <QSurfaceFormat> // for QSurfaceFormat /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/openglfunctions.h should remove these lines: - #include <memory> // lines 30-30 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/openglfunctions.h: #include <QtGui/qopengl.h> // for APIENTRY, APIENTRYP, GL_ARB_sam... #include <QOpenGLFunctions_3_3_Core> // for QOpenGLFunctions_3_3_Core #include <QString> // for QString #include <QSurfaceFormat> // for QSurfaceFormat --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/openglfunctions.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug, qFatal #include <QtCore> // for QByteArrayLiteral, StringLiterals #include <compare> // for operator< #include <utility> // for operator<=>, pair /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/openglfunctions.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/openglfunctions.cpp: #include "openglfunctions.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug, qFatal #include <QOffscreenSurface> // for QOffscreenSurface #include <QOpenGLContext> // for QOpenGLContext #include <QOpenGLExtraFunctions> // for QOpenGLExtraFunctions #include <QSurfaceFormat> // for QSurfaceFormat #include <QtCore> // for QByteArrayLiteral, StringLiterals #include <compare> // for operator< #include <utility> // for operator<=>, pair --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/primitives/arrow.h should add these lines: #include <QtGui/qopengl.h> // for GLsizei #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for slots #include <stddef.h> // for size_t class QOpenGLShaderProgram; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/primitives/arrow.h should remove these lines: - #include <QOpenGLShaderProgram> // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/primitives/arrow.h: #include <QtGui/qopengl.h> // for GLsizei #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for slots #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QOpenGLBuffer> // for QOpenGLBuffer #include <QOpenGLVertexArrayObject> // for QOpenGLVertexArrayObject #include <vector> // for vector class QOpenGLShaderProgram; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/primitives/arrow.cpp should add these lines: #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator- #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/primitives/arrow.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/primitives/arrow.cpp: #include "arrow.h" #include <qvectornd.h> // for operator- #include <QOpenGLShaderProgram> // for QOpenGLShaderProgram #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <cmath> // for cos, sin #include <numbers> // for pi_v --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/primitives/rectangle.h should add these lines: #include <QtGui/qopengl.h> // for GLsizei class QOpenGLShaderProgram; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/primitives/rectangle.h should remove these lines: - #include <QOpenGLShaderProgram> // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/primitives/rectangle.h: #include <QtGui/qopengl.h> // for GLsizei #include <QOpenGLBuffer> // for QOpenGLBuffer #include <QOpenGLVertexArrayObject> // for QOpenGLVertexArrayObject class QOpenGLShaderProgram; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/primitives/rectangle.cpp should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QOpenGLShaderProgram> // for QOpenGLShaderProgram #include <iterator> // for begin, end #include <vector> // for vector /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/primitives/rectangle.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/primitives/rectangle.cpp: #include "rectangle.h" #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QOpenGLShaderProgram> // for QOpenGLShaderProgram #include <array> // for array #include <iterator> // for begin, end #include <vector> // for vector --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/primitives/sphere.h should add these lines: #include <QtGui/qopengl.h> // for GLsizei #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for slots #include <stddef.h> // for size_t class QOpenGLShaderProgram; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/primitives/sphere.h should remove these lines: - #include <QOpenGLShaderProgram> // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/primitives/sphere.h: #include <QtGui/qopengl.h> // for GLsizei #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for slots #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QOpenGLBuffer> // for QOpenGLBuffer #include <QOpenGLVertexArrayObject> // for QOpenGLVertexArrayObject #include <vector> // for vector class QOpenGLShaderProgram; --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/primitives/sphere.cpp has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/transition.h should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, emit, signals #include <utility> // for forward #include <vector> // for vector /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/transition.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/transition.h: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, emit, signals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <functional> // for function #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <utility> // for forward #include <vector> // for vector --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/transition.cpp should add these lines: /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/transition.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QDebug> // lines 24-24 - #include "shared/utils/utils.h" // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/transition.cpp: #include "transition.h" #include <algorithm> // for clamp #include "maths/interpolation.h" // for Interpolation --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/shadertools.h has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/shadertools.cpp should add these lines: #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QMessageLogger> // for qInstallMessageHandler, QtMsgType #include <QOpenGLShader> // for QOpenGLShader #include <string> // for allocator, operator<<, string /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/shadertools.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QObject> // lines 28-28 - #include <QtGlobal> // lines 30-30 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/shadertools.cpp: #include "shadertools.h" #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QMessageLogger> // for qInstallMessageHandler, QtMsgType #include <QOpenGLContext> // for QOpenGLContext #include <QOpenGLShader> // for QOpenGLShader #include <QOpenGLShaderProgram> // for QOpenGLShaderProgram #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s, operator+ #include <QSurfaceFormat> // for QSurfaceFormat #include <iostream> // for char_traits, basic_ostream, ope... #include <string> // for allocator, operator<<, string #include "openglfunctions.h" // for OpenGLFunctions #include "shared/utils/scope_exit.h" // for make_scope_exit --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/preferences.h should add these lines: #include <QString> // for QString /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/preferences.h should remove these lines: - class QString; // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/preferences.h: #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/preferences.cpp should add these lines: #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/preferences.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/preferences.cpp: #include "preferences.h" #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QCoreApplication> // for QCoreApplication #include <QSettings> // for QSettings #include "app/limitconstants.h" // for LimitConstants #include "app/preferenceswatcher.h" // for PreferencesWatcher, setPref #include "shared/utils/utils.h" // for normalise --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/screenshotrenderer.h should add these lines: #include <QtGui/qopengl.h> // for GLuint #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QString> // for QString #include <vector> // for vector class GraphModel; class GraphRenderer; class QImage; class QPoint; class QSize; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/screenshotrenderer.h should remove these lines: - #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // lines 22-22 - #include "graphrenderer.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/screenshotrenderer.h: #include <QtGui/qopengl.h> // for GLuint #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <vector> // for vector #include "graphcomponentrenderer.h" // for GraphComponentRenderer #include "graphrenderercore.h" // for GraphRendererCore class GraphModel; class GraphRenderer; class QImage; class QPoint; class QSize; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/screenshotrenderer.cpp should add these lines: #include <qquickopenglutils.h> // for resetOpenGLState #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, StringLite... #include <QColor> // for QColor, operator<< #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QImage> // for QImage #include <QMatrix4x4> // for operator*, QMatrix4x4 #include <QMessageLogger> // for qWarning #include <QPainter> // for QPainter #include <QPixmap> // for QPixmap #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QPointF> // for operator*, QPointF #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include <QSize> // for QSize, operator* #include <QSizeF> // for QSizeF #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <array> // for array #include <cmath> // for ceil #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "rendering/camera.h" // for Camera #include "rendering/glyphmap.h" // for GlyphMap #include "rendering/graphcomponentrenderer.h" // for GraphComponentRenderer #include "rendering/graphrenderer.h" // for GraphRenderer #include "rendering/graphrenderercore.h" // for GPUGraphData, GraphRen... #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for ComponentArray #include "shared/utils/movablepointer.h" // for MovablePointer /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/screenshotrenderer.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QDir> // lines 32-32 - #include <QQuickOpenGLUtils> // lines 33-33 - #include "graph/graph.h" // lines 21-21 - #include "graphcomponentscene.h" // lines 23-23 - #include "graphoverviewscene.h" // lines 24-24 - #include "ui/document.h" // lines 28-28 - #include "ui/visualisations/elementvisual.h" // lines 29-29 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/rendering/screenshotrenderer.cpp: #include "screenshotrenderer.h" #include <qquickopenglutils.h> // for resetOpenGLState #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QBuffer> // for QBuffer #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, StringLite... #include <QColor> // for QColor, operator<< #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QImage> // for QImage #include <QMatrix4x4> // for operator*, QMatrix4x4 #include <QMessageLogger> // for qWarning #include <QPainter> // for QPainter #include <QPixmap> // for QPixmap #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QPointF> // for operator*, QPointF #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include <QSize> // for QSize, operator* #include <QSizeF> // for QSizeF #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <array> // for array #include <cmath> // for ceil #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "app/preferences.h" // for pref #include "rendering/camera.h" // for Camera #include "rendering/glyphmap.h" // for GlyphMap #include "rendering/graphcomponentrenderer.h" // for GraphComponentRenderer #include "rendering/graphrenderer.h" // for GraphRenderer #include "rendering/graphrenderercore.h" // for GPUGraphData, GraphRen... #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for ComponentArray #include "shared/utils/movablepointer.h" // for MovablePointer --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/tracking.h has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/tracking.cpp should add these lines: #include <bits/chrono.h> // for operator""s, chrono_literals #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, StringLiterals #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QCryptographicHash #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, json_ref /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/tracking.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QCryptographicHash> // lines 34-34 - #include <QStringList> // lines 41-41 - #include <chrono> // lines 47-47 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/tracking.cpp: #include "tracking.h" #include <bits/chrono.h> // for operator""s, chrono_literals #include <json_helper.h> // for json #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, StringLiterals #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QEventLoop> // for QEventLoop #include <QHostInfo> // for QHostInfo #include <QHttpMultiPart> // for QHttpMultiPart #include <QHttpPart> // for QHttpPart #include <QList> // for QList #include <QLocale> // for QLocale #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QNetworkAccessManager> // for QNetworkAccessManager #include <QNetworkReply> // for QNetworkReply #include <QNetworkRequest> // for QNetworkRequest #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QRegularExpression> // for QRegularExpression #include <QStandardPaths> // for QStandardPaths #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s, operator== #include <QSysInfo> // for QSysInfo #include <QTimer> // for QTimer #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QCryptographicHash #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, json_ref #include <thread> // for thread #include "app/preferences.h" // for pref, prefExists, setPref #include "build_defines.h" // for VERSION #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/graphtransformconfig.h should add these lines: #include <boost/variant/variant.hpp> // for variant namespace boost { template <typename T> class recursive_wrapper; } /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/graphtransformconfig.h should remove these lines: - #include <boost/variant.hpp> // lines 31-31 - #include <boost/variant/recursive_wrapper.hpp> // lines 32-32 - #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/graphtransformconfig.h: #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap #include <boost/variant/variant.hpp> // for variant #include <variant> // for variant #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/condtionfnops.h" // for Equality, Logical, Numerical (... namespace boost { template <typename T> class recursive_wrapper; } struct GraphTransformConfig::CompoundCondition; // lines 59-59 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/graphtransformconfig.cpp should add these lines: #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QChar> // for operator!= #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QMessageLogger> // for qFatal #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <algorithm> // for find_if, max #include <boost/variant/detail/apply_visitor_unary.hpp> // for apply_visitor #include <map> // for map, operator== /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/graphtransformconfig.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/graphtransformconfig.cpp: #include "graphtransformconfig.h" #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QChar> // for operator!= #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QMessageLogger> // for qFatal #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVariantList> // for QVariantList #include <algorithm> // for find_if, max #include <boost/variant/detail/apply_visitor_unary.hpp> // for apply_visitor #include <map> // for map, operator== #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graphtransformconfigparser.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/availabletransformsmodel.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_INVOKABLE, Q_OBJECT #include <QAbstractListModel> // for QAbstractListModel #include <QModelIndex> // for QModelIndex #include <QString> // for QString #include <QtCore> // for QHash, ItemDataRole /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/availabletransformsmodel.h should remove these lines: - #include <QAbstractItemModel> // lines 25-25 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/availabletransformsmodel.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_INVOKABLE, Q_OBJECT #include <QAbstractListModel> // for QAbstractListModel #include <QList> // for QList #include <QModelIndex> // for QModelIndex #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QHash, ItemDataRole #include "app/preferenceswatcher.h" // for PreferencesWatcher class GraphModel; // lines 29-29 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/availabletransformsmodel.cpp should add these lines: #include <QAbstractItemModel> // for QAbstractItemModel #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, QTypeInfo<>::isRe... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterInterface #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, iter_impl #include "preferenceswatcher.h" // for PreferencesWatcher #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/availabletransformsmodel.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/availabletransformsmodel.cpp: #include "availabletransformsmodel.h" #include <json_helper.h> // for parseJsonFrom #include <QAbstractItemModel> // for QAbstractItemModel #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, QTypeInfo<>::isRe... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterInterface #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, iter_impl #include "app/preferences.h" // for pref #include "application.h" // for Application #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "preferenceswatcher.h" // for PreferencesWatcher #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for static_block #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransformFactory --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/graphtransform.h should add these lines: #include <utility> // for forward #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType class TransformInfo; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/graphtransform.h should remove these lines: - #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // lines 22-22 - #include "transforminfo.h" // lines 31-31 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/graphtransform.h: #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include <utility> // for forward #include <vector> // for vector #include "graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransformAttribut... #include "graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransformParameter #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/utils/cancellable.h" // for Cancellable #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // for Flags #include "shared/utils/progressable.h" // for Progressable class GraphModel; // lines 41-41 class TransformInfo; class TransformedGraph; // lines 42-42 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/graphtransform.cpp should add these lines: #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMetaType> // for QMetaType #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <algorithm> // for find_if, any_of #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/graphtransform.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "graph/graph.h" // lines 22-22 - #include "shared/commands/icommand.h" // lines 25-25 - #include "shared/utils/container.h" // lines 27-27 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/graphtransform.cpp: #include "graphtransform.h" #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMetaType> // for QMetaType #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <algorithm> // for find_if, any_of #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedG... #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transformcache.h should add these lines: #include <QString> // for QString #include <algorithm> // for max #include <map> // for map #include <memory> // for unique_ptr, make_unique, operator== #include <utility> // for move /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transformcache.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transformcache.h: #include <QString> // for QString #include <algorithm> // for max #include <map> // for map #include <memory> // for unique_ptr, make_unique, operator== #include <utility> // for move #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig class GraphModel; // lines 29-29 class TransformedGraph; // lines 28-28 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transformcache.cpp should add these lines: #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transformcache.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "shared/utils/container_combine.h" // lines 26-26 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transformcache.cpp: #include "transformcache.h" #include <algorithm> // for max, copy, find_if, any_of #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains, keysFor, setIn... #include "shared/utils/iterator_range.h" // for iterator_range, make_ite... #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedGraph --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transformedgraph.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <algorithm> // for max #include <map> // for map #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include <utility> // for move #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for MultiElementType (... #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId class IEdge; class INode; template <typename T> class PassKey; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transformedgraph.h should remove these lines: - #include <QObject> // lines 33-33 - #include <functional> // lines 37-37 - #include "attributes/attribute.h" // lines 31-31 - #include "shared/utils/passkey.h" // lines 29-29 - class ICommand; // lines 42-42 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transformedgraph.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <algorithm> // for max #include <atomic> // for atomic_bool #include <map> // for map #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include <mutex> // for mutex #include <utility> // for move #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for MultiElementType (... #include "graph/graph.h" // for Edge, Graph, Node #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransform #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for EdgeArray, NodeArray #include "transformcache.h" // for TransformCache class GraphModel; // lines 41-41 class IEdge; class INode; template <typename T> class PassKey; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transformedgraph.cpp should add these lines: #include <QList> // for QList #include <Qt> // for ConnectionType #include <compare> // for operator<, strong_ordering #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransform, Identity... #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "transform/transformcache.h" // for TransformCache class IMutableGraph; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transformedgraph.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <functional> // lines 29-29 - #include "graph/componentmanager.h" // lines 21-21 - #include "shared/commands/icommand.h" // lines 24-24 - #include "shared/utils/container_combine.h" // lines 26-26 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transformedgraph.cpp: #include "transformedgraph.h" #include <QList> // for QList #include <Qt> // for ConnectionType #include <compare> // for operator<, strong_ordering #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel, AttributeCha... #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains, keysFor, remov... #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for toQStringVector #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransform, Identity... #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "transform/transformcache.h" // for TransformCache class IMutableGraph; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/graphtransformconfigparser.h should add these lines: namespace ConditionFnOp { enum class Equality; } namespace ConditionFnOp { enum class Logical; } namespace ConditionFnOp { enum class Numerical; } namespace ConditionFnOp { enum class String; } namespace ConditionFnOp { enum class Unary; } /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/graphtransformconfigparser.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/graphtransformconfigparser.h: #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include "graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType namespace ConditionFnOp { enum class Equality; } namespace ConditionFnOp { enum class Logical; } namespace ConditionFnOp { enum class Numerical; } namespace ConditionFnOp { enum class String; } namespace ConditionFnOp { enum class Unary; } --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/graphtransformconfigparser.cpp should add these lines: #include <QChar> #include <QList> #include <QMessageLogger> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/adapt_struct.hpp> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/detail/adapt_auto.hpp> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/detail/preprocessor/is_seq.hpp> #include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/aux_/preprocessor/is_seq.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/dec.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/inc.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/comparison/not_equal.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/detail/while.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/expr_iif.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/iif.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/while.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/detail/auto_rec.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/detail/is_binary.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/facilities/detail/is_empty.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/list/fold_left.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/bitand.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/bool.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/compl.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/punctuation/detail/is_begin_parens.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/detail/for.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/for.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/seq/elem.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/seq/size.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/elem.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/to_seq.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/variadic/elem.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/char_encoding/standard.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/char_encoding/unicode.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_class_tags.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_parser.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_set.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/literal_char.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/negated_char_parser.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/unicode.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/core/parse.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/directive/lexeme.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/nonterminal/rule.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/numeric/int.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/numeric/real.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/numeric/real_policies.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/alternative.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/kleene.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/list.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/optional.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/plus.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/sequence.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/string/literal_string.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/string/symbols.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/unused.hpp> #include <string> #include "attributes/condtionfnops.h" #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/graphtransformconfigparser.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QRegularExpression> // lines 27-27 - #include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp> // lines 24-24 - #include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp> // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/graphtransformconfigparser.cpp: #include "graphtransformconfigparser.h" #include <boost/boost_spirit_qstring_adapter.h> #include <QChar> #include <QDebug> #include <QList> #include <QMessageLogger> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/adapt_struct.hpp> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/detail/adapt_auto.hpp> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/detail/preprocessor/is_seq.hpp> #include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/aux_/preprocessor/is_seq.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/dec.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/inc.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/comparison/not_equal.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/detail/while.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/expr_iif.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/iif.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/while.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/detail/auto_rec.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/detail/is_binary.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/facilities/detail/is_empty.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/list/fold_left.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/bitand.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/bool.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/compl.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/punctuation/detail/is_begin_parens.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/detail/for.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/for.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/seq/elem.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/seq/size.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/elem.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/to_seq.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/variadic/elem.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/char_encoding/standard.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/char_encoding/unicode.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_class_tags.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_parser.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_set.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/literal_char.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/negated_char_parser.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/unicode.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/core/parse.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/directive/lexeme.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/nonterminal/rule.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/numeric/int.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/numeric/real.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/numeric/real_policies.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/alternative.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/kleene.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/list.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/optional.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/plus.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/sequence.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/string/literal_string.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/string/symbols.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/unused.hpp> #include <string> #include "attributes/condtionfnops.h" #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/attributesynthesistransform.h should add these lines: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for IAttribute #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/attributesynthesistransform.h should remove these lines: - #include "attributes/attribute.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/attributesynthesistransform.h: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for IAttribute #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/utils/redirects.h" // for redirectLink #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/attributesynthesistransform.cpp should add these lines: #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <type_traits> // for remove_reference #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for ElementIdArray #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType, Alert /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/attributesynthesistransform.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/attributesynthesistransform.cpp: #include "attributesynthesistransform.h" #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QRegularExpression> // for QRegularExpression, QReg... #include <memory> // for make_unique, unique_ptr #include <type_traits> // for remove_reference #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for ElementIdArray #include "shared/utils/typeidentity.h" // for TypeIdentity #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedGraph #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType, Alert --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/averageattributetransform.h should add these lines: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/averageattributetransform.h should remove these lines: - #include "attributes/attribute.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/averageattributetransform.h: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/averageattributetransform.cpp should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QMessageLogger> // for qFatal #include <map> // for map #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for ElementIdArray #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType, Alert /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/averageattributetransform.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QRegularExpression> // lines 29-29 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/averageattributetransform.cpp: #include "averageattributetransform.h" #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QMessageLogger> // for qFatal #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <map> // for map #include <memory> // for make_unique, unique_ptr #include <type_traits> // for remove_reference #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for ElementIdArray #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedGraph #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType, Alert --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/betweennesstransform.h should add these lines: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/betweennesstransform.h should remove these lines: - #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/betweennesstransform.h: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/utils/redirects.h" // for redirectLink #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransformFactory, Def... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/betweennesstransform.cpp should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QtCore> // for operator""_s, StringLiterals #include <algorithm> // for copy, max #include <atomic> // for atomic_int, __atomic_base #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId, ElementId struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/betweennesstransform.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <map> // lines 30-30 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/betweennesstransform.cpp: #include "betweennesstransform.h" #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QtCore> // for operator""_s, StringLiterals #include <algorithm> // for copy, max #include <atomic> // for atomic_int, __atomic_base #include <cstdint> // for int64_t #include <queue> // for queue #include <stack> // for stack #include <thread> // for thread #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId, ElementId #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for NodeArray, GenericGraphArray #include "shared/utils/threadpool.h" // for parallel_for #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedGraph struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/conditionalattributetransform.h should add these lines: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for IAttribute #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransformParameter class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/conditionalattributetransform.h should remove these lines: - #include <vector> // lines 25-25 - #include "attributes/attribute.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/conditionalattributetransform.h: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for IAttribute #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransformFactory #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransformParameter class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/conditionalattributetransform.cpp should add these lines: #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <functional> // for operator== #include <type_traits> // for remove_reference #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for ElementIdArray #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType, Alert /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/conditionalattributetransform.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <algorithm> // lines 25-25 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/conditionalattributetransform.cpp: #include "conditionalattributetransform.h" #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <functional> // for operator== #include <type_traits> // for remove_reference #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "attributes/conditionfncreator.h" // for CreateConditionFnFor #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for ElementIdArray #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedGraph #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType, Alert --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/combineattributestransform.h should add these lines: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for IAttribute #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/combineattributestransform.h should remove these lines: - #include "attributes/attribute.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/combineattributestransform.h: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for IAttribute #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/combineattributestransform.cpp should add these lines: #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <type_traits> // for remove_reference #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for ElementIdArray #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType, Alert /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/combineattributestransform.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QRegularExpression> // lines 29-29 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/combineattributestransform.cpp: #include "combineattributestransform.h" #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <memory> // for make_unique, unique_ptr #include <type_traits> // for remove_reference #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for ElementIdArray #include "shared/utils/typeidentity.h" // for TypeIdentity #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedGraph #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType, Alert --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/contractbyattributetransform.h should add these lines: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/contractbyattributetransform.h should remove these lines: - #include <vector> // lines 27-27 - #include "attributes/attribute.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/contractbyattributetransform.h: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/utils/redirects.h" // for redirectLink #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/contractbyattributetransform.cpp should add these lines: #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <functional> // for operator==, function #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/condtionfnops.h" // for Equality #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for EdgeIdSet #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/contractbyattributetransform.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // lines 22-22 - #include "shared/utils/string.h" // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/contractbyattributetransform.cpp: #include "contractbyattributetransform.h" #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <functional> // for operator==, function #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/conditionfncreator.h" // for CreateConditionFnFor #include "attributes/condtionfnops.h" // for Equality #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for EdgeIdSet #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedGraph #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/eccentricitytransform.h should add these lines: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/eccentricitytransform.h should remove these lines: - #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/eccentricitytransform.h: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransformFactory, Def... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/eccentricitytransform.cpp should add these lines: #include <QtCore> // for operator""_s, StringL... #include <algorithm> // for max #include <atomic> // for atomic_int, __atomic_... #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdMap #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for NodeArray, GenericGra... #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/eccentricitytransform.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <map> // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/eccentricitytransform.cpp: #include "eccentricitytransform.h" #include <QtCore> // for operator""_s, StringL... #include <algorithm> // for max #include <atomic> // for atomic_int, __atomic_... #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <queue> // for priority_queue #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdMap #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for NodeArray, GenericGra... #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge #include "shared/utils/threadpool.h" // for parallel_for #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedGraph struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/edgereductiontransform.h should add these lines: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransformParameter class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/edgereductiontransform.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/edgereductiontransform.h: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransformFactory #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransformParameter class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/edgereductiontransform.cpp should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QtCore> // for operator""_s, StringLite... #include <algorithm> // for max #include <variant> // for get #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId, NodeId #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for EdgeArray #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for INode #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/edgereductiontransform.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/edgereductiontransform.cpp: #include "edgereductiontransform.h" #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QtCore> // for operator""_s, StringLite... #include <algorithm> // for max #include <memory> // for make_unique, unique_ptr #include <random> // for mt19937, uniform_int_dis... #include <variant> // for get #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId, NodeId #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for EdgeArray #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for INode #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedGraph --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/edgecontractiontransform.h should add these lines: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/edgecontractiontransform.h should remove these lines: - #include <vector> // lines 27-27 - #include "attributes/attribute.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/edgecontractiontransform.h: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/utils/redirects.h" // for redirectLink #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransformFactory, GraphTr... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/edgecontractiontransform.cpp should add these lines: #include <functional> // for operator==, function #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for EdgeIdSet #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/edgecontractiontransform.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // lines 22-22 - #include "shared/utils/string.h" // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/edgecontractiontransform.cpp: #include "edgecontractiontransform.h" #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <functional> // for operator==, function #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/conditionfncreator.h" // for CreateConditionFnFor #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for EdgeIdSet #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedGraph #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/forwardmultielementattributetransform.h should add these lines: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/forwardmultielementattributetransform.h should remove these lines: - #include "attributes/attribute.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/forwardmultielementattributetransform.h: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/forwardmultielementattributetransform.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QMessageLogger> // for qFatal #include <algorithm> // for fill, max #include <type_traits> // for remove_reference #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for ElementIdDistinctS... #include "graph/graph.h" // for Graph #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId, NodeId #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for ElementIdArray #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType, Alert /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/forwardmultielementattributetransform.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "shared/utils/typeidentity.h" // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/forwardmultielementattributetransform.cpp: #include "forwardmultielementattributetransform.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QMessageLogger> // for qFatal #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <algorithm> // for fill, max #include <memory> // for make_unique, uniqu... #include <type_traits> // for remove_reference #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for ElementIdDistinctS... #include "graph/graph.h" // for Graph #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId, NodeId #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for ElementIdArray #include "shared/utils/msvcwarningsuppress.h" // for MSVC_WARNING_SUPPR... #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedGraph #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType, Alert --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/separatebyattributetransform.h should add these lines: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/separatebyattributetransform.h should remove these lines: - #include <vector> // lines 25-25 - #include "attributes/attribute.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/separatebyattributetransform.h: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/separatebyattributetransform.cpp should add these lines: #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <functional> // for operator==, function #include <map> // for operator== #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/condtionfnops.h" // for Equality #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for EdgeIdSet #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/separatebyattributetransform.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // lines 22-22 - #include "shared/utils/string.h" // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/separatebyattributetransform.cpp: #include "separatebyattributetransform.h" #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <functional> // for operator==, function #include <map> // for operator== #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/conditionfncreator.h" // for CreateConditionFnFor #include "attributes/condtionfnops.h" // for Equality #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for EdgeIdSet #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedGraph #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/knntransform.h should add these lines: #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/knntransform.h should remove these lines: - #include <vector> // lines 27-27 - #include "attributes/attribute.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/knntransform.h: #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/utils/redirects.h" // for redirectLink #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/knntransform.cpp should add these lines: #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <cstddef> // for size_t, ptrdiff_t #include <iterator> // for distance #include <variant> // for get #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId, NodeId, ElementId #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for EdgeArray, GenericGraphA... #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge, INode #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/knntransform.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <functional> // lines 26-26 - #include "shared/utils/container.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/knntransform.cpp: #include "knntransform.h" #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <algorithm> // for partial_sort, min #include <cstddef> // for size_t, ptrdiff_t #include <iterator> // for distance #include <memory> // for make_unique, unique_ptr #include <variant> // for get #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId, NodeId, ElementId #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for EdgeArray, GenericGraphA... #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge, INode #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedGraph #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/louvaintransform.h should add these lines: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for make_unique #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/louvaintransform.h should remove these lines: - #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/louvaintransform.h: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for make_unique #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/utils/redirects.h" // for redirectLink #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransform #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/louvaintransform.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <compare> // for operator> #include <iterator> // for back_insert_iterator #include <numeric> // for accumulate #include <utility> // for pair #include <variant> // for get #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for MultiElementType #include "graph/graph.h" // for Edge, Node #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType class IMutableGraph; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/louvaintransform.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/louvaintransform.cpp: #include "louvaintransform.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <algorithm> // for copy, sort, max #include <cmath> // for log10, pow #include <compare> // for operator> #include <iterator> // for back_insert_iterator #include <map> // for map, operator== #include <numeric> // for accumulate #include <utility> // for pair #include <variant> // for get #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for MultiElementType #include "graph/graph.h" // for Edge, Node #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for NodeArray, Generic... #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedGraph #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType class IMutableGraph; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/percentnntransform.h should add these lines: #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/percentnntransform.h should remove these lines: - #include <vector> // lines 27-27 - #include "attributes/attribute.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/percentnntransform.h: #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/utils/redirects.h" // for redirectLink #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/percentnntransform.cpp should add these lines: #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <cstddef> // for size_t, ptrdiff_t #include <iterator> // for distance #include <variant> // for get #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId, NodeId, ElementId #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for EdgeArray, GenericGraphA... #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge, INode #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/percentnntransform.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <functional> // lines 26-26 - #include "shared/utils/container.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/percentnntransform.cpp: #include "percentnntransform.h" #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <algorithm> // for partial_sort, max, min #include <cstddef> // for size_t, ptrdiff_t #include <iterator> // for distance #include <memory> // for make_unique, unique_ptr #include <variant> // for get #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId, NodeId, ElementId #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for EdgeArray, GenericGraphA... #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge, INode #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedGraph #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/filtertransform.h should add these lines: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType, elementTypeAsString class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/filtertransform.h should remove these lines: - #include <vector> // lines 25-25 - #include "attributes/attribute.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/filtertransform.h: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType, elementTypeAsString #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransformFactory, GraphTr... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/filtertransform.cpp should add these lines: #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <functional> // for operator==, function #include <map> // for operator== #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId, ComponentId #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/filtertransform.cpp should remove these lines: - #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // lines 23-23 - #include "shared/utils/string.h" // lines 28-28 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/filtertransform.cpp: #include "filtertransform.h" #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <algorithm> // for max, copy #include <functional> // for operator==, function #include <map> // for operator== #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/conditionfncreator.h" // for CreateConditionFnFor #include "graph/componentmanager.h" // for ComponentManager #include "graph/graphcomponent.h" // for GraphComponent #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId, ComponentId #include "shared/utils/utils.h" // for exclusiveOr #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedGraph #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/spanningtreetransform.h should add these lines: #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransformParameter class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/spanningtreetransform.h should remove these lines: - #include <vector> // lines 27-27 - #include "attributes/attribute.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/spanningtreetransform.h: #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/utils/redirects.h" // for redirectLink #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransformFactory #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransformParameter class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/spanningtreetransform.cpp should add these lines: #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QtCore> // for operator""_s, StringLite... #include <algorithm> // for copy, max #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId, NodeId, ComponentId #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for NodeArray, EdgeArray #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge, INode #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/spanningtreetransform.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/spanningtreetransform.cpp: #include "spanningtreetransform.h" #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QtCore> // for operator""_s, StringLite... #include <algorithm> // for copy, max #include <deque> // for deque #include <memory> // for make_unique, unique_ptr #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/componentmanager.h" // for ComponentManager #include "graph/graphcomponent.h" // for GraphComponent #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId, NodeId, ComponentId #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for NodeArray, EdgeArray #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge, INode #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedGraph --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/typecasttransform.h should add these lines: #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for IAttribute #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/typecasttransform.h should remove these lines: - #include "attributes/attribute.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/typecasttransform.h: #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for IAttribute #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransfo... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/typecasttransform.cpp should add these lines: #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId, NodeId #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType, Alert /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/typecasttransform.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/typecasttransform.cpp: #include "typecasttransform.h" #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <memory> // for make_unique, unique_ptr #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for EdgeId, NodeId #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType, Alert class TransformedGraph; // lines 27-27 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/removeleavestransform.h should add these lines: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransformParameter class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/removeleavestransform.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/removeleavestransform.h: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransformFactory #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransformParameter class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/removeleavestransform.cpp should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QtCore> // for operator""_s, StringLite... #include <algorithm> // for max #include <variant> // for get #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for INode #include "shared/utils/progressable.h" // for Progressable #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/removeleavestransform.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/removeleavestransform.cpp: #include "removeleavestransform.h" #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QtCore> // for operator""_s, StringLite... #include <algorithm> // for max #include <memory> // for make_unique, unique_ptr #include <variant> // for get #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for INode #include "shared/utils/progressable.h" // for Progressable #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedGraph --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/mcltransform.h should add these lines: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransformParameter class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/mcltransform.h should remove these lines: - #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/mcltransform.h: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/utils/redirects.h" // for redirectLink #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransformFactory #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransformParameter class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/mcltransform.cpp should add these lines: #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <blaze/math/Matrix.h> // for operator<< #include <blaze/math/StorageOrder.h> // for columnMajor #include <blaze/math/TransposeFlag.h> // for columnVector #include <blaze/math/dense/DynamicVector.h> // for DynamicVector #include <blaze/math/expressions/SMatForEachExpr.h> // for SMatForEachExpr #include <blaze/math/functors/Pow.h> // for Pow #include <blaze/math/simd/SIMDTrait.h> // for SIMDTraitBase<>:... #include <blaze/math/smp/default/Functions.h> // for setNumThreads #include <blaze/math/sparse/CompressedMatrix.h> // for CompressedMatrix #include <blaze/util/Types.h> // for size_t #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <atomic> // for atomic, __atomic... #include <cmath> // for pow #include <cstddef> // for size_t, ptrdiff_t #include <iterator> // for input_iterator_tag #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <ostream> // for operator<<, basi... #include <string> // for char_traits, string #include <utility> // for move #include <variant> // for get #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdMap #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for NodeArray, Gener... #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformCo... /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/mcltransform.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <blaze/Blaze.h> // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/mcltransform.cpp: #include "mcltransform.h" #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <blaze/math/Matrix.h> // for operator<< #include <blaze/math/StorageOrder.h> // for columnMajor #include <blaze/math/TransposeFlag.h> // for columnVector #include <blaze/math/dense/DynamicVector.h> // for DynamicVector #include <blaze/math/expressions/SMatForEachExpr.h> // for SMatForEachExpr #include <blaze/math/functors/Pow.h> // for Pow #include <blaze/math/simd/SIMDTrait.h> // for SIMDTraitBase<>:... #include <blaze/math/smp/default/Functions.h> // for setNumThreads #include <blaze/math/sparse/CompressedMatrix.h> // for CompressedMatrix #include <blaze/util/Types.h> // for size_t #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QDebug> // for QDebug, operator<< #include <QElapsedTimer> // for QElapsedTimer #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <algorithm> // for nth_element, max #include <atomic> // for atomic, __atomic... #include <cmath> // for pow #include <cstddef> // for size_t, ptrdiff_t #include <iterator> // for input_iterator_tag #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <map> // for operator==, map #include <ostream> // for operator<<, basi... #include <set> // for set, swap #include <string> // for char_traits, string #include <thread> // for thread #include <utility> // for move #include <variant> // for get #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdMap #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for NodeArray, Gener... #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge #include "shared/utils/threadpool.h" // for parallel_for #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformCo... #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedGraph --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/pageranktransform.h should add these lines: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/pageranktransform.h should remove these lines: - #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/pageranktransform.h: #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/utils/redirects.h" // for redirectLink #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransformFactory, Def... class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/pageranktransform.cpp should add these lines: #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <blaze/math/Vector.h> // for operator<< #include <blaze/math/dense/DenseIterator.h> // for operator!= #include <blaze/math/dense/DenseVector.h> // for max #include <blaze/math/dense/DynamicVector.h> // for DynamicVector #include <blaze/math/expressions/DVecDVecSubExpr.h> // for DVecDVecSubExpr #include <blaze/math/expressions/DVecForEachExpr.h> // for DVecForEachExpr #include <blaze/math/expressions/DVecScalarDivExpr.h> // for operator/ #include <blaze/math/expressions/DVecScalarMultExpr.h> // for DVecScalarMul... #include <blaze/math/expressions/DenseVector.h> // for DenseVector #include <blaze/math/functors/Abs.h> // for Abs #include <blaze/math/simd/Multiplication.h> // for operator* #include <blaze/math/simd/SIMDTrait.h> // for SIMDTraitBase... #include <blaze/math/smp/default/DenseVector.h> // for smpAssign #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <algorithm> // for copy, max #include <deque> // for deque, operat... #include <iosfwd> // for stringstream #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "shared/attributes/iattributerange.h" // for IAttributeRange #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, Compo... #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdMap #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for NodeArray #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge, INode #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent struct GraphTransformConfig; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/pageranktransform.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <blaze/Blaze.h> // lines 27-27 - #include <map> // lines 32-32 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/transform/transforms/pageranktransform.cpp: #include "pageranktransform.h" #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <blaze/math/Vector.h> // for operator<< #include <blaze/math/dense/DenseIterator.h> // for operator!= #include <blaze/math/dense/DenseVector.h> // for max #include <blaze/math/dense/DynamicVector.h> // for DynamicVector #include <blaze/math/expressions/DVecDVecSubExpr.h> // for DVecDVecSubExpr #include <blaze/math/expressions/DVecForEachExpr.h> // for DVecForEachExpr #include <blaze/math/expressions/DVecScalarDivExpr.h> // for operator/ #include <blaze/math/expressions/DVecScalarMultExpr.h> // for DVecScalarMul... #include <blaze/math/expressions/DenseVector.h> // for DenseVector #include <blaze/math/functors/Abs.h> // for Abs #include <blaze/math/simd/Multiplication.h> // for operator* #include <blaze/math/simd/SIMDTrait.h> // for SIMDTraitBase... #include <blaze/math/smp/default/DenseVector.h> // for smpAssign #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QElapsedTimer> // for QElapsedTimer #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <algorithm> // for copy, max #include <deque> // for deque, operat... #include <iosfwd> // for stringstream #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "graph/componentmanager.h" // for ComponentManager #include "graph/graphcomponent.h" // for GraphComponent #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "shared/attributes/iattributerange.h" // for IAttributeRange #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, Compo... #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdMap #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for NodeArray #include "shared/graph/igraph.h" // for IEdge, INode #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedGraph struct GraphTransformConfig; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphcommoninteractor.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include <Qt> // for KeyboardModifiers #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, ComponentId (... /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphcommoninteractor.h should remove these lines: - #include <QNativeGestureEvent> // lines 27-27 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphcommoninteractor.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include <Qt> // for KeyboardModifiers #include "interactor.h" // for Interactor #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, ComponentId (... #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdSet class BaseFrustum; // lines 34-34 class CommandManager; // lines 30-30 class GraphComponentRenderer; // lines 33-33 class GraphModel; // lines 29-29 class GraphRenderer; // lines 32-32 class SelectionManager; // lines 31-31 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphcommoninteractor.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QFlags> // for QFlags #include <QMatrix4x4> // for operator*, QMat... #include <QQuaternion> // for QQuaternion #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QVector2D> // for QVector2D #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <QVector4D> // for QVector4D #include <QtCore> // for MouseButton #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <map> // for operator==, _Rb... #include <vector> // for vector #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodePositions #include "maths/conicalfrustum.h" // for ConicalFrustum #include "maths/ray.h" // for Ray #include "rendering/projection.h" // for Projection #include "rendering/transition.h" // for Transition #include "shared/commands/icommandmanager.h" // for ExecutePolicy #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent #include "shared/ui/visualisations/ielementvisual.h" // for VisualFlags #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // for Flags #include "ui/interactor.h" // for Interactor class Command; class QVector3D; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphcommoninteractor.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QKeyEvent> // lines 43-43 - #include <QMouseEvent> // lines 42-42 - #include <QtMath> // lines 44-44 - #include "graphquickitem.h" // lines 20-20 - #include "rendering/graphcomponentscene.h" // lines 27-27 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphcommoninteractor.cpp: #include "graphcommoninteractor.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <QFlags> // for QFlags #include <QMatrix4x4> // for operator*, QMat... #include <QQuaternion> // for QQuaternion #include <QRect> // for QRect #include <QVector2D> // for QVector2D #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <QVector4D> // for QVector4D #include <QtCore> // for MouseButton #include <algorithm> // for clamp, min #include <cmath> // for sqrt, atan2, acos #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <map> // for operator==, _Rb... #include <vector> // for vector #include "commands/commandmanager.h" // for CommandManager #include "commands/selectnodescommand.h" // for SelectNodesCommand #include "graph/graph.h" // for Graph #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "layout/collision.h" // for Collision #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodePositions #include "maths/conicalfrustum.h" // for ConicalFrustum #include "maths/frustum.h" // for BaseFrustum #include "maths/ray.h" // for Ray #include "rendering/camera.h" // for Camera #include "rendering/graphcomponentrenderer.h" // for GraphComponentR... #include "rendering/graphrenderer.h" // for GraphRenderer #include "rendering/projection.h" // for Projection #include "rendering/transition.h" // for Transition #include "selectionmanager.h" // for SelectionManager #include "shared/commands/icommandmanager.h" // for ExecutePolicy #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent #include "shared/ui/visualisations/ielementvisual.h" // for VisualFlags #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // for Flags #include "shared/utils/utils.h" // for normaliseAngle #include "ui/interactor.h" // for Interactor #include "ui/visualisations/elementvisual.h" // for ElementVisual class Command; class QVector3D; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphcomponentinteractor.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdSet class ComponentId; class GraphComponentRenderer; class GraphComponentScene; class GraphRenderer; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphcomponentinteractor.h should remove these lines: - #include <memory> // lines 27-27 - #include "rendering/graphcomponentscene.h" // lines 23-23 - class GraphQuickItem; // lines 32-32 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphcomponentinteractor.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include "graphcommoninteractor.h" // for GraphCommonInteractor #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdSet class CommandManager; // lines 30-30 class ComponentId; class GraphComponentRenderer; class GraphComponentScene; class GraphModel; // lines 29-29 class GraphRenderer; class SelectionManager; // lines 31-31 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphcomponentinteractor.cpp should add these lines: #include <QPointF> // for QPointF #include "rendering/transition.h" // for Transition #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, ComponentId (p... #include "ui/graphcommoninteractor.h" // for GraphCommonInteractor /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphcomponentinteractor.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QKeyEvent> // lines 40-40 - #include <QMouseEvent> // lines 39-39 - #include <QtMath> // lines 41-41 - #include <cmath> // lines 42-42 - #include "commands/commandmanager.h" // lines 23-23 - #include "graph/graph.h" // lines 30-30 - #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // lines 31-31 - #include "graphquickitem.h" // lines 21-21 - #include "layout/collision.h" // lines 37-37 - #include "maths/boundingsphere.h" // lines 33-33 - #include "maths/plane.h" // lines 35-35 - #include "selectionmanager.h" // lines 20-20 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphcomponentinteractor.cpp: #include "graphcomponentinteractor.h" #include <QPointF> // for QPointF #include "maths/frustum.h" // for Frustum #include "rendering/camera.h" // for Camera #include "rendering/graphcomponentrenderer.h" // for GraphComponentRenderer #include "rendering/graphcomponentscene.h" // for GraphComponentScene #include "rendering/graphrenderer.h" // for GraphRenderer #include "rendering/transition.h" // for Transition #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, ComponentId (p... #include "ui/graphcommoninteractor.h" // for GraphCommonInteractor --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/document.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_INVOKABLE, Q_PROPERTY #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVariantList> // for QVariantList #include <map> // for map #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for ExactNodePositions #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdSet #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // for Flags class AvailableAttributesModel; class AvailableTransformsModel; class GraphQuickItem; class ICommandManager; class IGraphModel; class IPluginInstance; class ISelectionManager; class LayoutSetting; class ParserThread; class QAbstractItemModel; class QUrl; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/document.h should remove these lines: - #include <QQuickItem> // lines 42-42 - #include <QUrl> // lines 45-45 - #include <mutex> // lines 51-51 - #include "attributes/availableattributesmodel.h" // lines 24-24 - #include "attributes/enrichmenttablemodel.h" // lines 40-40 - #include "loading/parserthread.h" // lines 28-28 - #include "rendering/projection.h" // lines 29-29 - #include "rendering/shading.h" // lines 30-30 - #include "shared/plugins/iplugin.h" // lines 31-31 - #include "transform/availabletransformsmodel.h" // lines 36-36 - #include "ui/findoptions.h" // lines 37-37 - #include "ui/graphquickitem.h" // lines 38-38 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/document.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_INVOKABLE, Q_PROPERTY #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, StringLit... #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVariantList> // for QVariantList #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap #include <atomic> // for atomic_bool #include <map> // for map #include <memory> // for unique_ptr, shared_ptr #include <vector> // for vector #include "app/preferenceswatcher.h" // for PreferencesWatcher #include "commands/commandmanager.h" // for CommandManager #include "graph/qmlelementid.h" // for QmlNodeId #include "layout/layout.h" // for LayoutSettingKeyValue #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for ExactNodePositions #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdSet #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/ui/idocument.h" // for MessageBoxButton, IDo... #include "shared/utils/deferredexecutor.h" // for DeferredExecutor #include "shared/utils/failurereason.h" // for FailureReason #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // for Flags #include "shared/utils/qmlenum.h" // for DEFINE_QML_ENUM, QML_... class Application; // lines 57-57 class AttributeEdits; // lines 62-62 class AvailableAttributesModel; class AvailableTransformsModel; class Graph; // lines 56-56 class GraphModel; // lines 58-58 class GraphQuickItem; class ICommandManager; class IGraphModel; class IPluginInstance; class ISelectionManager; class LayoutSetting; class ParserThread; class QAbstractItemModel; class QUrl; class SearchManager; // lines 59-59 class SelectionManager; // lines 60-60 class TabularData; // lines 61-61 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/document.cpp should add these lines: #include <bits/chrono.h> // for operator""ms #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtenvironmentvariables.h> // for qEnvironmen... #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QCoreApplication> // for QCoreApplic... #include <QDataStream> // for QDataStream #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QMetaType> // for QMetaType #include <QRegularExpression> // for QRegularExp... #include <QTextStream> // for QTextStream #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <Qt> // for ConnectionType #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegister... #include <algorithm> // for sort, all_of #include <compare> // for operator< #include <functional> // for function #include <iterator> // for next, prev #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json #include <set> // for set, swap #include <utility> // for move, as_const #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "attributes/availableattributesmodel.h" // for AvailableAt... #include "attributes/condtionfnops.h" // for String #include "attributes/enrichmenttablemodel.h" // for EnrichmentT... #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for MultiElemen... #include "graph/graph.h" // for Graph #include "layout/layoutsettings.h" // for LayoutSetting #include "preferenceswatcher.h" // for Preferences... #include "rendering/projection.h" // for Projection #include "rendering/shading.h" // for Shading #include "shared/attributes/iattributerange.h" // for IAttributeR... #include "shared/commands/command.h" // for Command #include "shared/commands/icommand.h" // for ICommand #include "shared/commands/icommandmanager.h" // for ExecutePolicy #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for NodeArray #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphCompo... #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" // for IMutableGraph #include "shared/loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/statistics.h" // for Statistics #include "transform/availabletransformsmodel.h" // for AvailableTr... #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransf... #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransf... #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransf... #include "transform/transforminfo.h" // for TransformInfo #include "ui/alert.h" // for Alert, Aler... #include "ui/findoptions.h" // for FindOptions #include "ui/visualisations/visualisationconfig.h" // for Visualisati... class ISelectionManager; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/document.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QQmlEngine> // lines 85-85 - #include <QQmlProperty> // lines 74-74 - #include <chrono> // lines 72-72 - #include <numeric> // lines 70-70 - #include "attributes/attributeedits.h" // lines 61-61 - #include "layout/collision.h" // lines 44-44 - #include "loading/nativesaver.h" // lines 39-39 - #include "shared/loading/userelementdata.h" // lines 31-31 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/document.cpp: #include "document.h" #include <bits/chrono.h> // for operator""ms #include <json_helper.h> // for parseJsonFrom #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtenvironmentvariables.h> // for qEnvironmen... #include <stdint.h> // for uint64_t #include <QAbstractItemModel> // for QAbstractIt... #include <QApplication> // for QApplication #include <QClipboard> // for QClipboard #include <QCollator> // for QCollator #include <QCoreApplication> // for QCoreApplic... #include <QDataStream> // for QDataStream #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QElapsedTimer> // for QElapsedTimer #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QMessageBox> // for QMessageBox #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QMetaObject> // for QMetaObject #include <QMetaType> // for QMetaType #include <QRegularExpression> // for QRegularExp... #include <QTextStream> // for QTextStream #include <QThread> // for QThread #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVariantList> // for QVariantList #include <QVector3D> // for QVector3D #include <QVector> // for QVector #include <Qt> // for ConnectionType #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegister... #include <algorithm> // for sort, all_of #include <compare> // for operator< #include <functional> // for function #include <iterator> // for next, prev #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json #include <set> // for set, swap #include <thread> // for sleep_for #include <utility> // for move, as_const #include "../crashhandler.h" // for CrashHandler #include "application.h" // for Application #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "attributes/availableattributesmodel.h" // for AvailableAt... #include "attributes/conditionfncreator.h" // for CreateCondi... #include "attributes/condtionfnops.h" // for String #include "attributes/enrichmentcalculator.h" // for EnrichmentC... #include "attributes/enrichmenttablemodel.h" // for EnrichmentT... #include "commands/applytransformscommand.h" // for ApplyTransf... #include "commands/applyvisualisationscommand.h" // for ApplyVisual... #include "commands/cloneattributecommand.h" // for CloneAttrib... #include "commands/deletenodescommand.h" // for DeleteNodes... #include "commands/editattributecommand.h" // for EditAttribu... #include "commands/importattributescommand.h" // for ImportAttri... #include "commands/removeattributescommand.h" // for RemoveAttri... #include "commands/selectnodescommand.h" // for SelectNodes... #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for MultiElemen... #include "graph/graph.h" // for Graph #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "graphquickitem.h" // for GraphQuickItem #include "layout/forcedirectedlayout.h" // for ForceDirect... #include "layout/layout.h" // for LayoutThread #include "layout/layoutsettings.h" // for LayoutSetting #include "limitconstants.h" // for LimitConstants #include "loading/isaver.h" // for ISaver, ISa... #include "loading/nativeloader.h" // for Loader #include "loading/parserthread.h" // for ParserThread #include "preferences.h" // for pref #include "preferenceswatcher.h" // for Preferences... #include "rendering/projection.h" // for Projection #include "rendering/shading.h" // for Shading #include "searchmanager.h" // for SearchManager #include "selectionmanager.h" // for SelectionMa... #include "shared/attributes/iattributerange.h" // for IAttributeR... #include "shared/commands/command.h" // for Command #include "shared/commands/icommand.h" // for ICommand #include "shared/commands/icommandmanager.h" // for ExecutePolicy #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for NodeArray #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphCompo... #include "shared/graph/igraphmodel.h" // for IGraphModel #include "shared/graph/imutablegraph.h" // for IMutableGraph #include "shared/loading/iparser.h" // for IParser #include "shared/plugins/iplugin.h" // for IPluginInst... #include "shared/utils/color.h" // for contrasting... #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // for Flags #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for static_block #include "shared/utils/statistics.h" // for Statistics #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for escapeQuotes #include "transform/availabletransformsmodel.h" // for AvailableTr... #include "transform/graphtransform.h" // for GraphTransf... #include "transform/graphtransformattributeparameter.h" // for GraphTransf... #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransf... #include "transform/graphtransformconfigparser.h" // for GraphTransf... #include "transform/graphtransformparameter.h" // for GraphTransf... #include "transform/transforminfo.h" // for TransformInfo #include "ui/alert.h" // for Alert, Aler... #include "ui/findoptions.h" // for FindOptions #include "ui/visualisations/visualisationconfig.h" // for Visualisati... #include "ui/visualisations/visualisationconfigparser.h" // for Visualisati... #include "ui/visualisations/visualisationinfo.h" // for Visualisati... class ISelectionManager; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphoverviewinteractor.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for ComponentId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdSet class GraphComponentRenderer; class GraphRenderer; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphoverviewinteractor.h should remove these lines: - #include <memory> // lines 26-26 - class GraphQuickItem; // lines 32-32 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphoverviewinteractor.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include "graphcommoninteractor.h" // for GraphCommonInteractor #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for ComponentId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdSet class CommandManager; // lines 30-30 class GraphComponentRenderer; class GraphModel; // lines 28-28 class GraphOverviewScene; // lines 29-29 class GraphRenderer; class SelectionManager; // lines 31-31 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphoverviewinteractor.cpp should add these lines: #include <QPointF> // for QPointF #include <vector> // for vector #include "maths/circle.h" // for Circle #include "maths/frustum.h" // for Frustum #include "rendering/camera.h" // for Camera #include "rendering/graphcomponentrenderer.h" // for GraphComponentRenderer #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for GenericGraphArray #include "ui/graphcommoninteractor.h" // for GraphCommonInteractor /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphoverviewinteractor.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QMouseEvent> // lines 31-31 - #include <QWheelEvent> // lines 32-32 - #include "commands/commandmanager.h" // lines 23-23 - #include "graphquickitem.h" // lines 20-20 - #include "selectionmanager.h" // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphoverviewinteractor.cpp: #include "graphoverviewinteractor.h" #include <QPointF> // for QPointF #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/graph.h" // for Graph #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "maths/circle.h" // for Circle #include "maths/frustum.h" // for Frustum #include "rendering/camera.h" // for Camera #include "rendering/graphcomponentrenderer.h" // for GraphComponentRenderer #include "rendering/graphoverviewscene.h" // for GraphOverviewScene #include "rendering/graphrenderer.h" // for GraphRenderer #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for GenericGraphArray #include "ui/graphcommoninteractor.h" // for GraphCommonInteractor --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/selectionmanager.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for emit, Q_OBJECT, signals #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QString> // for QString #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdSet /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/selectionmanager.h should remove these lines: - #include <memory> // lines 27-27 - #include "shared/utils/container.h" // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/selectionmanager.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for emit, Q_OBJECT, signals #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <mutex> // for recursive_mutex, uniq... #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdSet #include "shared/ui/iselectionmanager.h" // for ISelectionManager class GraphModel; // lines 30-30 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/selectionmanager.cpp should add these lines: #include <map> // for operator==, _Rb_tr... #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for MultiElementType #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for GenericGraphArray #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/selectionmanager.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <algorithm> // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/selectionmanager.cpp: #include "selectionmanager.h" #include <array> // for array #include <map> // for operator==, _Rb_tr... #include <utility> // for move #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for MultiElementType #include "graph/graph.h" // for Graph #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for GenericGraphArray #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphquickitem.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_INVOKABLE, slots #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, ComponentId class QImage; class QMouseEvent; class QQuickItem; class QWheelEvent; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphquickitem.h should remove these lines: - #include <QDesktopServices> // lines 31-31 - #include <QImage> // lines 30-30 - #include <QTimer> // lines 27-27 - class ICommand; // lines 38-38 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphquickitem.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_INVOKABLE, slots #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QEvent> // for QEvent #include <QQuickFramebufferObject> // for QQuickFramebufferObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include <queue> // for queue #include <vector> // for vector #include "graph/qmlelementid.h" // for QmlNodeId #include "rendering/projection.h" // for Projection #include "rendering/shading.h" // for Shading #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, ComponentId class CommandManager; // lines 39-39 class GraphModel; // lines 37-37 class IGraphComponent; // lines 41-41 class QImage; class QMouseEvent; class QQuickItem; class QWheelEvent; class SelectionManager; // lines 40-40 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphquickitem.cpp should add these lines: #include <QDesktopServices> // for QDesktopServices #include <QImage> // for QImage #include <QMouseEvent> // for QMouseEvent #include <QNativeGestureEvent> // for QNativeGestureEvent #include <QQuickItem> // for QQuickItem #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QWheelEvent> // for QWheelEvent #include <Qt> // for ConnectionType #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include <algorithm> // for copy, count_if, find #include <iterator> // for distance #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for MultiElementType #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent class Command; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphquickitem.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QQmlEngine> // lines 30-30 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/graphquickitem.cpp: #include "graphquickitem.h" #include <QDesktopServices> // for QDesktopServices #include <QImage> // for QImage #include <QMouseEvent> // for QMouseEvent #include <QNativeGestureEvent> // for QNativeGestureEvent #include <QQuickItem> // for QQuickItem #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QWheelEvent> // for QWheelEvent #include <Qt> // for ConnectionType #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include <algorithm> // for copy, count_if, find #include <iterator> // for distance #include "commands/commandmanager.h" // for CommandManager #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for MultiElementType #include "graph/graph.h" // for Graph #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "rendering/graphrenderer.h" // for GraphRenderer #include "shared/graph/igraphcomponent.h" // for IGraphComponent #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for static_block class Command; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/searchmanager.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_GADGET, Q_OBJECT #include <QList> // for QList #include "shared/utils/qmlenum.h" // for DEFINE_QML_ENUM /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/searchmanager.h should remove these lines: - #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/searchmanager.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_GADGET, Q_OBJECT #include <QList> // for QList #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <mutex> // for recursive_mutex #include "findoptions.h" // for FindOptions #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for NodeIdSet #include "shared/utils/flags.h" // for Flags #include "shared/utils/qmlenum.h" // for DEFINE_QML_ENUM class GraphModel; // lines 34-34 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/searchmanager.cpp should add these lines: #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <functional> // for operator==, function #include <map> // for operator== #include <utility> // for move #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "attributes/condtionfnops.h" // for String #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for ConstNodeIdDistinc... #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for NodeArray #include "ui/findoptions.h" // for FindOptions /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/searchmanager.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/searchmanager.cpp: #include "searchmanager.h" #include <QByteArrayDataPtr> // for StringLiterals #include <QRegularExpression> // for QRegularExpression #include <algorithm> // for any_of, max #include <functional> // for operator==, function #include <map> // for operator== #include <utility> // for move #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "attributes/conditionfncreator.h" // for CreateConditionFnFor #include "attributes/condtionfnops.h" // for String #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for ConstNodeIdDistinc... #include "graph/graph.h" // for Graph #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel #include "shared/attributes/iattribute.h" // for AttributeFlag #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/graph/grapharray.h" // for NodeArray #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for setsDiffer #include "ui/findoptions.h" // for FindOptions --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/enrichmentheatmapitem.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_INVOKABLE, Q_OBJECT #include <QFont> // for QFont #include <QPointF> // for QPointF #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <map> // for map #include <utility> // for pair class EnrichmentTableModel; class QCPAbstractPlottable; class QCPColorMap; class QCPColorScale; class QCPItemText; class QCPLayer; class QHoverEvent; class QMouseEvent; class QQuickItem; class QUrl; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/enrichmentheatmapitem.h should remove these lines: - #include "attributes/enrichmentcalculator.h" // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/enrichmentheatmapitem.h: #include <qcustomplotquickitem.h> // for QCustomPlotQuickItem #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_INVOKABLE, Q_OBJECT #include <QFont> // for QFont #include <QPointF> // for QPointF #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <map> // for map #include <utility> // for pair class EnrichmentTableModel; class QCPAbstractPlottable; class QCPColorMap; class QCPColorScale; class QCPItemText; class QCPLayer; class QHoverEvent; class QMouseEvent; class QQuickItem; class QUrl; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/enrichmentheatmapitem.cpp should add these lines: #include <qcustomplot.h> // for QCustomPlot, QCPAxis #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED #include <QCollator> // for QCollator #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QDesktopServices> // for QDesktopServices #include <QFontMetrics> // for QFontMetrics #include <QHoverEvent> // for QHoverEvent #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMargins> // for QMargins #include <QMouseEvent> // for QMouseEvent #include <QPen> // for QPen #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QQuickPaintedItem> // for QQuickPaintedItem #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include <QSharedPointer> // for QSharedPointer #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isRelocatable #include <QtGui> // for QBrush #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include <algorithm> // for sort #include <cmath> // for round #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/enrichmenttablemodel.h" // for EnrichmentTableModel class QQuickItem; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/enrichmentheatmapitem.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QQmlEngine> // lines 27-27 - #include <iterator> // lines 30-30 - #include "shared/utils/utils.h" // lines 21-21 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/enrichmentheatmapitem.cpp: #include "enrichmentheatmapitem.h" #include <qcustomplot.h> // for QCustomPlot, QCPAxis #include <qtpreprocessorsupport.h> // for Q_UNUSED #include <QCollator> // for QCollator #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QDesktopServices> // for QDesktopServices #include <QFontMetrics> // for QFontMetrics #include <QHoverEvent> // for QHoverEvent #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMargins> // for QMargins #include <QMouseEvent> // for QMouseEvent #include <QPen> // for QPen #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QQuickPaintedItem> // for QQuickPaintedItem #include <QRectF> // for QRectF #include <QSharedPointer> // for QSharedPointer #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isRelocatable #include <QtGui> // for QBrush #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include <algorithm> // for sort #include <cmath> // for round #include <set> // for set, operator== #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/enrichmenttablemodel.h" // for EnrichmentTableModel #include "shared/rendering/multisamples.h" // for multisamples #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for containsKey #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for static_block #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for formatNumberScientific class QQuickItem; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/colorvisualisationchannel.h should add these lines: #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType struct ElementVisual; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/colorvisualisationchannel.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/colorvisualisationchannel.h: #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "shared/ui/visualisations/colorgradient.h" // for ColorGradient #include "shared/ui/visualisations/colorpalette.h" // for ColorPalette #include "visualisationchannel.h" // for VisualisationCha... struct ElementVisual; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/colorvisualisationchannel.cpp should add these lines: #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include "ui/visualisations/elementvisual.h" // for ElementVisual #include "ui/visualisations/visualisationchannel.h" // for VisualisationCha... /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/colorvisualisationchannel.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/colorvisualisationchannel.cpp: #include "colorvisualisationchannel.h" #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include "app/preferences.h" // for pref #include "ui/visualisations/elementvisual.h" // for ElementVisual #include "ui/visualisations/visualisationchannel.h" // for VisualisationCha... --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/sizevisualisationchannel.h should add these lines: #include <QString> // for QString #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType struct ElementVisual; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/sizevisualisationchannel.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/sizevisualisationchannel.h: #include <QString> // for QString #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "visualisationchannel.h" // for VisualisationChannel struct ElementVisual; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/sizevisualisationchannel.cpp should add these lines: #include "ui/visualisations/elementvisual.h" // for ElementVisual /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/sizevisualisationchannel.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/sizevisualisationchannel.cpp: #include "sizevisualisationchannel.h" #include <QObject> // for QObject #include "ui/visualisations/elementvisual.h" // for ElementVisual --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textvisual.h has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textvisual.cpp should add these lines: class QVector3D; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textvisual.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textvisual.cpp: #include "textvisual.h" #include "layout/nodepositions.h" // for NodePositions #include "maths/boundingsphere.h" // for BoundingSphere class QVector3D; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textcolorvisualisationchannel.h should add these lines: #include <QString> // for QString #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType struct ElementVisual; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textcolorvisualisationchannel.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textcolorvisualisationchannel.h: #include <QString> // for QString #include "colorvisualisationchannel.h" // for ColorVisualisationChannel #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType struct ElementVisual; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textcolorvisualisationchannel.cpp should add these lines: #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include "shared/ui/visualisations/colorgradient.h" // for ColorGradient #include "shared/ui/visualisations/colorpalette.h" // for ColorPalette #include "ui/visualisations/elementvisual.h" // for ElementVisual /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textcolorvisualisationchannel.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textcolorvisualisationchannel.cpp: #include "textcolorvisualisationchannel.h" #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include "shared/ui/visualisations/colorgradient.h" // for ColorGradient #include "shared/ui/visualisations/colorpalette.h" // for ColorPalette #include "ui/visualisations/elementvisual.h" // for ElementVisual --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textsizevisualisationchannel.h should add these lines: #include <QString> // for QString #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType struct ElementVisual; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textsizevisualisationchannel.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textsizevisualisationchannel.h: #include <QString> // for QString #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "visualisationchannel.h" // for VisualisationChannel struct ElementVisual; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textsizevisualisationchannel.cpp should add these lines: #include "ui/visualisations/elementvisual.h" // for ElementVisual /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textsizevisualisationchannel.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textsizevisualisationchannel.cpp: #include "textsizevisualisationchannel.h" #include <QObject> // for QObject #include "ui/visualisations/elementvisual.h" // for ElementVisual --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textvisualisationchannel.h should add these lines: #include <QString> // for QString #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType class VisualisationInfo; struct ElementVisual; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textvisualisationchannel.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textvisualisationchannel.h: #include <QString> // for QString #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "visualisationchannel.h" // for VisualisationChannel class VisualisationInfo; struct ElementVisual; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textvisualisationchannel.cpp should add these lines: #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType #include "ui/visualisations/elementvisual.h" // for ElementVisual /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textvisualisationchannel.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/textvisualisationchannel.cpp: #include "textvisualisationchannel.h" #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include "app/preferences.h" // for pref #include "rendering/graphrenderer.h" // for TextState #include "shared/utils/string.h" // for formatNumberScientific #include "ui/alert.h" // for AlertType #include "ui/visualisations/elementvisual.h" // for ElementVisual #include "visualisationinfo.h" // for VisualisationInfo --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/sharedtextvisualisationchannel.h should add these lines: #include <QString> // for QString #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType, operator& #include "ui/visualisations/textvisual.h" // for TextVisuals class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct ElementVisual; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/sharedtextvisualisationchannel.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/sharedtextvisualisationchannel.h: #include <QString> // for QString #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType, operator& #include "ui/visualisations/textvisual.h" // for TextVisuals #include "visualisationchannel.h" // for VisualisationChannel class GraphModel; class TransformedGraph; struct ElementVisual; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/sharedtextvisualisationchannel.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <algorithm> // for copy, max #include <functional> // for operator==, function #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "attributes/condtionfnops.h" // for Equality #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for MultiElementType #include "graph/graph.h" // for Graph /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/sharedtextvisualisationchannel.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/sharedtextvisualisationchannel.cpp: #include "sharedtextvisualisationchannel.h" #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <algorithm> // for copy, max #include <functional> // for operator==, function #include <vector> // for vector #include "attributes/attribute.h" // for Attribute #include "attributes/conditionfncreator.h" // for CreateConditionFnFor #include "attributes/condtionfnops.h" // for Equality #include "graph/elementiddistinctsetcollection.h" // for MultiElementType #include "graph/graph.h" // for Graph #include "graph/graphmodel.h" // for GraphModel, TextVi... #include "graph/mutablegraph.h" // for MutableGraph #include "shared/graph/elementid.h" // for NodeId, EdgeId #include "shared/graph/elementid_containers.h" // for EdgeIdSet #include "transform/graphtransformconfig.h" // for GraphTransformConfig #include "transform/transformedgraph.h" // for TransformedGraph --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationchannel.h should add these lines: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QMessageLogger> // for qFatal #include <QVariant> // for QVariant struct ElementVisual; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationchannel.h should remove these lines: - #include "ui/visualisations/elementvisual.h" // lines 22-22 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationchannel.h: #include <stddef.h> // for size_t #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QMessageLogger> // for qFatal #include <QString> // for QString #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVariantMap> // for QVariantMap #include <map> // for map #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/attributes/valuetype.h" // for ValueType #include "shared/graph/elementtype.h" // for ElementType #include "ui/visualisations/textvisual.h" // for TextVisuals class GraphModel; // lines 34-34 class TransformedGraph; // lines 35-35 class VisualisationInfo; // lines 33-33 struct ElementVisual; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationchannel.cpp should add these lines: #include <algorithm> // for max /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationchannel.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationchannel.cpp: #include "visualisationchannel.h" #include <algorithm> // for max #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationconfig.h has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationconfig.cpp should add these lines: #include <QChar> // for operator!=, QChar, StringLiterals #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVariantList> // for QVariantList #include <map> // for map, operator== /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationconfig.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationconfig.cpp: #include "visualisationconfig.h" #include <QChar> // for operator!=, QChar, StringLiterals #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMap> // for QMap #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include <QVariantList> // for QVariantList #include <map> // for map, operator== #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains, setsDiffer --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationmapping.h has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationmapping.cpp should add these lines: #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s #include <QtCore> // for CaseSensitivity, StringLiterals /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationmapping.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationmapping.cpp: #include "visualisationmapping.h" #include <json_helper.h> // for parseJsonFrom #include <QDebug> // for QDebug #include <QMessageLogger> // for qDebug #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s #include <QtCore> // for CaseSensitivity, StringLiterals #include <algorithm> // for clamp #include <cmath> // for pow #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/statistics.h" // for Statistics #include "shared/utils/utils.h" // for normalise --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/updates/changelog.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_INVOKABLE, Q_OBJECT, signals /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/updates/changelog.h should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/updates/changelog.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_INVOKABLE, Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QTemporaryDir> // for QTemporaryDir --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/updates/changelog.cpp should add these lines: #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isValueInitializ... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, iter_impl /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/updates/changelog.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QQmlEngine> // lines 30-30 - #include "application.h" // lines 25-25 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/updates/changelog.cpp: #include "changelog.h" #include <json_helper.h> // for json #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QIODevice> // for QIODevice #include <QRegularExpression> // for QRegularExpression #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isValueInitializ... #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, iter_impl #include "shared/updates/updates.h" // for changeLogJson #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for static_block --- (/home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationconfigparser.h has correct #includes/fwd-decls) /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationconfigparser.cpp should add these lines: #include <QChar> #include <QMessageLogger> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/adapt_struct.hpp> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/detail/adapt_auto.hpp> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/detail/preprocessor/is_seq.hpp> #include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/aux_/preprocessor/is_seq.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/dec.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/inc.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/comparison/not_equal.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/detail/while.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/expr_iif.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/iif.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/while.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/detail/auto_rec.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/detail/is_binary.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/facilities/detail/is_empty.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/list/fold_left.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/bitand.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/bool.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/compl.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/punctuation/detail/is_begin_parens.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/detail/for.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/for.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/seq/elem.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/seq/size.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/elem.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/to_seq.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/variadic/elem.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/char_encoding/standard.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/char_encoding/unicode.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_class_tags.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_parser.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_set.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/literal_char.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/negated_char_parser.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/unicode.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/core/parse.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/directive/lexeme.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/nonterminal/rule.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/numeric/real.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/numeric/real_policies.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/alternative.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/kleene.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/list.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/optional.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/plus.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/sequence.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/string/literal_string.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/unused.hpp> #include <string> #include "ui/visualisations/visualisationconfig.h" /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationconfigparser.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp> // lines 24-24 - #include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp> // lines 23-23 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationconfigparser.cpp: #include "visualisationconfigparser.h" #include <boost/boost_spirit_qstring_adapter.h> #include <QChar> #include <QDebug> #include <QMessageLogger> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/adapt_struct.hpp> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/detail/adapt_auto.hpp> #include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/detail/preprocessor/is_seq.hpp> #include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/aux_/preprocessor/is_seq.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/dec.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/inc.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/comparison/not_equal.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/detail/while.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/expr_iif.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/iif.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/control/while.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/detail/auto_rec.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/detail/is_binary.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/facilities/detail/is_empty.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/list/fold_left.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/bitand.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/bool.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/logical/compl.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/punctuation/detail/is_begin_parens.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/detail/for.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/for.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/seq/elem.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/seq/size.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/elem.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/to_seq.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/variadic/elem.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/char_encoding/standard.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/support/char_encoding/unicode.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_class_tags.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_parser.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/char_set.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/literal_char.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/negated_char_parser.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/char/unicode.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/core/parse.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/directive/lexeme.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/nonterminal/rule.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/numeric/real.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/numeric/real_policies.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/alternative.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/kleene.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/list.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/optional.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/plus.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/operator/sequence.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/string/literal_string.hpp> #include <boost/spirit/home/x3/support/unused.hpp> #include <string> #include "ui/visualisations/visualisationconfig.h" --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationmappingplotitem.h should add these lines: #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <qcustomplot.h> // for QCPAxis, QCustomPlot #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_INVOKABLE, Q_OBJECT class QQuickItem; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationmappingplotitem.h should remove these lines: - #include <QObject> // lines 26-26 - #include <QQuickPaintedItem> // lines 27-27 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationmappingplotitem.h: #include <bits/std_abs.h> // for abs #include <qcustomplot.h> // for QCPAxis, QCustomPlot #include <qcustomplotquickitem.h> // for QCustomPlotQuickItem #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_PROPERTY, Q_INVOKABLE, Q_OBJECT #include <QList> // for QList #include "shared/utils/statistics.h" // for Statistics class QQuickItem; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationmappingplotitem.cpp should add these lines: #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QCursor> // for QCursor #include <QHoverEvent> // for QHoverEvent #include <QMouseEvent> // for QMouseEvent #include <QPen> // for QPen #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QVector> // for QVector #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isValueIniti... #include <QtGui> // for QBrush #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include <algorithm> // for clamp, max, min #include <initializer_list> // for initializer_list #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <utility> // for as_const #include <vector> // for vector class QQuickItem; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationmappingplotitem.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QQmlEngine> // lines 24-24 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/ui/visualisations/visualisationmappingplotitem.cpp: #include "visualisationmappingplotitem.h" #include <QColor> // for QColor #include <QCursor> // for QCursor #include <QHoverEvent> // for QHoverEvent #include <QMouseEvent> // for QMouseEvent #include <QPen> // for QPen #include <QPoint> // for QPoint #include <QVector> // for QVector #include <QtCore> // for QTypeInfo<>::isValueIniti... #include <QtGui> // for QBrush #include <QtQml> // for qmlRegisterType #include <algorithm> // for clamp, max, min #include <cmath> // for pow #include <initializer_list> // for initializer_list #include <limits> // for numeric_limits #include <utility> // for as_const #include <vector> // for vector #include "shared/rendering/multisamples.h" // for multisamples #include "shared/utils/static_block.h" // for static_block class QQuickItem; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/updates/updater.h should add these lines: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for slots, Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QVariant> // for QVariant /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/updates/updater.h should remove these lines: - #include <atomic> // lines 30-30 - class QByteArray; // lines 32-32 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/updates/updater.h: #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for slots, Q_OBJECT, signals #include <QNetworkAccessManager> // for QNetworkAccessManager #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QString> // for QString #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QTimer> // for QTimer #include <QVariant> // for QVariant #include "app/preferenceswatcher.h" // for PreferencesWatcher class QNetworkReply; // lines 33-33 --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/updates/updater.cpp should add these lines: #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtconfigmacros.h> // for QT_CONFIG #include <qtcore-config.h> // for QT_FEATURE_process #include <qtypes.h> // for qint64 #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, operator+, StringL... #include <QFileInfo> // for QFileInfo #include <QFlags> // for QFlags #include <QList> // for QList #include <QRegularExpression> // for QRegularExpression #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, operator<< #include <string> // for operator<< #include "preferenceswatcher.h" // for PreferencesWatcher /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/updates/updater.cpp should remove these lines: - #include <QFutureWatcher> // lines 40-40 - #include <QHttpMultiPart> // lines 45-45 - #include <QHttpPart> // lines 46-46 - #include <utility> // lines 50-50 - #include <vector> // lines 49-49 - #include "shared/utils/string.h" // lines 29-29 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/updates/updater.cpp: #include "updater.h" #include <json_helper.h> // for json #include <qassert.h> // for Q_ASSERT #include <qtconfigmacros.h> // for QT_CONFIG #include <qtcore-config.h> // for QT_FEATURE_process #include <qtypes.h> // for qint64 #include <QByteArray> // for QByteArray, operator+, StringL... #include <QDir> // for QDir, operator| #include <QFile> // for QFile #include <QFileInfo> // for QFileInfo #include <QFlags> // for QFlags #include <QList> // for QList #include <QNetworkReply> // for QNetworkReply #include <QNetworkRequest> // for QNetworkRequest #include <QProcess> // for QProcess #include <QRegularExpression> // for QRegularExpression #include <QStandardPaths> // for QStandardPaths #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QTemporaryFile> // for QTemporaryFile #include <QTimer> // for QTimer #include <QUrl> // for QUrl #include <iostream> // for char_traits, operator<<, basic... #include <json.hpp> // for basic_json, operator<< #include <string> // for operator<< #include "application.h" // for Application #include "build_defines.h" // for VERSION #include "preferences.h" // for pref #include "preferenceswatcher.h" // for PreferencesWatcher #include "shared/updates/updates.h" // for latestUpdateJson, clearUpdateS... #include "shared/utils/checksum.h" // for sha256ChecksumMatchesFile #include "shared/utils/container.h" // for contains #include "shared/utils/doasyncthen.h" // for doAsync, _Then --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/watchdog.h should add these lines: #include <bits/chrono.h> // for seconds, steady_clock #include <qtconfigmacros.h> // for QT_CONFIG #include <qtcore-config.h> // for QT_FEATURE_process #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals, slots class QTimer; /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/watchdog.h should remove these lines: - #include <QTimer> // lines 24-24 - #include <chrono> // lines 27-27 The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/watchdog.h: #include <bits/chrono.h> // for seconds, steady_clock #include <qtconfigmacros.h> // for QT_CONFIG #include <qtcore-config.h> // for QT_FEATURE_process #include <qtmetamacros.h> // for Q_OBJECT, signals, slots #include <QObject> // for QObject #include <QProcess> // for QProcess #include <QThread> // for QThread class QTimer; --- /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/watchdog.cpp should add these lines: #include <qoverload.h> // for QOverload #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMessageLogger> // for qWarning #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s, QTypeInf... #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QTimer> // for QTimer #include <compare> // for operator>, partial_ordering #include <ratio> // for ratio #include <string> // for operator<< /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/watchdog.cpp should remove these lines: The full include-list for /home/runner/work/graphia/graphia/source/app/watchdog.cpp: #include "watchdog.h" #include <qoverload.h> // for QOverload #include <valgrind/valgrind.h> // for RUNNING_ON_VALGRIND #include <QCoreApplication> // for QCoreApplication #include <QDebug> // for operator<<, QDebug #include <QLatin1Char> // for StringLiterals #include <QList> // for QList #include <QMessageBox> // for QMessageBox #include <QMessageLogger> // for qWarning #include <QProcess> // for QProcess #include <QString> // for QString, operator""_s, QTypeInf... #include <QStringList> // for QStringList #include <QTimer> // for QTimer #include <compare> // for operator>, partial_ordering #include <iostream> // for char_traits, operator<<, basic_... #include <ratio> // for ratio #include <string> // for operator<< #include "application.h" // for Application #include "shared/utils/fatalerror.h" // for FATAL_ERROR #include "shared/utils/thread.h" // for setCurrentThreadName ---